


英語 中学生


□ (3) □(4) □ (5) □ (6) 4. 現在完了 演習問題 次の疑問文の答えとして適する文をあとから選び,記号で答えなさい。 □(1) Have you washed your face yet? How long have you studied English? Has she ever skied? □ (4) How often have you visited Okinawa? ア Yes, I have. イ No, she hasn't. ウ Several times. I For three years. □ (2) 2 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように, □(1) It was cold yesterday, and it is still cold. It cold She went to London, and she is not here now. She □ (2) □ (3) to London. I lost my camera, and I don't have it now. I my camera. This is the biggest dog I have ever seen. I have such a big dog before. He came to Japan ten years ago and he is still in Japan. He Japan We have had no rain here for a month. Her mother died six years ago. □ (7) Her mother Six years 3 次の文を ■ (1) に適する語を書きなさい。 ROOM rained here for a month. yesterday. dead for six years. since her mother died. They have finished the work. ( 疑問文に) bratasy の英文を日本文にしなさい。 I have been to Nagano twice. 私は2回名古屋に行きました。 内の指示に従って書きかえなさい。 He has already finished his homework. (否定文に) He has hot already finished his homework, 2) They are listening to music. (文末に for two hours をつけて現在完了進行形の文に) J She has lived in Kyoto since 1992. (下線部をたずねる疑問文に) ten years. 次 2) 3

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英語 中学生

問三が意味分かりません 教えて頂きたいです 答えは400mAでした なぜAだけの電流を答えは求めているのでしょうか? 質問は何も書いていないから全体の電流をもとめるのではないのですか?

2 【理科】 (社会と合わせて60分) <満点:75点> 【注意】 定規 分度器・計算機等の使用はできません。 ・ 1 右図のように、電源装置,電圧計,電流計,抵抗値 が未知の電熱線A, 抵抗値が30Ωの電熱線Bを使って 回路を組み立てた。 電熱線A,Bを,それぞれ同じ質量 の水が入った水そうに入れ、電流を流したところ, 電圧 計は8Vを示した。 グラフは水そうの水の温度上昇と, 電流を流した時間との関係を表している。 ただし, 電 源装置の電圧の大きさは一定で、 電熱線で発生した熱 は、 すべて水そうの水の温度上昇に使われるものとす る。 次の問いに答えなさい。 問1 電熱線Aで発生した熱は, 電熱線Bで発生した 熱の何倍か。 最も近いものを次のア~エから選び、 記号で答えなさい。 ア 0.67倍 イ. 1.2倍 ウ. 1.5倍 問2 電熱線Aの抵抗値は何Ωか。 20 問3 電流計の値は何mAか。 160 問4 電熱線Aで5分間に発生した熱は何Jか。 0.6 3120 3x = 2 エ.2.0倍 2x530 x=003 2 153.6 01650 0.16 solo note t'mko 1300 2124 水の上昇温度 5 水 (°C) nious 水そう on 水そう2 7 tog of 3 電源装置 1 A 50/80 Jo 50% 50 V (①) 目 A 80①3 20 KTYVUO B [00000000 .16 3.2 32 20 0.512) (2bavengnia 3 8 2 次に、電源の電圧の大きさはそのままで, 電熱線Bを抵抗値が80Ωの電熱線Cに変えて同じ実 2 をした。この実験でも、水そうの水は沸とうしなかったものとして、以下の問いに答えなさい。 問5 電流計の値は何mAか。 一水そう2- -水そう 1- 1 2 Alo 電流を流した時間 〔分〕 3 4 5

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英語 中学生


問題6 【知識・技能】 (2x5=10) (S) 次の(ア)~ (オ)の対話が完成するように、( 選んで正しい順番に並べた時、その ( )内で3番目と5番目にくる語の番号をそ れぞれ答えなさい。(それぞれ一つずつ不要な語があるので、その語は使用しないこと。) (7) A: What (1 is 2 she 3 will 4 be 5 time 6 back )? STAAT DIH B: Sorry, I don't know. bluorie bril risidW ymsla 2101 4 5 2ot at sae of fnow I 3 spote* srit of ges13 srit sup() :osbil ・・・東京 内の6つの語の中から5つを lot onom rigongavor thob aw nint I etnsbute not atsait loibaqa she SISHT (1) A: Oh, I forgot to bring my smart phone and a map. Will you ( 1 to 2 where 3 get 4 how 5 me B: Ok. But he (1 me tesqosilo srit non't spote Sunday? (1) A: You are a good piano player, right? B: Thank you. mont SW 3 2 415 m aw dnight I Cont vud of may 000, etsxoit owt szo baan sW osbiH (¹) A: I can see two students. I think he is John and ... who is she?t tap 213] miT B: The girl ( 1 sitting 2 to 3 is 4 on 5 John 6 next) Miku. spota = 270130* orla atsinsT XO obit 6 tell ) there? nint (*) A: I heard you couldn't meet your friend. 2 wait B: No. I ( 1 asked But she forgot where to see. 64 21h52 5ill you What will you atos) (1) 2 better 3 can 4 than 5 play the piano 6 well ). 35421 may 000,8 may 000. may 000, may 000,5 may 000,2 600,T Lay 000,5 20 (T) E hoë H tes20 3 friend 4 to 5 what 6 my ) here. 14635

