

nmon there and (adv.) 1 4 7 精华 he has started a fire in the 閱讀測驗2 0 mm 12920 ono dqsgstegn We want to see the newest things. That is because we want to see the future, even OTVO if only momentarily. It is the moment in which, even if we don't completely understand auto even what we have glimpsed, we are nonetheless touched by it. This is what we have come Lodge who noi ani to call art. 曾. V. Takashi Murakami on me It has been said that great artists break the mold, but unique artists shatter it?704 lect colonel Domino SIM Japanese artist Takashi Murakami is truly a unique artist. His works of art may not nic be as revered as Da Vinci's or as valued as Picasso's, but he modern art world that will be . Print hodina che Many artists pride themselves on reşisting popular culture. Murakami, however, has celebrated it. His work, in a variety? 6p media, ranges from larger-than-life statues of nude manga figures to watches, mouse pads, and even pricey Louis Vuitton handbags. The finished products seem to be intended to make a statement about 有省的 contemporary society. Produced in a factory-like setting similar to the studio of 的 . 《果然 主題5 藝文世界 can 126 19. ad it ad, 49
the late Andy Warhol, Murakami's works are part of a new movement in Japanese contemporary art. FEN 65 To Born in Tokyo in 1963, Murakami studied art and received advanced degrees from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. It was during his studies that Murakami become dissatisfied with the way Japanese art was viewed by the Western world. Murakami felt that the Japanese obsession with pop culture should be central to Sthis in his creations. contemporary Japanese art, and wanted to express * 2 5 的 His works are amusing, accessite, and thoughtful. Murakami's artwork has been on exhibition at museums from Paris to Boston, with a recent show at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. The sta-Studded event, with the likes of Kanye West and Cindy Crawford in attendance, propelled Murakami to new heights. Artist, entrepreneur, and new favorite %f the art world, Takashi Murakami has revived the Japanese art scene and pushed it into the international limelight With Me Erol D 9 It is likely that Takashi Murakami will create a work about (A) spooky; yet ingredibly lifelike sculptures of insects 般, (B) political strife and economic crisis in a far-off land 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C) pain and brutality through the black and “ C gray shapes bloos have (A) envious (B.cynical life to be ve bay (D) honored VM 2 2 2 2 45 fro the 分類 amona Classifications, breaking down 24 19 goods such as figurines, mouse pads, or t-shirts 10 The word in paragraph one “revered” is closest in meaning to (D) commercial 19 SU D 1636) i MV (C) admiring dado il suo 17 According to the passage, which of the following statements about Takashi To logo Murakami is true? bd all bisa taod asrl 11 (A) Murakami's creations defy traditional classifications, numerous barriers. TAP ular as 1o 2 Tonik da ad 313 (B) The works of Japanese artist Takashi Murakami have inspired both ovawo admiration and confusion. blir (C) Murakami tesists popular culture and is not satisfied with the Japanese art was viewed by the Western world. (D) Though Murakami has earned the respect of many in elite, art-world u circles, he is not making a comfortable living as an artist. way toglosye te lo | 主題5 藝文世界
f 12 What is the best title for this passage? Nab(A) The Master of 3D Illustrations c C (B) The Man Who Became Picasso 2100 to be TC) Takashi Murakami: The King of Pop eyes fi (D) Japanese Artist Takes the World Stage non solo ai cool 510 朗讀測驗3


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

我個人是這麼覺得啦 他沒有說他跟世界接軌之類的話 但他有一直提到說這個藝術家喜歡有關現代的東西 也有提到說他喜歡P O P 所以(D)會比較適合

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