


英文 高中

請問為什麼是Penthouse 而不是Loft呢?謝謝!

Welcome to Puss' Pet Hotel, world-class cat accommodation in the Dreamvalley metropolitan area. Our guests benefit from trusted and professional care. Our qualified staff have exceptional skills, knowledge and a genuine love of cats. Your pet's safety, comfort and wellbeing are our highest priority. Cat Boarding We know that cats can be a little precious about their living arrangements and require absolute purrfection. That's why Puss' Pet Hotel offers two types of climate-controlled, spacious, clean and comfortable cat accommodation. Our Loft Condo offers a private litter box and secluded sleeping area with soothing music to ensure your special feline enjoys cozy comfort and privacy. Our Penthouse Condo offers two-story accommodation, providing your distinguished kitty with plenty of room to stretch out and explore its home-away-from-home. Loft Condo Penthouse Condo Standard Nightly Rates $20 / night, with each additional cat sharing the same condo costing an additional $5 / night $30/night, with each additional cat sharing the same condo costing an additional $10/night We offer a 20% discount for pets boarding ten plus nights at our hotel. (D) Smuage will rest in www vy vuiti cats 38. Please look at the calendar below. Alex's two cats will stay in the hotel in the coming month. They will check in on Oct. 8 and leave on the morning of Oct. 19. Alex wants to settle his two cats in one condo, but also wants to give them separate space. Which condo is he most likely to choose and how much is the boarding fee? (A) Loft, $220. (B Loft, $275. (C) Penthouse, $352.) Penthouse, $440. Oct. Wed. 275 ros 8p Sun. 3 ✓ 10 17 24 31 Mon. Tue. 4 ✓ 11 18 25 5 √12 19 26 Thu. Fri. 1 7 V8 V15 22 29 6 v 13 √14 20 27 41128 Sat. 2 9 N16 23 30 V

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英文 高中


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