


英文 高中

想請問第❻題 我理解的是 以「我們現在的角度」覺得「當時他吃的蘋果」,用現在式 是不是我對這個文法的用法觀念錯誤或題意該怎麼理解?非常感謝!!🙏🏼

si Apples have been grown by man since the dawn of history. They are often mentioned in early legends, poems, and religious books. The fruit that the Bible says 6 an apple. The ancient among 45, Adam and Eve ate in the Garden of Eden is believed to Greeks had a legend that a golden apple caused fighting among the gods and 7 Bous the ruin of Troy.odt nodw sinigriv medno ot asilqque niort driw von Apple trees were grown and prized for their fruit by the people of ancient Rome, in 801 armies carried apples across Europe, planting seeds wherever they settled. As apples spread around the world, different varieties emerged to cope with their new B es fresh and again, having to l found in the place where they lived show that they stored apples fresh and also The crossing of t sw prodmon nishiso of botis & To so valouls esti todien nodions jofts nous them by cutting and drying them in the sun. The apple was introduced to America molliteroque srl to ono trods algst garestsin omge brit tol wor early European settlers. Soon, America has become one of the top countries for an 19bbel golsw production. 6 (A) have to be 180 forsitario y 7 (A) accounted for jeton 8 (A) which goo stradiv lavorar v [6132 10 (A) preserved strilio moto ni enotnesque uslugoq ings of historical characters and stories Tobbs, 8.1 nu allow ody, nosies of guiou be (B) being (C) be (D) have been sveiled ama2, 290TUoIdiazpato alwa 18 (B) stormed out inti (C) checked up mm (D) exploded into b) whose law off (C) where ng had (D) ansit s bombbal gains a 28-1908 way, (B) ty that establish was driven off co in November 162 During that influenza type o and wit (D) Instead of 1621. With th STACIO DO (B) Due tod(C) As for anllaw (D) blue-a Wei Da conserved a herals (D deserved 500 has beg Although 280 ali on vw to trigit of arobbal edi qu qoon base bas allow ad no 219 hey eventuall and wash landscape relied on vivid brushwork, and yang 二、文意選填 sit evallom 9 (A) But for A destination (F) expected ba 主題 4 歷史文明 099 (B) reserved Sto od) Isclob of lio galiod woq oj zew notaevni 101 292noigh orli to on t's com store as well as his own amour supplies o individuals sustainable (J) corrupting R permit to weakened for (D) suppli rewarded 49 (G) leaking (G) leaking good 三、篇章結棒 Life be otac th

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英文 高中

想請問第17題和23題的解釋 謝謝!

A16 第16至20題為題組 Tai Chi Chuan is a type of ancient Chinese martial art. People benefits. This centuries-old Chinese mind-body exercise is now gaining popularity in the United States. Tai Chi mainly for its health The most familiar aspect of Tai Chi Chuan is the hand form, which is a series of slow-flowing movements with poetic names (These movements, forming an exercise system) 17 "dragons stirring up the wind" and "wave hands like clouds." or the Qi energy, in one's body. 18 one to effortlessly experience the vital life force, Tai Chi Chuan is not only a physical but also a increase communication between the body and the mind and enable one to deal with other people more 19 exercise. Psychologically, this exercise may effectively. It 20 stress and creates calmness and confidence. Relaxation and a feeling of joy are among the first noticeable differences in a Tai Chi student. 16. (A) practice 17. (A) from 18. allow B 19. (A) formal C20. (A) imposes 0 A 21. (B) consult (B) like (B) allows (B) mental (B) offends (A) Therefore C22. (A) officially 23. (A) approach FACE 24. (A) replace & 25. (A) unlucky 16 (B) Nevertheless (B) mutually (B) approaching (B) disguise Billogical 或畫記多於一個選項者,該 (C) display (C) between C) allowed (C) social (C) reduces 第 21 至 25 題為題組 Much like the dove and robin, the bluebird is considered a very lucky sign in most cultures, a woodpecker, when seen near the home, is regarded as a particularly when seen in the spring. 21 good sign. In contrast, the peacock is not 22 seen as lucky. In places like India, the peacock is considered lucky because the great many "eyes" on its feathers are said to alert it to 23 evil. Peacocks are also highly valued in China and Japan, where they are kept as symbols by the ruling families to 24 their status and wealth. However, the peacock receives only scorn from the rest of the world. The feathers of peacocks are considered the most 25 part of the bird because the eye-shaped markings on them are associated with "evil eyes." To bring the evil eye into the home is thus believed to invite trouble and sorrow. (C) Roughly (C) universally (C) approached (D) manage (D) regarding (D) allowing (D) global (D) disturbs (C) distinguish impossible (D) Similarly (D) eventually (D) be approaching (D) represent (D) unnecessary

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物理 高中

想請問在t=17時的物體所受空氣阻力比重力大,為何列式不能寫(f-mg)=ma 而是(mg-f)=ma ?

21~3態為題組 亞馬遜公司創始人傑夫·貝佐斯在 2021 年 7 月 20 日搭乘太空探索 公司藍色起源(Blue Origin)火箭如右圖,從美國德州升空,抵達距離地 球表面 106 km 的高空。其間搭乘者體驗持續約 4 min 的失重狀態後,在 下降過程中張開降落傘返回地表,太空艙在沙漠中安全著陸。 已知在大氣層中運動的物體會受到空氣阻力的作用,速度會影響阻 力的量值,當物體所受的阻力與原本所受的重力相抵消時,物體便不再 作加速度運動,而以等速運動,此時的速度稱為「終端速度, 80- 60 藍色起源太空艙運用終端速度安全降落地面。 100(m/s) 根據資料,太空艙降落至高度約為 2000 m 處時已 20 減速至約 93 m/s,但此速度仍不能安全著陸,所70 以太空艙分兩次張開降落傘以改變阻力,最後太空 艙達到終端速度大約為7m/s。測得其速度與時間 40 的關係圖(v-t 圖,向下運動為正如右圖所示: 20 t=0 為第 1 次彈出小型減速降落傘;t=14s為第2 次彈出大型減速降落傘並同時脫離小型降落傘。 50. 30. 10 0 Ht (s) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 設重力加速度g=9.8 m/s,且太空艙及降落傘僅受重力及空氣阻力作用,太空艙 總質量 4000 kg計。根據上述資料,試回答下列問題: 。 9 21 依據上文,下列敘述哪些正確?(應選2項)(4分) (A)當搭乘者處於失重狀態時,代表其不受重力作用 B當太空艙以終端速度降落時,代表所受合力為零 ( 當太空艙以終端速度降落時,代表不受重力作用 D當太空艙以7m/s的終端速度下降4s,太空艙的鉛直落下高度約為 28 m (E)當太空艙以7m/s的終端速度下降4s,太空艙的力學能保持不變, 2 在t=17s時,質量為 4000 kg 的太空艙所受空氣阻力量值約為若干?(2分) 100 素:閱讀理解

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