


英語 中学生

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When I first moved to Japan, my new life was like an adventure, and full of surprises. Ive forgotten a lot of small things, but I'll never forget the first party I gave. 1was teaching English at a university in Japan. I decided to have a party for some Japanese students at my apartment which was near the school. The party was at 7:00. I was rushing to get ready, cleaning the room, checking the food, and so on. And finally at about 6:45, I was about to take a quick shower and get dressed. Perfect timing, I thought. But just then, the doorbell rang. The students, in one big group, were already at my door! In America nobody comes early, and in fact, most people come a little late on purpose, usually alone or in pairs. We call Oit being “fashionably late." I had to ask them to wait outside for about 15 minutes. “The party starts at 7:00!" I said, This was a real life lesson for them and for me about cultural differences. They learned they should not come to my parties ( ② ) again, and I learned I should be ready a little (2 )just.in.case. So at 7:00, everyone came in, with my second surprise. ③They showered me with all kinds of presents! I was happy to get so many presents, of course, but I really didn' t want them to come together. I was very busy because I had to find vases for the flowers, bowls for the snacks, and try to say Thank you' for their gifts. People usually take something likea bottle of wine to an American-style party. But I felt. more. appreciated by my_guests in Japan. It was more like my birthday or Christmas than a simple homeparty. FinallyI sat on the sofa and talked with them. Everyone was having a good time. Though I have lived in Japan for more than ten years, I m still surprised at many things. Life is full of surprises.

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