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英語 中学生

至急!!!!!!🗯 高校入試の過去問です 答えは②らしいのですが、forgs ってs がついてるので、複数形ではないですか? 1.3は冠詞( a )がないので答えにならないのは納得しましたが、直後の文に「1匹だけのカエルが池に飛び込むんだと思うよ」とあるのにsのつく②が正... 続きを読む

Alex He is one of the most famous writers in Japan. impressed with his haiku. Aga yud li' : I got it! So, Masato, I have a question. kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto." Basho wrote "Furuike ya If you *translate "kawazu tobikomu" into English, which do you use, a *frog or frogs? )." In this case, I think that only one Masato: Well... maybe I'll use (c)"( frog *dives into the pond. Alex : I understand. And I think that (d) ) is easier than (e) because you don't have to choose one frog or more than one. Japanese is interesting for me. Masato: I think so, too. So (注) ranslate A into B AをBに翻訳する frog カエル dive 飛び込む 下線部(a)に入るものとして適切なものを、次の①~④ の中から1つ選び マークしなさい。 2 Matsuo Basho wrote this book. What book? JON. 3 Do you like that book? 4 I like this book. イ) 下線部(b)を意味の通る英文になるよう並びかえたとき、3番目と5番目に来る語として適 切なものを、次の①~④の中から1つ選び, マークしなさい。 1 4-6 2 2-6 3 4-5 4 2-5 ②⑤ ) 下線部 (c)に入るものとして適切なものを、次の①~④の中から1つ選び、マークしなさい。 Ofrog jumps in frogs jump frog jumps 4 many frogs jump

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英語 中学生

英検対策の問題です。 中1なのですか分からないとこばっかりで…。 解説も出来れば、出来ればでいいので お願いします🙇‍♀️⤵️

13 (1) から (15) まで ( 1つ選び、その番号のマークをぬりつぶしなさい。 (2) (1) A: Mike, have you called Jill to tell her about our meeting tomorrow? B: No, not ( 1 yet ―次試験 筆記 ). I'll call her after lunch. 2 over 3 always Brian is going to visit the (> ) with his class next week. He wants to see many kinds of fish there. 1 college 4 garage 大学 EL (3) A: These are delicious tomatoes. B: Thank you. We ( 1 grew に入れるのに最も適切なものを 1,2,3,4の中から 2 aquarium 3 stadium *17 (7) A: It's so hot! 2 thought 2 special (6) Helen and Yumiko ( they're good friends. 1 put (4) Jeff went fishing on Sunday. He caught nine fish. One was very big, but the () were small. 1 another 2 ones 3 others 4 sometimes (5) A: I heard that you're going to Rome next week. B: That's not ( ). I'm going to Paris. 1 true 2 thought ) them in our garden. 3 fought 4 knew 4 all 3 met 3 common 4 main 3) in the tennis club at school. Now 4 found B: Here, use this (2). It will cool you down. 2 fan 3 hill 71% 1 line 4 head 頭 75 78 (8) People think I can speak French because my mother is from France. But (A ) fact, I can only speak English. 1 by 2 on f 3 for 4 in (9) The rock group was very popular, so the concert hall was 3) of people. ( 1 thick 2 full 3 deep 4 high (10) Lisa and her family didn't go ( planning to go on a trip this year. 1 away 2 at B: OK. 1 pass (11) A: I told my mother that I would be home by 7:00. I don't ) my promise, so I have to go now. want to ( 2 se 4 lend 2 color 3 through 4 behind (12) Jim bought a new house, so he had to move his things. All his friends were on vacation, so they couldn't give him a (/). 1 part ) last summer, so they're 3 break (13) A: Excuse me. Could you tell me ( map? 2 won't 3 front (14) A: Jack is a police officer, (3 B: No, he's a doctor. 1 isn't 2 to teach B: Sure. There's a bookstore on the fifth floor. 1 which 2 why 3 what 4) I can buy a world ) he? 4 hand 3 doesn't 3 teach 4 where 4 can't (15) I can't ride a bike, but my brother can. I asked him (3) me. 1 teaches 4 taught 19年度第1回 記

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