


英文 高中


Today, bribery has entered the governments of many countries as part of political money illegally. One of prestaly grubod corruption. Government officials use their power to the reasons for bribery is a lack of personal morals. In the past, many citizens of affected countries disapproved of this practice and showed their objection 2 this practice. This resulted in them having a dialogue with their governments 3 led to the passing of related laws. For example, the Right to Information Act, passed in India in 2005, helps forbid bribery in the government. It grants any citizen access to information under the control of public 4 under this authorities, which includes many departments of the government. act, any citizen can ask to view any accessible documents related to government processes. This act is reliable for promoting transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority. ing W To conclude, 5 laws like the act mentioned above can be successfully applied to other countries with political corruption is unknown. Although bribery is an help get rid of it. sini unavoidable in some parts of the world, good governance can (C) 1. (A) look forward to 善常非)(p (B) cut down d 199000.00 Vision (C) get hold of (D) take its toll on a 15000 M (3) 2. (A) for (B) to shop (C) with oyage (D) over RAN (B) which C) 3. A) what (C), which h的產品數 (D) that 雏不心 DA) 4. (A) On the contrary (B) At length up XNING IN MY bountersbou (C) What's more Cannol gra (D) That is On sind (A) 5. (A) whether or not (B) only if (C) not until (D) even though day life helping others

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