說 he 三
中 49,799
Thursday 1.515
Friday 2.26042(32,857) 74,271
Saturday 0.40104(32,857) 13177
| Total 230,000
d. The federal government threatens to withhold Sevenil
for Denver, Colorado. The acceptable visibility standard hundred million dollars in Department of Transnr
is 100, with readings above 100 indicating clean air tion funds unless Denver meets visibility audan
and good visibility, and readings below 100 indicating within 8 years. HOW would you proceedl to ii
temperature inversions caused by forest fires, volcanic aj7ong-fern judgment forecast of technologies 人
will be available to improve visibility in the next
10 years7
2. Kay and Miehael Passe publish ngf's 妃qppenjnge一
biweekly newspaper to publicize local events. hots
1as few subseribers; typically is s0ld
Mueh ofthe revenue comes from
Wand supermarkot specials,h
assoeiated With printing t00 |
them to the wrong location
Iterized system to ol
S aeeurately Tec0it
She system was imhple
diIY derlined. Selln
1. Figure 8.9 shows summer air visibility measurements