


英語 中学生


-HS 10 英文の読解 ※わからない単語があれば, 辞書で調べましょう。 次のジュディー(Judy ) と 波瑠(Haru) の対話を読んで、後の各問に答えなさい。 Judy: I like animals. How about you, Haru? Haru Me, too. I have two dogs. (this / at / picture / look). They're my dogs, Momo and Koko. Judy: Oh, they're cute. Haru: Thank you. This white dog is Momo, and this brown one is Koko. They're members of our family. Do you have any animals? (その1) Judy: No, I don't. I want a cat or a dog. (1) 下線部の英文が完成するように, ( )内の語を並べかえ, 全文を答えなさい。 (2) 本文の内容に合っているときは◯合っていないときは×を答えなさい。 ① Judy likes animals. Haru likes animals, too. 〔 ② Momo is white and Koko is brown. ③ Judy has a cat and a dog. They are cute. Emily can write アドバイス] (1) (2) 2 〔 月 2 次は、留学生のエミリ (Emily)が自分やホームステイ先の家族のことを書いた英文です。これを読ん で、後の各問に答えなさい。 My name is Emily. I'm from Australia. I came to Fukuoka last month. Now I'm staying with the Sato family. Mr. Sato is an English teacher at a high school. He can speak English very well, so he always helps me. Mrs. Sato works at a museum. She knows a lot about Japanese history. They have a son. His name is Shota. He is eight years old. He is good at soccer. I like Japanese. write it in kanji. I study it every day. I can write some kanji. “絵美里" is my name. I can (注) stay with ・・・ ~のところに滞在する son... むすこ 8 (1) 次の質問に対して,それぞれ日本語で答えなさい。 ① When did Emily come to Fukuoka? (2) What does Mr. Sato teach at a high school? 3 Where does Mrs. Sato work? (4) What sport can Shota play well? ) 〕 ] ③[] 〔 3 (2) 本文の内容に合うように次の英文を完成するとき, 下線部にあてはまる英語を2語で答えなさい。 in kanji. (1) ①③ when は 「いつ」と時について, where は 「どこ」 と場所についてたずねています。 ② 佐藤さんが高校で教えている教科, ④ 翔太が得意なスポーツについてたずねています。 (2) in kanji は「漢字で」という意味です。 英文中, エミリが漢字で書けるものは何ですか。

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英語 中学生


問2 く問3.問4 4点× 4, その他 3点×4〉 [対話文読解] 7 ア 作織は, 借りていた CDを返しにピリーの家を訪れています。 これを読んで, 後の各 間に答えなさい。 次は、高校生の香織 (Kaori) と, アメリカ出身のビリー ( Billy) との対話です。 ウ オ Aa0rn : Thank you, Billv. This CD is wonderful. Ilike all the songs on it. Billy : Good! I'm glad to hear that. Which song do you like the best? Kaori : I like the last song. 問 Billy : Me, too. It's one of my favorite songs. Kaori:[ A Billy:I have about fifty. Kaori : Oh, really! You have a lot of CDs. By the way, are you free next Sunday? Billy : In the morning I'm going to visit Ms. Sato to learn Japanese. She's my Japanese teacher. But Ill be home about eleven. Kaori :I have two tickets for the baseball game next Sunday. Would you like to go with me? Billy :Sure! [ B Kaori: At two in the afternoon. before the game? Billy : That'sa good idea. Where shall we meet? Kaori : There is a hamburger shop nearthe stadium. Let's eat lunch there. Billy :OK! [ C ] Kaori : By bus or by subway. Billy:I think going by bus is better. Kaori:OK, let's go by bus. Should I come to your house? Billy:No, I'll go to your house at about eleven thirty. Kaori : See you next Sunday. (注) by the way ところで ticket· チケット hamburger… ハンバーガー subway… 地下鉄 問1 部 that が指している内容を,日本語で答えなさい。

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