


英文 高中


It's widely known that bees are important for our ecosystem and that they are facing increasing threats from modern agricultural practices involving pesticides. What many of us don't know, 16. (is that some industries should shoulder a bigger share of blame than they're given.) The almond industry, for instance, has quite an adverse impact on bee colonies. One potential harm to bee colonies is the stress caused by transporting them over long distances to almond orchards for the task of pollination. This transportation can be stressful for the bees, hence 17. them more vulnerable to diseases and pests. Moreover, since they're 18. having limited food sources aside from almond flowers further weakens bee colonies. Still another problem is the of honeybees to pesticides and other chemicals used in almond production. 19. 20. and One sustainable solution is to make habitats and species within almond orchards more stable. By creating various ecosystems and introducing other insects among almond trees, at least we can ensure enough food supply for bees and even lower the use of pesticides for almond trees in the long run. A 16. (A) therefore (B) however C17. (A) make A (B) made 18. (A) faced with a great increase in demand (C) looked after by beekeepers carefully (B) delivery 19. (A) cultivation 2 (C) in addition (D) for a start (C) making (D) to make (B) raised in their natural environment (D) physically removed from their habitat (C) exposure (D) restriction asant (D) particular

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化學 高中

108指考第六題 請問D選項,為什麼解答說不反應?H2O2不是常見的氧化劑和還原劑嗎?

pur min.com.tw 步驟中,加入的試劑X是什麼? (B) HSO3 (C) NaOH (D) H₂O₂ (E) (B) ・選修化學(上) 第5章 氧化還原反應 選修化學(下) 第6章 無機化合物 ·測驗考生是否具備氧化劑與還原劑的觀念,以及碘的性質 中 鹵素元素在氧化還原反應中多扮演氧化劑的角色,在酸 定,在鹼性條件中則易發生自身氧化還原反應 (A) ①:I+HCl→ 不反應 (B)H.SO, 可作為還原劑與I反應Ⓤ:I+HSO3+HO→2 HO,可作為氧化劑與HI 反應:2HI+HO: →I+2H (C):31 +6OH →SI +IO +3HO 在鹼性條件中②:I+HO: → 不反應 (D) : +HO: → 不反應 (E): I+ I → 不反應 故試劑 X 為 H.SO。 B 草稿 -De D Q x Lo mattth 09-108指考化學試卷定稿 physical 1₂ 黃褐色 6. 在①的步驟中,加入的試劑 X 是什麼? (A)HCl (B)H,SO3 (C)NaOH 7. 在③的步驟中,加入的試劑 Y 是什麼? (A)HCl (B)H,SO3 V x chemistry 無色 (C) NaOH T 化學考科 6-7為題組 做完秒錶反應後,為了要同學探究實驗過程中的試劑與其化學反應,張老師又 用一個燒杯,演示了一組實驗。簡要過程如下:取一個盛有去離子水 100 毫升 的大燒杯,放置於攪拌器上,使燒杯內的水穩定攪拌,然後滴入碘酒,使溶液 呈現黃褐色。 ④加入鹽酸溶液,黃褐色復現 fe ①加入X試劑,黃褐色褪去,溶液呈現無色。 ②加入雙氧水,黃褐色復現。 ③加入Y試劑,黃褐色褪去,溶液呈現無色。 其流程如右圖,①②3④為 反應過程序號,依據實驗回 答6-7題: Red +X +HzOz + Y +HCl 1 4 Fő 黃褐色 (D) H,O, 3 無色 1₂ → 1- x (E) 1₂ 09-108指... PE 共7頁 Da 黃褐色 (D) H,O, (E) I, 8. 林同學以儀器量測某穩定元素,其組成為雙原子分子,測得其分子量僅有 158、160 及 ✓ 162 三個數值,且對應的分子含量比約為1:2:1。下列敘述,哪一項正確 (A)此元素有三種同位素,其對應原子量為79、80和81 x2 (B)三個分子中,對應分子量為162的分子所含質子數最多 103 81+79.

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英文 高中

想請問第17題和23題的解釋 謝謝!

