


英文 高中

想問第四題為什麼不能選C 謝謝🙏

111. 綜合測驗:15% • pose drult qi avil or salil olgooq vasi 26 have fascinated 1. of a e part lunches daily to The dabbawalas of Mumbai, i, India, have ated many people. They are boxed-lunch delivery organization that brings around 200,000 office and factory workers. Dabbawalas provide a very useful service. Since most Mumbai residents live in areas far from their jobs, it's inconvenient for them to bring their lunches on cramped public transportation. Dabbawalas always deliver the lunches the right location. They're able to do this because of their nearly-3./ operating system. collects around Each geographical area* employs around twenty-five dabbawalas, 4. 8, and details. outer delivery of 2. and to thirty lunch boxes boxes. Dabbawalas write special numbers and characters on each container's 5., they rarely lid to indicate the neighborhood, building, deliver a lunch box to the wrong place. Without a doubt, the service performed by these dabbawalas is a true model of success. el of successivo a god m' .01 (A) It wasn't mentioned in the passage. 90.87 Ji a geographical area 註: home-making (C) home-made BID 2251 (C) 1. (A) home-make eded (B) home-maki (D) making-home SD) 2. (A) at risk (C) by chance (bai (D) on time (B) & (A) classic list! (B) all the time (solo (C)(A) each of whom A (B) flawless (B) one of which (C) each of them JESSIES anoia ( handled 101 airli(D) swift (D) they all

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英文 高中

想問44 他的答案是怎麼得出來的 先發展於北美那跟義大利有什麼關系

C 111-W3 英文考科 第6頁 共7頁 43. What can we learn about pineapple on pizza from this passage? (A) A great majority of people in the world enjoy this combination. BIt was invented in Hawaii and becomes popular all over the world. It is so harmful that it has been destroying families and friendships. (D) It wasn't until 2009 that it became a hit in Italy and all over the world. 44. Which of the following statements about the relation between Italian people and pineapple pizza is TRUE? ANt will be enjoyed by a small minority in the EU though many dislike it. (B) How it is made and produced will be preserved under a law from the EU. Its global appeal will be protected by the EU after it keeps evolving. D) It will break with tradition and have a chance of becoming a hit. 46. In the last sentence of this article, what does the author try to imply? alolqua9 (A) (A) They hate it so much that they have decided to make it unlawful in Italy. Though pineapple pizza is unwelcome in Italy, it is invented here. A (C) Some Italian people can accept it because it breaks with tradition. (D) Pineapple pizza has been part of their food culture since long ago. 45. Based on the second paragraph in this passage, if a kind of food is given a TSG status, then what would happen? (A) Putting pineapple on a pizza is illegal, and putting ketchup on a hotdog is also illegal in the US. (B) Putting ketchup on a hotdog is more acceptable than putting pineapple on a pizza in the US. (C) Putting ketchup on a hotdog and putting pineapple on a pizza are legal in the US. (D) Putting ketchup on a hotdog has nothing to do with putting pineapple on a pizza in the US. 第貳部分、混合題(占10分) 限有笑顯光標示題號的作答區內作 ghe oir 分 it th e 5 C vh as VO 14 r 1

已解決 回答數: 1
數學 高中


Tuesday #NIT 1 ** 師名作選 圣豬〉 Wednesday 4 飛盤高爾夫 「混合題 UNIT 2 ** 運動趣聞 Thursday 5 飛盤高爾夫 混合題 UNIT 2 ** 運動超閱 已即可線上收聽 各單元的課文朗讀、單字朗讀 及課程講解喔! Friday UNIT 3 * 6 克漏字 音樂公路 Satur El Niño [El ninjo] Most Popular Top 來看看這陣子有哪些 熱門的話題吧! 焦點話題 心 源自西班牙文,有「男孩」和「幼 年基督」的雙重意思。十九世紀 時,秘魯漁夫發現每年聖誕節前後 會有一股沿著海岸往南流的暖流, 為紀念「聖恩」/FINIA-Y- 7. 大宇集團為了響應政府的節能政策,決定在未來5年中逐年依固定的 比率(當年和前一年排放量的比)調降集團的二氧化碳排放量,目標 是5年後的排放量降為目前排放量的75%。請問:若要達到這項目標, 4年至少要比前一年減少多少百分比的二氧化碳排放量? 包 CH1 總複習 6. 擔任審計工作的人有時會用班佛法則(Benford's law)來查帳。班佛 法則告訴我們:銀行存款最高位數字是n者的比例約為log(1+- ・請 問若依據這種說法,則銀行中存款金額最高位數字不超過3的比例約 為多少?(用四捨五入法取至小數第2位)【1-3指數與常用對數】 n 信風減弱,氣流停在太平河 因對流旺盛而形成歐 溫暖的海水往西流,使太平洋西 drought [draut] n. 乾旱、馬 wildfire [waild.fair] n. T 【例句El Nino is a weathe warmer ocean temp and affects global c 聖嬰現象是一種導致太平 候的天氣型態。

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