


英語 中学生


RS たgemmCYukDa の の本んであとの間いに和えるい yant to kow Wh ou Ia you look ata ws ee kireinder AS waerrdek tyo mo eatree dme turn day tu kw yo tels you how Iong it wi be ni sel 0耳 BendS 66 5555D5553HR * ed no neea One day was much like for clocke or calendars dy Hike another Time was not vary eo の 本 mn people ha a amd on what day tt wil ea eed to measure time。 they did it by uma* moonar 。ai as one day (twentyour hours ) A short jourmey SE er summers・ A Tam wo r hree day 人A moonr was the tengtu or dme ここ こ < mee hn Me meom fom round amd bdEHC 9 de eu ack re ae eS 528 cn back to rond amd night robably people didnt start looking for a beter wa Sa jow they should plant crops for SR ET PE ycar they shouid put eeed im the ground。 The sun and tte moon NOSCC 』 But the stars could! (length 長き ロ) ①の信所に適する語を[ ]から1つ選び, 空所に章きなさい。 [ come go turn see keep 2) 下線部のの英文を日本文にしなさい ただし. 最初と最後の it が何をきすかを明らかにすること。 3) 本到の内容に合うもるのをアーオから選び, 記号で答えなさい。 アァ Itisarole of a clock to tell tme during a ye. ィ People have needed clocks or calendars for more (Han thousands GE years。 Thousands of years ag0, a "moonl meant the jength of a might ェ Abetter way of measuring tirme started when people had a Short journey. they should put seed in the groun. オ The stars could tell people when

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