


英文 高中


《/ SO aUHO OHC _ WILL UG See 7 (A) exXhibit (B) fortune (C) poverty 二、說人沿除 (15分 PO 說明:第16題至第30 題,每是一個空格, 請依文意選出最適當的一個居項。 擇題答案區 ,、各題答對者,得 1 分)答錯、 未作答或畫記多於二個本項 16 至 20 題為題組 The Taipei Bike Sharing System Service Plan, also known as 1 opularity since its lalnph ,訕 2012. Taipei City S YouBike service, exceeding 7 3 pop 更和店 P 層 ffet _16_notonly for it ability (6,406 bikes across 196 rental stations) and a small chargce 了 CC, (NTS$10 every half hour for fhe first 4 hours), but a訊 由 other neat features- For Instan 人 bikeis 17 with lights that are powered by pedali具1 li 1 1 1ast another 60 to 90 seconds, which enhances Safety for riders ) under the front basket 計one wants to park the bike elsewhere than at the Stations- 1 bd who worry about not being able to remt bikes at the stations they want, there 1s an official app for them to check the number of bikes remaining at 人he 說 ions. 20 all these merltS and ao billion budget to spend on this project by 2019, the tr 品 ts ofTaipei”s YouBike are bright indeed. “YouBike,”has enjoyed 所 ion 1ps t hight. “TS el 6. (A) praised 撫 (B) to praise (C) is pralsing (D) has been praised 4 (A) egquipped (B) managed (C) repaired (D) appointed'd 沒 C星 (A) Meanwhile折 果 (B) Similarly (C) Furthermore (D) 全了 此 ~ (A) anyone + 者秩y. (B) those (C) them (D) neither : 0. (A) Along (B) As (0 By 說入 /洶養0) With 為題組 光鮑 Holi, one of the major fstivals of India, is the most Vibrant of all. lls Pi 一一一一,, The India, Nepal, and other regions ofthe World with people 0f Indian orgm br ica, This ancient Fn , _ ,, Pure計 站廬人計計

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英文 高中

想問第二題的答案為什麼是C 謝謝~~

了esSS04 6 人 、日|醫會 八 \ 和 號 |鼎 A11 formSs oft literature , ”S feellnk 汪 aOf1 the poetSs feehngs ot all sorts, 2 1 ee Tl1mage。 Others are intended to reveal eatl . some truths in life or some words of wisd St11] Others are created to reveal to us Sdotmn. HoWweve IT, tOo fully understand a poem, sormetlimes we have to hioedPW閏 eXplore the speaker”s attitude trough his tone, which is _3._b C 7OTS Or ) ar TunuSual punctuation.”One Way to help us realize thie tone is _4 1 則 。 GO Uule 01 條 和 0 the 訪 CakeT and lC ULYG hilsS GX1S GICCG dSK11 必 dUe VOIG D bl t 1 1St by kl g 也 St10OnS, 8 What 1S ideritlty 1S AM 11S W 1 1 1 te tone. ITake for example the poem“Go Gentle.” At first glance。you may _6. tealtze ttS fie deeper thought hidden behind t 1 meaning. But a careful reading enables you to furns Out 由at the speaker frst compares her sick father to aseagul _8. mm bed.”Then, seeing hef 9 fighting agaltnst death。just like hoW he Without uS”the Speaker father in pain。she sincerely 'Wishles her father taught her to swWIm. Finally, through te Words “Outside the HP 全 to care about human suttertng at all. sighs 和hat thhe natural World doesn tseem (C) on (D) tom (和 ) LGCOM (B)im D ( 和/)120 (B) both (cbs 瞳 上 (:后 (A) mani人6sted (PP justified (C) fuptered 8閃 ( ~ 放 (A) 1istenln& (B) to llsten (C) lstened 隊 A) so as (B) a8 like 人 Ru as (D) as to (CA fall to (B) tend to (C) tall to (D) date back to 1記 9 atch (B) gesture (C) Select (D) 呈呈 嚷 (9 4 CA (B) confined (C) to contlne (D) Who conttneS ee 2生人人本 仙人 _(D) has to StOb

