


英語 中学生


Reiwa Center Sports & Culture Programs Weekday activities From July 20th to August 27th Activity 1: Volleyball Monday, Thursday, Friday A Time 9:00 12:00 (s Practice hitting and receiving balls, ereds 19v and play games after that. Activity 3: Baseball id Wednesday, Thursday, Friday >)< 木 Time 13:00 - 16:00 Fees *fee # 1 activity : Practice playing catch and hitting 10 tuod Ted s'ai sennil balls, and play games after that. hirm us to t i in os all 3 activities:v $8 Activity 2: Music Monday, Tuesday, Thursday k 木 Der E$3 doo naje Time 9:00 - 12:00 Luoy.ai sids 89 90198 Activity 4: Art Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday "Ki 2 won 17 oli Time 13:00 - 16:00 Thesteni ades nomel beded, Draw pictures and fold paper to make now Practice playing musical instruments, DA UOOL and play on stage. on llomis dolls or animals. 2 activities: wen ed od 4 activities: siq aidquq $10baladrok LAORI JUMOSO9* bas When you come with your friends, you will get a 20 percent discount each. sigle (Rivili You have to make a call ahead to make an *appointment. *appointment ** Jml 08 82001 $5 YOM ladandTim You have to come to the Reiwa Center 15 minutes before the activity. 08 mpmal gdad sw.bluoda glad w bluode 001 misel of snew I foaisen wen ve vo Call the Reiwa Center at 333-123-654310 sig umug smor teg spinave edini nieque.edi 12 On what day of the week do they have no activities at the Reiwa Center? Joodse mot emod ten Hoy Roig blad of 2 If you join Activity 1 and Activity 3, how much should you pay? UO 3 If you have three activities with your friends, how much should you pay? NO 4 If you join Activity 4, what time do you have to come to the Riewa Center? Tanginot rannch ob tad

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英語 中学生

New Horizonの中1のP60~64なんですけど、日本語訳が分からなくて日本語訳を知りたいです!出来れば単語と日本語訳をセットで… あ、本文のみで大丈夫です

Story ② entence 朝美のスピーチが続きます。 本文と質問を聞き、 答えを○で囲みましょう。 [⑩ Takuya writes a blog about school life. local food, nature, and nice spots for diving in Cebu. He doesn't write very offten, but he gets a lot of nice comments. I enjoy his blog very much. Takuya usually posts pictures on his blog, but hes can't take pictures in the sea. waterproof camera. So he wants one. loves the beautiful sea life. Thank you. He doesn't have a He really 卓也はなぜ防水カメラをほしがっているのでしょうか。 近な Takuya writes a blog. Takuya does not write a blog. tice 例 Takuya doesn't write a blog. 皮の友人の習慣や様子です。 ya / have / a bike ② he / call / his family © ] もしもし [70 words] & New Words blog 0 local spot(s) ✓ does □comment(s) pöst(s) waterproof ✓ camera a lot of... very much doesn't does not 小学校の単語 write(s) life nature much take family ► p.66 Grammar 4 主語が 1, you以外で単数の場合、 否定文 では動詞の前に does not [doesn't] が 入る。このとき動詞にはs, es をつけない。 Yuna / like / scuba diving mehoity Listen ・ピー 1 ジョシュのスピーチを聞いて、正しいほうを選びましょう。 ① 友達の亜実 (Ami)は ②亜実は トランペット 毎日 2 海斗のスピーチを聞いて、正しいものを選びましょう。 ① 飼い犬のモモの見た目は ② モモと海斗はよく公園で 相手の名前( ① 年齢 ② 住んでいる場所 ③ペット Speak & Write 1 ペアになり,次の ① ~ ④ についてインタビューしましょう。 質問が終わったら、下の表にメモしましょう。 ④ 趣味 (好きなこと) pp.59-60 ① She [He] is (2) 4 [ いっしょに走る □ フルート] をふく。 ○ ときどき] 朝早く学校で練習する ) □ ボール遊びをする]。 21 のインタビューでわかったことをまとめましょう。 is my friend. How old are you? Where do you live? Do you have any pets ? 何かペット A Speech out my What do you do in your free time? 自由な時間 p.154 好きなこと years old. nike 書いた文はp.63の活動 また使うよ。 しっかり記録しておこ in her [his] free 彼女の

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