A16 第16至20題為題組 Tai Chi Chuan is a type of ancient Chinese martial art. People benefits. This centuries-old Chinese mind-body exercise is now gaining popularity in the United States. Tai Chi mainly for its health The most familiar aspect of Tai Chi Chuan is the hand form, which is a series of slow-flowing movements with poetic names (These movements, forming an exercise system) 17 "dragons stirring up the wind" and "wave hands like clouds." or the Qi energy, in one's body. 18 one to effortlessly experience the vital life force, Tai Chi Chuan is not only a physical but also a increase communication between the body and the mind and enable one to deal with other people more 19 exercise. Psychologically, this exercise may effectively. It 20 stress and creates calmness and confidence. Relaxation and a feeling of joy are among the first noticeable differences in a Tai Chi student. 16. (A) practice 17. (A) from 18. allow B 19. (A) formal C20. (A) imposes 0 A 21. (B) consult (B) like (B) allows (B) mental (B) offends (A) Therefore C22. (A) officially 23. (A) approach FACE 24. (A) replace & 25. (A) unlucky 16 (B) Nevertheless (B) mutually (B) approaching (B) disguise Billogical 或畫記多於一個選項者,該 (C) display (C) between C) allowed (C) social (C) reduces 第 21 至 25 題為題組 Much like the dove and robin, the bluebird is considered a very lucky sign in most cultures, a woodpecker, when seen near the home, is regarded as a particularly when seen in the spring. 21 good sign. In contrast, the peacock is not 22 seen as lucky. In places like India, the peacock is considered lucky because the great many "eyes" on its feathers are said to alert it to 23 evil. Peacocks are also highly valued in China and Japan, where they are kept as symbols by the ruling families to 24 their status and wealth. However, the peacock receives only scorn from the rest of the world. The feathers of peacocks are considered the most 25 part of the bird because the eye-shaped markings on them are associated with "evil eyes." To bring the evil eye into the home is thus believed to invite trouble and sorrow. (C) Roughly (C) universally (C) approached (D) manage (D) regarding (D) allowing (D) global (D) disturbs (C) distinguish impossible (D) Similarly (D) eventually (D) be approaching (D) represent (D) unnecessary

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英文 高中


美處 某事 做某事 人做某事 …而且… 事 HOVER Why Men Are Men and Women Are Women 65 e already know that as children, boys wrestle and girls play make-believe. Boys often like building things and taking them apart. On the other hand, girls prefer to host and attend pretend tea parties. But why do these differences W exist? Advanced Several months after babies are born, female babies like to look at a person's face to read emotions while male infants prefer to look at objects. Few would disagree that men care more about objects while women tend to empathize with others. However, the sex of our brain is not always as clear-cut as the sex of our body. In one experiment, a tough man, who seemed very competitive, was shown to possess a high degree of empathy, while a woman scored the highest in a hand- 10 eye coordination test at which men were thought to do better. This shows that the distinctions that set us apart might not be as clear as we think. 5 I t ZAN Differences between the sexes are hard to understand and so are relationships. What on earth makes people fall in love? According to a report, men prefer a particular waist-to-hip ratio, which indicates reliable fertility, while women 15 care more about a man's height, which is thought to be related to success. These are some of the reasons for initial attraction. way (we we see way Some psychologists suggest that our feelings may change the our partners Newlyweds were given a brain scan. The "reward" parts of their brains were filled with feel-good chemicals while the critical judgment part was 20 suppressed. It seems that the old expression "love is blind" has some truth. truth. 193

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英文 高中

想問這題的C C選項指的不應該是說 買賣NFT比想像中複雜 但文中所指NFT的買賣那麼複雜,那為什麼不是錯的勒

第 39 至 42 題為題組 As we progress further into the digital age, new terms and technologies seem to pop up everywhere. The latest of these is "NFTs" or non-fungible tokens. If something is fungible, it means that it is able to be replaced by an item of identical value, such as currency. Therefore, a non-fungible token cannot be interchanged; it is unique. NFTs are linked to the blockchain-the digital database that supports online cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Let's take a deeper look at NFTs and how people can buy, sell, and trade them. In simple terms, NFTs are one-of-a-kind digital works of art. They can take the form of GIFs, tweets, virtual trading cards, images of physical objects, and more. NFTs tend to attract investors who believe in the future of blockchain technology, and who are willing to spend top dollar to obtain a new form of digital currency. For example, Jack Dorsey's first tweet sold for $2.9 million, a video clip of a LeBron James slam dunk sold for over $200,000, and a decade-old "Nyan Cat" GIF sold for $600,000. Clearly, the NFT market is something to be taken seriously. So, the next question is: how does one participate in it? modi naging dato Basically any digital image can be purchased as an NFT. But before buying one, there are a y things to bolet gold sin few things to consider. You need to think about which marketplace to buy from. You also need to b bount itnorn s. slagg 21.05 think about what kind of digital wallet you'll be using to store the NFT, and which type of gos, of 10 and ab cryptocurrency you'll use to purchase it. The process of selling your NFT will vary based on which Dead orie ni einshins Imp leve moitoolsh marketplace you use. However, the process is simple enough-first, you'll upload your content to anthow ad of Lite to 2012 63 ele ning rolls of abno the marketplace to turn it into an NFT. Then, add details about the work and set the price. NFTS bengoof mi cont long as they have may sound confusing, but anyone is able to take part in this new digital market as a digital wallet and a little bit of cryptocurrency. zulli 120d so ausu gaivollot sa to doir'W.20 con cach these All th Ver DHE KU A

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