


英文 國中


food value grass •People eat their meat. •People use wool to make clothes. trees • People eat their meat. • People drink their milk and turn it into cheese. (C) Their tails point the same way. (D) They usually live for over eight years. Long working hours are a problem in Taiwan. People in Taiwan often work longer hours than people in other countries. In fact, in 2017, working hours in Taiwan were the fourth longest in the world. To protect the workers, Taiwan decided to make some changes to the labor law in 2018. Here are some examples. 1. Workers need to have at least one day off every seven days. 2. The working hours on a work day can't be over eight hours; for every four hours, workers need to take a break for half an hour. Also, workers can't work more than 40 hours a week. 3. When workers need to work more than eight hours a day or 40 hours a week, companies need to pay them overtime for each hour. 4. Workers can't work more than 12 hours a day, and their overtime working hours can't be longer than 54 hours a month. g lifespan 壽命 wool綿羊毛 value 價值 tail 尾巴 (B) point 指向 1. Why did Taiwan change the labor law? (A) To protect companies' rights. (B) To have workers get enough rest. (C) To help people make more money. (D) To make workers' overtime pay lower. 2. Gabriel works eight hours a day. However, he came into the office at 9 a.m. yesterday, took two 30-minute breaks, and kept working until 8 p.m. How many hours does his company need to pay him for overtime? (A) Two. (B) Three. (C) Eight. (D) Eleven. (A) Who is NOT following the new labor law? (A) Rose worked for 55 hours last week. (B) Nathan only needs to work four days a week. (C) Linda worked overtime for 25 hours last month. (D) Sandy worked every day without any days off last month. g at least 至少 off 休假 overtime 加班(費) 一、依提示作答。(每題3分,共6分) 1. Selena is a terrible singer. (用sing改寫句子) Selena sings terribly, 2. Meg runs more slowly than all the other students in the class. (H) Meg runs the most slowly in the class 翻譯。(每題3分,共9分)

已解決 回答數: 1
數學 國中


( 34.~35.) Hi, I am Jamie. My special place is in a big apple tree by my grandparents' garden. My grandpa built it for my sister and me. To get there, I have to climb up a ladder. Grandpa built it with wood and it also has a roof, so we don't get wet when it rains. I like to sit inside when it rains. The sound makes me comfortable. Sometimes I have food with my sister and cousins there. One day, I wanted to spend the night there, but it was really dark. I was afraid, so I went back to the house. vobiulp? Hi, my name is Karen. My special place is in a park near my home. I go there with my friends. It is not in the center of the park, so few people go there. There is a bench under a tree, and we often sit and talk there. It makes us very happy. There is a beautiful fountain and we often play water in it. It is a great place when the weather is hot. The tall trees there can help us keep out of the sun. In the spring, there are many beautiful flowers. It is more like the country than a park in the city. ladder 梯子 wood木材 roof屋頂 fountain 噴泉 34. Which is the right picture of the special place? (A) Jamie's m.q08 (B) Jamie's uto2 mw onex99W DD 21 Did b Yoineetblirb JUC r t'nob uoY chowezuor apnhd ne .2M dor by glori abbl (C) Karen's (D) Karen's 91blirb ynoma ob of mert b9b not agit aw? smol law by slows bas ov w.moo.zhit.www Jiziv To 1200-0588-40 ( ) 35. Which is NOT true? almid (A) Karen's special place is in the city. wla naniol" bina bom e vodol25 (B) Karen likes to play water with her friends. W mid 10 taong i sno zirli (C) Jamie stayed in his favorite place for nights. (D) There is a garden next to Jamie's special place. smol Jow? (A) M() .smita coin2.0

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