


數學 高中


(1) ) 10. 如右圖,三直線L:y=ax+h,L:y=ax+h, ㄙ:y=ax+6,相交於點(1,1),則下列敘述哪些正確? (Da₂ >a, > a, (2)b, <0 a₂ +b₂ >1 a₂>0 (5)ath, <1。 ax-y=-b arx-y=-b2 asx-y=-b3 1. 關於數列的敘述,下列選項哪些正確? (1)(2) (1)設(a, 為等差數列,則〈3×亦為等差數列 +8 (4) 18+4)= X ai az T $²71²-=-5-16 16. 6320 in a27al J03 - 8x6120 三、填充題(每題 5 分,共 30 分) 12. 如右圖,半圓的直徑AB=10,BC=CD=6,且AD=2, 則tan ∠BAE = 22 (2)設〉為首項、公差均是正數的等差數列,則(2)亦為等差數列 D a3 (8)設〉為等差數列,則〈logo〉為等比數列 (4)設(a)為等比數列,則亦為等比數列 46410件 02 8 32 128 (5)設(a >為首項、公比均是正數的等比數列,則(loga)為等差數列。 100 1000 10 1-0² 2 jafor -12 logś=logo 18 by 10. l astbr / 03<0 375 3 2 3 (1935, 6) (Igs", 1) jm²) = 25l = lg 3 + = =+ 2 =12 (代S共,会 ED=10-b√ PERMET 0=C+x01-5x+5x 652 = 2 8 32 128 44 * obaco.dk m=- 叉高腰半顿D圓(S) (02)(1) 10 42060=21-A÷XE N 13. 從D 2 ③ 4.2、8、9九個數字中任取相異三個數字,其乘積是奇數的方法數為a,若 取三個數字,其和為奇數的方法數為b,則a+b=0-5: 李育奇 d=4(2X)偶有價项 = (Exci =6x5=30 =10 奇奇奇奇 = C3=10 D 1234 - 若直線L:5x-y-a=0 與圓C:x㎡+y^-2x+4y+b=0 相切於點 (6, (4) 想 ,則數對(a,b, (+9₁-21,-4) ²-sx-y = a (x²2x+1²) +8+49+2²) - 1-4+6=0825 $55=56 5X-2 +17-0 (2x4 / 7 (2+²) = 5+6=0 mes Sky=17 5 QXUAQ+2)=5+b=0 (1,-2) EESEE/b=√HS_ L 5001< S+2V 2011=9 √=5+b a=-19 [5+2+1/ √571² 15. 設兩直線y=6和y=18分別與y=3*的圖形相於A、B兩點,則直線AB的斜率為 6 EDA45 DV (1,1) 10 6:0-5, B 2 C-1 -5 18=37 6=37 X=l=jzb lyst f

尚未解決 回答數: 2
英文 高中

求救16跟24題 想問我原本的答案為什麼錯 謝謝😀

asin din n't ic fe (A) came around II. 綜合測驗:30% (A) Christmas is celebrated worldwide. Some countries, ) 19. (A) which () 20. 21.ror started. The answer wouldn't find anywhere else. For example, in Portugal, you might see that people have empty chairs around the Christmas breakfast table. These chairs show that the family's loved ones who are living have not been forgotten. In other words, while Portuguese families are gathering at Christmas to enjoy a mouth-watering dinner, they also remember their family members 19.00 have passed away. Another example comes to us from Japan. euo 20, must eating in, many, Japanese families prefer to have Christmas dinner at KFC. You may wonder how this Christmas fast-food 1 15 12 lies in a true story dating back to the 1970s. One day, the manager of Japan's first KFC store heard ar 22. foreign customers talking about how much they missed the Christmas turkey dinner back home. This gave him the idea of 23.mba special family meal on the menu around Christmas as a way to celebrate the holiday. He named this meal the "Party Barrel," which 24. to as a large bucket full of fried chicken, salad, and cake. Later, wine was even included. 25., KFC stores across Japan added the Party Barrel to their Christmas menus. The rest is history. stil vra LIE (16. (A) similarly ) 17. (A) place (18. (A) nothing but ( BOE) 21. in the end when they won the ball (B) paid off (C) lined up (B) however (B) places (B) close to (B) what (A) Such as (A) Such as mo sno bu(B) (A) tradition ( ( mos no nos 22. (A) little no 10 m profit Intalni () 23. (A) expressing 24. (A) paid off (A) 25. (A) Eventually 27EQ M67⁹9 Rather than ther than it (B) purchase (B) much (B) offering (B) came around (B) Barely lov svil siques to 279 ID0,28 1970 16. have Christmas customs that you IMAJ 17. (C) afterward (C) placing (C) no longer (C) when (D) started out (C) Thanks to 2) Thanks tovo (C) opinion (C) a few 01 10 15dmun (C) protecting (D) instead (D) placed (D) then and there (D) who E 00 (D) Who (C) started off. I 190 201012 開始 (D) record 100450241 7510 (C) Personally sgral anal on luos? 18. When it comes to (D) a little alqooq 000,0 17000 510m and (D) matching .DE (D) came in VI (D) Fortunately CAUT EXIL 25 03

尚未解決 回答數: 1