


英語 中学生


□ (3) □(4) □ (5) □ (6) 4. 現在完了 演習問題 次の疑問文の答えとして適する文をあとから選び,記号で答えなさい。 □(1) Have you washed your face yet? How long have you studied English? Has she ever skied? □ (4) How often have you visited Okinawa? ア Yes, I have. イ No, she hasn't. ウ Several times. I For three years. □ (2) 2 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように, □(1) It was cold yesterday, and it is still cold. It cold She went to London, and she is not here now. She □ (2) □ (3) to London. I lost my camera, and I don't have it now. I my camera. This is the biggest dog I have ever seen. I have such a big dog before. He came to Japan ten years ago and he is still in Japan. He Japan We have had no rain here for a month. Her mother died six years ago. □ (7) Her mother Six years 3 次の文を ■ (1) に適する語を書きなさい。 ROOM rained here for a month. yesterday. dead for six years. since her mother died. They have finished the work. ( 疑問文に) bratasy の英文を日本文にしなさい。 I have been to Nagano twice. 私は2回名古屋に行きました。 内の指示に従って書きかえなさい。 He has already finished his homework. (否定文に) He has hot already finished his homework, 2) They are listening to music. (文末に for two hours をつけて現在完了進行形の文に) J She has lived in Kyoto since 1992. (下線部をたずねる疑問文に) ten years. 次 2) 3

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英語 中学生


疑問文 疑問文 基本文 セントラルパーク 2 □ Have you been playing soccer for a long time? たずねたり、 -Yes, Ⅰ have./No,I have not. はい, し続けています。/いいえ, し続けていませ。 使ったはどれくらい長くサッカーをし続けてい □How long have you been playing soccer? あなたは長い間サッカーをし続けていますか。 Have you been playing soccer for a long time? - Yes, I have./No, I have not. have を使って答える =haven't -2時間し続けています。 / 今朝からし続けています。 「(ずっと)・・・し続けていますか」とたずねるときは, have [has] を主語の前に置く! -For two hours. / Since this morning. ■ 現在完了進行形の疑問文 ・ have [has] を主語の前に置いて、 I have been playing soccer for a long time. 主語の前に置く How long have you been playing soccer? -For two hours. / Since this morning. 具体的な期間を答える 教室で 音楽室で (Are / Have) you been learning English for a long time? あなたは長い間ずっと英語を学び続けているのですか。 Has Mei been (play/playing) the violin for many years? "Are / Have) you reading a comic now? A 基本を確認する! [スタート 1場面チェック()内から適する語を選んで書き, ○に入るセリフを完成しよう。 (1) (2) 芽衣は何年間もずっとバイオリンを演奏し続けているのですか。 あなたは今、漫画の本を読んでいるのですか。 COMICS の対話文が成り立つように, に適する語を書こう。 ■s Bob been playing soccer since this morning? Yes, he has he was a child. <Have [Has] + 主語 + been + 動詞のing 形...?〉の形 (3) 2 How long ...? の疑問文 ・「どれくらい (長く)・・・し続けて いますか」とたずねるときは、 <How long have [has] + 主語 + been + 動詞の -ing ...?). 答え方 具体的な期間を答える。 自分の部屋で Have B1 playing Are has ボブは今朝からずっとサッカーをし続けているのですか。 はい, し続けています。 01 (1) rest 単語・連 次の英語はE ve you been practicing kendo for a long time? -No, I havenit 文にあう英文になるように, あなたは長い間ずっと剣道の練習をし続けているのですか。 いいえ、練習し続けていません。 _に適する語を書こう。 2 “れくらい長くそのかばんを使い続けていますか。 一彼が子どものときからです。 long Ken been the bag? using Since (6) rough 2 日本文 □(1) 少し寒い □ (2) 私はあな 荒々しい B2 1 (1) (2) 日本文に 由美はミ Yumi あなた (bee みき 美紀 (be ・Yooyot (3) ■ 2 E (Peter ・日本 るの ・英語 のは 日本

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英語 中学生

すみません、至急お願いします。 問1から問9まで教えてください🙇‍♀️

Unit 4 長文問題] もしも時間を戻せたら? ) able to change the past? If you 1 Do you ever wish you (2) had that ability, maybe you would spend more time practicing soccer, learn the instrument that you always wanted to play, study harder for that big test, or try to save more money for the future. 2 What would you do if you had the ability to turn back the clock? This was a question which Mr. Woodall, a high school teacher in Philadelphia, asked his students. Mr. Woodall wanted to know what was important to his students but was pleasantly surprised to see the results. I think their answers will be very interesting to you, too. Hou 3 Mr. Woodall expected to see answers (which were connected to the own good of the students, but (3) he was wrong. The majority of the which he received from his students were for the good of answers (う) others. Target ① 関係代名詞 ②仮定法・間接疑問文 66 4 A very common answer he found was, “(4)If I could turn back the clock, I would take back some things that I said to a friend.” Apparently, many of the students regretted saying something (5) friends and wanted to change that. Surprisingly, close to 40% of the students answered this way. 7) hurt their 5 (7) (6) Another common answer was about pets. "If I were able to turn back the clock, I would spend more time with my dog," or "I would be nicer to my cat," were some common answers. Almost 25% of the students missed their pet very much and wanted to show more love. These pets included dogs, cats, birds, rabbits and other animals. turn back and M (時計を) 巻き戻す pleasantly 心地よく expected to 6 There were other answers about reading more books, studying harder, or eating less junk food. However, Mr. Woodall was quite impressed with his students and their concern for others. He decided to share all of the answers with his students, and the students enjoyed hearing the different answers. Mr. Woodall decided to try this activity with his students every year. By asking, he felt he would learn a lot about his students. 〜するだろうと思う good majority , t take back 取り消す apparently close to どうやら~らしい t be nice to 〜にやさしい de 問 1 (1) ( 問2 問3 い。 1.9 ( junk food ジャンクフード concern for . 〜への気遣い、配慮 (4