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英文 高中

想問這兩題英文((有錯的那兩題 謝謝~~

1 六主 ~“ dlltO De 同 汪 TcCh 1 (CC 4 This llquid will remove any 語 人 hnyour clothes. 2 5. Rachel rec ycles here es e__ybottles and cans evei sagood idea to eat fruits that 出se 人 ep er a blg meal. 二、克漏字 (25%) A Jot of people love eatin g eggsS 和 ggs for breakfast。_(7)_, most people throw away the eggshells. That is a wast waste. Eggshe]Js have many uses. (8) ._($) ,they areagreat cl 1 i 語al 2 cleaner. IN break them into tiny pieces, mix them with Soabp ne (9) to your dishes. You can also use this mixture to (10) water ns 還 and your tollet. Eggshells are also good for your garden Put broken ) S grow. Thlis will also kee 11 1 1 1全 p_(11) like snails and worms away. 下 1 4 gpP you can fill half an eggshell with soil and put a seed inside. Then, put the eggshellina My eggshell will break down and give nutrients to the new sprout 說 ) 7二 (CA) Instead (B) Therefore (C) Otherwise (D) Afterwards (0 8. (A) Since then (B) Despite it (C) Forexample (D) On the otherhand ( @) 9 AS) Sick (B) 1s stuck (C) has stuck (D) istostick ) 10. (AA) pass on (B) turm out (C clearup (D) clean out (B) 1abels (C) nerves (D) missions 生 11. (A) pesfs 三、閱讀測驗 (15%9) Follow these steps to make on Slices. Mix them in an old sock and then put the sock in the washing machine W1l out. The sock will keep the eggshells from causing problems With yo They are rich in minerals that will improve the health of your teeth and bones. Boil the grind them into apowder and add them to your meals, You can even feed them to your bets. aclothes whitener. Get clean eggshells and some lem 了 your clothes. Yourll be surprised by how brlght your clothes come ur Washing machine、 You can also eat eggshells. m first to kill offbacteria. Then, 說 計說

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英文 高中

2跟4 希望詳細點 謝謝!

、綜合測邊 SSIVSN 革 同 上 it for President Barack Obamim's inaupural, amd billionS OfIDeODIG SO ihe We it Then, they found _ | perfectly the dress the First Lady Was echi Wearing mac ! ind dark sk They couldn't but _2._ it and wondered who the es ts n tthat tim 3 the_world began to notice Jason Wu an Asian-American fs in Tiwan, Wu moved to Canada with his family at mine He was 3 d Tes lature, and was fond of dolls and their clothing, which somewhat Worrled his mothe However. she still encouraged him to pursue his dreams after Seelng his talent and pasSlon 5 )othered by his nosy relatives, she even turned the basement into his Studio and took time to instill into him values like kindness and humility 6. his mother's Support, Wu won success through his determination ind diligence.”FHe met with aseries of frustrations halfwav.At fifteen, he won a fashion doll design contest, and he and hardships, but he never edirector for a ]arge toy company two years later”While m college, he WwaS even named the creativ orked part-time at a Testaurant and then met more fashion designers, seeking internship opportunities, Finally, the time was ripe for him to launch his own brand in 2006 He _8._ several fashion Shows in New York and won many awards ever since 9. his success, he has Temained humble and by making him popular in the fashion industry。 Looking at his success willing to teach others, therel 10. his parents' liberal attitude have made him what he story, we can leam _10 his devotion 1S today- (0) 1 (0)so (B) very (C) how (D) too ( (9 2. (人) admire (B) to admire (C) admiring (D)admired 由 (人2有 3. (A) which (B) that (C) then (D) what ( 吃 ) 4. (A) Bears (B) He was born (C) Bearing (D)Born ( 食) 5. (A) To save (B) Saving (C) Save (D) Saved ( 人9 6 (A)Because (0 (B) Along With 潑|62 (C) On the basis 0f (D) Imaddition to 肉 ) 7 (A) took 0他 (B) gave up 9下 (C) thought through (D) turned town / 8. (A) held (B) was holding (C) has held (D) will have held (C) In case of (D) Despite (D) not only;but %ue ( ( 你 ) ( ) 9 (A) Even though (B) Due to ( (C) neither; nor ) 紛 10. (A) either; or (B) both; and ry 93

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