


英文 高中

想請問一下11題!這種題型已經錯很多次了,請問強調句It is that和Such be的用法的核心差異應該怎麼分辨?搞不太懂🥲謝謝

1 B 13 D 綜合測驗 (10%) C www mee 說明:第 11 至 20 題,每題一個空格。請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,並劃記在答案卡 之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者得1分;答錯、未作答或劃記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算。 第11至15題為題組 (台古) 琴:合培壹索 If you've seen the movie The Lion King, then you may have heard the phrase “Ix-nay on the upid-stay." What obscure language was being spoken? It's Pig Latin! on words. Pig Latin isn't actually a language, and it has nothing to do with real Latin. It's more of a play 11 is the popularity of Pig Latin that it has even made its way into TV shows and movies. It's a way to say something in code, and only people who know the rules will be able to it. So, what are those rules? First, take the first sound of the word, move it to the end, and add "-ay." The word "toy" would be "oy-tay." When a word begins with consonant clusters, move 13 them to the end, and add "-ay." "String” would be “ing-stray." If the word starts with a don't move any sounds; just add “-ay.” So “apple" becomes “apple-ay." 12 DEVIVIUZ TOLOMBLIU elsboss2 (A) 14 the word rather than look at This doesn't happen every time, though. You just have to its spelling. For instance, "one" starts with the letter "o," but has a "w" sound. It would be "un-way" in Pig Latin. Let's go back to that phrase we are familiar: "Ix-nay on the upid-stay." Now 29m21 (8) 250sluotis (A) we can read it as, "Nix on the stupid."dainev () 15 Ow-nay, you can ave-hay un-fay with ig-pay atin-lay! 21. godinwohn 0286990 1919 SAU 11. (A) Such 12. (A) recitensbi (C) 13. (A) symbol sinitab 14. (A) call for 15. (A) in that Songs (A) bus anob anor indi 第16至20題為題組 ( vusio adot asw ji 19diw sa 'WE omils zagolz (A) (B) It (B) crack (B) version (B) listen to (B) which oibot (0) sqft (0) su u (C) What eziovib (8) (C) flip (C) signature moitawei 8 turn down (C) with which jedmi (3) (D) That (D) scoop andet (8) TI (D) vowel zul ad (D) cater to (D) how (8) to sqyi Isiosqe iw borsvoo ei loow taal tdguod sw sloz wen aT.2 Ji gnidotatoe mort atas auce nisgs Wenigemi (A) 1899niv (A) lagiclation makes 16

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國文 高中


31-32題為題組 閱讀下文,回答 31-32題。 飛白,是漢字書體的一種,在其他的文學藝術中也有類似的展現,以光色線條運動為 主要表現形式的電影為例,「抽象電影」所強調的韻律及視覺設計、「加速蒙太奇」以剪 輯密度所構成的時空新關係,以及現代派電影在意象思考上的突破、對電影分鏡辨證觀念 的新探索,都可以與中國書法的飛白趣味產生聯想。中國古典戲曲的唱腔,也有類似飛白 的設計。經驗老到的演員在詮釋唱段時,常常故意不把一個樂句唱滿,留下一些空間讓伴 奏去點綴,觀眾也可以根據自己早已耳熟能詳的調子做想像的補充,在鑑賞的心理層次上 ,無疑使觀眾也感覺參與了創造。 大 飛白的觀念運用在詩文朗誦上,也會創造一些新感覺。朗誦者首先要進行分析才能定 出基調,一般來說,表現節奏的辦法,是將節奏中的「時隔」加以區分,定出加強點的位 置,或做短暫的頓逗,或將重音特別提高。而表現韻律的辦法,則是把加強點字音的「時 值」延長,將加強點以外的字音以輕讀帶過。有時,朗誦者也可以視誦材的內容與感情傾 向,不延長時值而以頓歇補充之。更重要的是,在意群與節奏之間,做適當的調節,或以 韻律為重,或以意群為重,這種輕重濃淡疏密間的互動互補,與書法上所講求的飛白十分 相似。(癌弦《記哈客詩想.飛白的趣味——從書法、電影、戲曲到詩的朗誦》) 1302 31. 依據上文,運用「飛白」技巧跟觀念的是: (A)蘇軾畫竹石 詩文的朗誦 ACK (B)加速蒙太奇资委会 北合彩挂 (E)劇曲的伴奏 (C)蘇崑的唱腔 原喆圓團大遊學文區 32 下列詩句,不符合「朗誦者也可以視誦材的內容與感情傾向,不延長時值而以頓歇補 充之」境界的是: HOPALPA (A)間關鶯語花底滑 台ò共(D)臨風歎兮將焉歇 MANAREN KUNNE FANT (C)美人邁兮音塵闕 (B)此時無聲勝有聲 (E)四絃一聲如裂帛

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