

美處 某事 做某事 人做某事 …而且… 事 HOVER Why Men Are Men and Women Are Women 65 e already know that as children, boys wrestle and girls play make-believe. Boys often like building things and taking them apart. On the other hand, girls prefer to host and attend pretend tea parties. But why do these differences W exist? Advanced Several months after babies are born, female babies like to look at a person's face to read emotions while male infants prefer to look at objects. Few would disagree that men care more about objects while women tend to empathize with others. However, the sex of our brain is not always as clear-cut as the sex of our body. In one experiment, a tough man, who seemed very competitive, was shown to possess a high degree of empathy, while a woman scored the highest in a hand- 10 eye coordination test at which men were thought to do better. This shows that the distinctions that set us apart might not be as clear as we think. 5 I t ZAN Differences between the sexes are hard to understand and so are relationships. What on earth makes people fall in love? According to a report, men prefer a particular waist-to-hip ratio, which indicates reliable fertility, while women 15 care more about a man's height, which is thought to be related to success. These are some of the reasons for initial attraction. way (we we see way Some psychologists suggest that our feelings may change the our partners Newlyweds were given a brain scan. The "reward" parts of their brains were filled with feel-good chemicals while the critical judgment part was 20 suppressed. It seems that the old expression "love is blind" has some truth. truth. 193
Once the "honeymoon" stage is over, why do some couples make it and others not? Many couples have problems because they take each other for granted and don't communicate well. One couple whose marriage had lasted 70 years, had some advice for newlyweds. They said that people today look for perfection when they should just try to "make a little heaven on Earth. These words of wisdom stand to remind us that, with a little work and understanding, love can last a lifetime. 101 5 G B A Reading Questions ono nel 1. What is the main idea of paragraph 2? (A) Men and women are born different. (B) Men and women are only physically different. (C) The differences between men and women are not absolute. (D) The differences between men and women are culturally constructed. 2. What was found about female newborn babies? (A) They are interested in facial expressions. (B) They like objects more than human faces. (C) They are similar to male babies in many ways. (D) They exhibit a competitive tendency. 3. What is said about the attraction between the sexes? (A) Men are attracted to women with long hair. B) Women are attracted to tall men. (C) Men prefer narrow-hipped women. (D) Women like men who are reliable and confident. Word infar 4. The last paragraph gives advice on (A) how to avoid being blind in love (B) how to repair a broken relationship (how to find a perfect partner (D) how to make a relationship work 1. 2. expe 3. tou 4. CO 5. PC d 8. 9


Men prefer a “particular waist-to-hip ratio”, which indicates reliable fertility.
