


英文 高中

這篇看的有點矇 想請問是真的那些單字有一字多義的這些意思 還是這題出題有錯誤

in an ng S ge 1. er DAR 三、文意選填(占10分)(請忽略大小寫) 品牌 019W 第21 至 30 題為題組 The 29. doum Den (A turns out (B) come across (F) accomplishment (G) in addition elod Societies and cultures are continually adapting, and long-practiced customs are disappearing. One 21, that is slowly fading out of practice is the Swedish custom of Fika. 22. the habit of grabbing 年銷 a latte at Starbucks on the way to work, Fika is a true coffee break. On a Fika break, a person spends 1–2 hours forgetting about work and enjoying their companion, whether it be a friend or a novel. Unfortunately, this 23. custom is in danger, and not just in Sweden. The fast-paced, high (n)擁有物 財產 pressure world we live in today has made time a precious possession. Our ambition to be successful 無義急 often makes it seem like there are no worthwhile reasons to spend that time on anything as pointless as a survive ( their success at work 14 cup of coffee. We devote all our energy to our career, and many people 24. with success in life, We 25. spending more time with our clients than we do with our friends. We 26. have time for family. tovi Fika, on the other hand, is about separating our li so. And M what work, we are 21. 26. IC AH » on the other hand, is about separating our lives from our work, even if it's just for an hour or 22. 27. HB (C) that 27. Fika, there are no rules. It can be done at home, in a park, or on a train. It can be done 2900F HONE with coffee or tea, with or without a sweet dessert. Its only_28. is that one removes oneself from the HIBE daily grind for a brief escape below average (#4) piqor ST (C) disgusting A. (D) varied (H) amazing A (I) rewarded Hi boug ++# / 847) De moments. We can connect with people we care for and who care for us in return. And when we return to 30. be more productive and focused. Perhaps it's time for you to schedule a Fika break. CI BE 25. JA GE 23. R 30. E.G. into varied (47 (n) Huomib of a Fika break are numerous. We can step away from job pressure for a few brief con 28. brush to 73 mish gri (D) take part in (D) where V. (1) below average FJ T 78 A(E) survive 24. 29. SON itsn seitseng ait ol tosido vlamorta enorgiler

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英文 高中


第31 至35 處為起組 When it comes to the modern Summer Olympics, one can immediately picture fans yelling for their home country athletes in the world's most famous sporting events. The number of countries_31_ in the two-week sports festival grows every four years. World-known as it may seem, the modern Olympic Games started from a very_32_origin when ancient Greeks honored and entertained their gods with various sports activities in a religious ceremony. The local festival _33_ turned into a state-wide athletic meet for Greek athletes. The event, however, was stopped by Roman Emperor Theodosius, who considered the event a pagan activity. Mainly_34_ a French noble named Pierre de Coubertin, the modern Olympics can rise from the ashes and continue to serve as a glorious arena for athletes. His nthusiasm for sports inspired him to _35_ a meeting with 79 country representatives, who agreed the first modern Olympics would be held in Athens in 1896. As we cheer for our favorite athletes, we must remember the entire world has Pierre de Coubertin to thank for giving birth to the modern Olympics. 31. (A) that competes 32. (A) distant 33. (A) eventually 34. (A) in terms of 35. (A) get over 三、文意選填 (10%) D (B) have competed (B) severe (B) visually (B) in addition to (B) call for 每題 公娃 (C) competing (C) humble (C) mutually (C) except for (C) happen to (D) competed (D) ultimate (D) virtually (D) thanks to (D) take place .

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英文 高中

第一小題 由於前面有of all animals,所以應該要用最高級,但b選項比較級加the,可以表示兩者中比較怎麼樣的那個,這種表示方式可以適用在二者以上嗎? 還有c選項之所以錯,就是因為前面的of all嗎

( ASE he keeps reminding me is the test is coming (A) It; what (B) What; that (C) That; what (D) All which; that 30. she could not change her husband's mind. He still insisted on investing in China. (A) Hard as she tried (B) Hard although she tried (C) Hardly as she tried (D) Hardly although she tried (6) over a flower 五、綜合測驗題2小題 每題0分共0分) 1. We have learned a lot about hummingbirds. Of all the animals, hummingbirds are 0 ones on earth. hummers can fly like lightning. They ® fly normally at a speed of 25 to 30 miles per hour. They can even dive at around 60 miles per hour! One hummer was even seen to keep up with a car going 55-60 miles per hour. In addition, hummers can fly forward, backward, or upside down and even hover in midair. To fly skillfully, they must beat their wings very fast, and so they need a lot of food @ Of course, their hovering ability means that they can stay suck out the nectar they need. hummingbirds live only in the Americas and migrate Studies show that they fly for more than 18 hours straight and for very long distances, even with the change of seasons. 5,000 miles. With their bright colors and ® hummers have long caught people's eye. many can't wait to catch sight of these sparkling little "flying jewels." ) (A) the smallest warm-blooded (B) the smaller warm-blooding (C) very small warm-blooded (D) the warm-blooding smallest ( ) (A) Despite they are tiny (B) Tiny as they are They are so tiny (D) Although being tiny REDMI NOTE 8 PRO AI QUAD CAMERA that (B) are used to (©) are reported that (D) are said to A) to be eaten (B) to survive (C) to eat it (D) to be fed 六

