


英文 高中


【高二下海山 109-1】課外閱讀 1. in 3. Kindergarten classes always take place in a classroom, right? Well, for kids Europe, that is not always the case. Rather in a regular classroom, some 3-6-year-olds have class entirely outside. These “forest kindergartens” have across Europe over the past fifty years. The basic idea behind them is that most kids spend too much time indogts, Wolre they with plastic toys and stare at screens. At forest kindergartens, the kids get a chance to spend hours at a time in nature. 9. Despite the different environment, the purpose of forest kindergartens is pretty much the same as that of indoor Ones: to take care of and educate young children. Studies show that 6. is valuable for kids to spend more time outside. This prooldusa great (d opportunity for them to learn many things. These can include practical skills such as on the top of that finding their way in the woods and identifying plants and animals. 8. , the kids their time outside, as they run, play, and experience the outdoors with all of their senses. These experiences make them healthier and more comfortable in a natural setting. By giving kids greater 10. nature, forest kindergartens are improving their lives. Do you think forest kindergartens would work in your country? B)1. (A) situating (B) residing (C) laying (D) specializing (A) Owing to ODER (B) Apart from ( Rather than (D) Except for (D) 3. Promo 2713 (A) risen above (B) (747 (D) made waves Abe (A) where ) (B) whereas 7 10 (C) what (D) which (A) that B) it (D) what (B) pa... I UBE 123 baded on (C) torn apart ABE BIDO one Athin ( what (C) it (D) there

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英文 高中

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siv!ə zeſən] society, especially one that values culture and eduCUNUN • The new port and bridges brought civilization to the remote island. 36 Lesson Three V. 篇章結構 p gods, P (A) he would live happily and stay healthy for a long time (B) Narcissus felt offended and told Echo not to disturb him anymore. (C) he never accepted their love because he believed that he was too good for them (D) Day after day, he went to the pool to admire the beauty of the man in the water. (E) She was furious and decided to punish Narcissus for his arrogance. Once upon a time, there was a very handsome young man named Narcissus. He was the son of the River God Cephisus and the nymph Lyriope. Narcissus was so beautiful that many people, even fell in love with him. However, 1. F When Narcissus was born, his parents took him to a priest and asked about their son's future. The priest told his parents that if Narcissus never looked at himself in the mirror, 2. However, the parents did not take the priest's words seriously and thus never warned Narcissus about this prophecy. One day Narcissus was wandering in the forest, and suddenly he noticed that someone was following him. It was a nymph named Echo. Echo fell in love with Narcissus at first sight and decided to follow him around. 3. Echo was so depressed that she wandered around the forest for the rest of her life, waiting for Narcissus to call her again. Even today, if you shout loudly in the woods, you can still hear Echo repeating your words. Nemesis, the goddess of revenge, knew what Narcissus had done to Echo. 4. She knew about the prophecy and thus led Narcissus to a pool. At the pool, Narcissus looked into the water and saw his own reflection for the first time in his life. He fell in love with this man in the water immediately. He did not know that the man in the water was actually himself. 5. Eventually, he got too close to the water, fell into the pool, and drowned. Today, the word “Narcissus” has two meanings. One is the name of a beautiful yellow flower that grows near water. The other describes someone who loves himself or herself so much that he or she thinks he or she is the best of the best. 全新試題 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. clomoto VI. 混合題 Welcome to the game Vote Hero! Che following are the results of a story that 99 players worked together to les s. long time ago, there was no fire on earth. A person named Prometheu

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