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英語 中学生


14) 次の英文を読んで、あとの各問いに答えなさい。 Jack is writing an e-mail to Mike now. Hi, Mike. I arrived in Hokkaido two weeks ago. My school here is wonderful! I can't speak Japanese well yet, but I've made friends with many students at school. I read some books about Japan before I came here, but 5 school life are new to me. many things about Japanese "C For example, an interesting thing happened at lunch time on my first day at this school. After the fourth class finished, suddenly my classmates began to eat lunch in our classroom! And they put their lunch boxes on their own desks! I couldn't believe it. So I asked my friend, Takeshi, "Aren't your desks for studying?" He 10 looked a little surprised and answered, Of course they are, but we use them when we eat lunch, too. Why do you ask?" Another interesting thing happened after school that day. After we finished our class, some students started to clean the classroom. That also surprised me. Because our school in America has a "cleaning staff, students and teachers don't have 15 to clean. The next day, I cleaned my classroom with my classmates for the first time. After cleaning with them, I felt good. I think that it's good for students to clean the places that they use. 100点 *Lastly, we have our school trip for five days next month. You may also be interested in this because our school in America doesn't have such a long trip. I'm 20 very happy because I will go to Kyoto, Tokyo, and other places in Japan. Now my classmates and I often talk about our school trip. It is interesting to plan what places we will visit in Japan. I want to see some famous places and old Japanese buildings with my own eyes. I sometimes feel there are many differences between Japan and America. This 25 makes my life in Japan very exciting every day. I'll tell you about my school trip next time. () surprise cleaning staff ‡‚ (= janitor) [問1] 下線部 ① を, ほぼ意味が同じで次のように書きかえるとき, 1語が入るか答えなさい。 There are many things that I didn't lastly 最後に, 終わりに にはそれぞれどのような (15点) know about Japanese

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英語 中学生

New Horizonの中1のP60~64なんですけど、日本語訳が分からなくて日本語訳を知りたいです!出来れば単語と日本語訳をセットで… あ、本文のみで大丈夫です

Story ② entence 朝美のスピーチが続きます。 本文と質問を聞き、 答えを○で囲みましょう。 [⑩ Takuya writes a blog about school life. local food, nature, and nice spots for diving in Cebu. He doesn't write very offten, but he gets a lot of nice comments. I enjoy his blog very much. Takuya usually posts pictures on his blog, but hes can't take pictures in the sea. waterproof camera. So he wants one. loves the beautiful sea life. Thank you. He doesn't have a He really 卓也はなぜ防水カメラをほしがっているのでしょうか。 近な Takuya writes a blog. Takuya does not write a blog. tice 例 Takuya doesn't write a blog. 皮の友人の習慣や様子です。 ya / have / a bike ② he / call / his family © ] もしもし [70 words] & New Words blog 0 local spot(s) ✓ does □comment(s) pöst(s) waterproof ✓ camera a lot of... very much doesn't does not 小学校の単語 write(s) life nature much take family ► p.66 Grammar 4 主語が 1, you以外で単数の場合、 否定文 では動詞の前に does not [doesn't] が 入る。このとき動詞にはs, es をつけない。 Yuna / like / scuba diving mehoity Listen ・ピー 1 ジョシュのスピーチを聞いて、正しいほうを選びましょう。 ① 友達の亜実 (Ami)は ②亜実は トランペット 毎日 2 海斗のスピーチを聞いて、正しいものを選びましょう。 ① 飼い犬のモモの見た目は ② モモと海斗はよく公園で 相手の名前( ① 年齢 ② 住んでいる場所 ③ペット Speak & Write 1 ペアになり,次の ① ~ ④ についてインタビューしましょう。 質問が終わったら、下の表にメモしましょう。 ④ 趣味 (好きなこと) pp.59-60 ① She [He] is (2) 4 [ いっしょに走る □ フルート] をふく。 ○ ときどき] 朝早く学校で練習する ) □ ボール遊びをする]。 21 のインタビューでわかったことをまとめましょう。 is my friend. How old are you? Where do you live? Do you have any pets ? 何かペット A Speech out my What do you do in your free time? 自由な時間 p.154 好きなこと years old. nike 書いた文はp.63の活動 また使うよ。 しっかり記録しておこ in her [his] free 彼女の

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