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英文 高中


二、綜合測驗 (10%) 三、文意選填 (10%) ) 50. T c 說明:第11 至 20 題,每題一個空格。請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,並劃記在答案卡 之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者得1分;答錯、未作答或劃記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算。 說明:第21 至 30 題,每題一個 選出一個最適當者,並將 答對者,得1分;答錯、 第21至30題為題組 21 第一 言 第11至15題為題組 Ved Josie George loves to knit and share her work on social media. One particular scarf she was working on this cater followers’ attention. Having knitted a stripe each day representing the day's temperature, George was using her scarf to show the changing temperatures in her hometown. George is part of a trend that is turning knitting into 12. education. Another example of this movement is a group of 30 knitters in Philadelphia, US, who have been knitting scarves 13 143 years' worth of temperature data. People viewing this display can see how an area's climate has changed over a period of time. A scarf representing Philadelphia's climate in 1875, for example, shows gentle shades of blue, 14 the 2018 scarf shows red yarn mixed among the dark blue tones. 15 makes this hobby special is that people can touch and wear the finished products. People are more likely to remember and think about information that they can feel as well as see. In that way, these "temperature scarves" make climate change data hard to ignore. 11. (A) caught (B) to catch (C) catching (D) catch D 12. (A) religious (B) medical (C) academic (D) environmental 013. (A) based on (B) thanks to (C) rather than (D) up to 14. (A) unless (B) because (C) while (D) whether A15. (A) It (B) What (C) That (D) Which Moscow's St. Basil's Cathedral famous Red Square. Although the c known about its What is known is that this gran six years to build and was complete the tallest and most impressive that wanted to show its might at the Two architects are 23 cre the cathedral's history becomes clou some historians believe that "Barma architect. Some say that the Tsar att wouldn't be able to design a castle simply be an old 26 as Postni The onion-like domes of the centuries. It's not known why the cm Basil's domes represents a significa These 29 in knowledge a Basic facts sometimes cannot be co fires and wars that the country expe violent history is itself an amazing 1.1 2.1 n (B) gaps 第16至20題為題組 (A) structure (F) nickname (G) ruined 提 四、簡章結構(8%) Citizens and governments in South Korea and China have long exchanged sharp words. The latest cultural 16 is about the correct way to make kimchi. It started after officials in Sichuan, China, were successful in getting the International Standards Organization (ISO) to recognize one official method showing how pao cai is made. The trouble is that the Chinese name "pao cai" is applied to two dishes. One is a traditional Chinese dish that includes a variety of pickled and fermented vegetables. 17. pao cai is Korean kimchi, which is also pickled and fermented, but is made with one vegetable (cabbage) and a particular spicy sauce. Although the ISO stated that the standard doesn't apply to the Korean dish, 說明:第31至34 題,每題一個 者,填入空格中,使篇章东 區」。各題答绪,得2分 第31至34題為題組

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英文 高中


高中英文綜合應用(上 @Unit 1 閱讀 EXAMPLE 1 autumn. How does this happen? Pat 1 閱讀測驗、文意選填 We all enjoy the beautiful show of leaves as they change colors each Trees take water from under the ground and they take a gas called carbon dioxide from the air. They then use sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide into glucose, a kind of sugar. They need glucose as food for growing. The way they turn water and carbon dioxide into glucose is called chlorophyll helps make photosynthesis happen. Chlorophyll is what gives photosynthesis, which means “putting together with light." A chemical called leaves their green color. As summer ends and autumn comes. The days get shorter and shorter This is how trees “know” to begin getting ready for winter. During winter, there is not enough light or water for photosynthesis. Trees will rest and live off the food they stored during summer. They begin to shut down their food-making factories. The green chlorophyll disappears from the leaves and we begin to see yellow and orange colors. In fact, small amounts of these colors have been in the leaves all the time. We just cannot see them in summer, because they are covered up by the green chlorophyll. In some trees, like maples, glucose is kept in the leaves after photosynthesis stops. The cool nights of autumn turn glucose into a red color. Thus, all the reasons above explain why we can see such beautiful changing colors of leaves in autumn. [2004 九月北模第一次) = 1 L 《筆記間 carbon dioxide 1 glucose in the photosynthesis 4 7 3 1 E A chlorophyll and shut down Pigt

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