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hsth. 覆滿某物 某事 23 More Than a Pretty Picture S. Y ou visit a tourist attraction, and everybody around you has digital cameras. In the crowd, however, you notice one person carrying a small unde bin toy-like camera—a LOMO camera. Interested, you later search the Internet for more information. 5 Hool verT/(B) bnet explosent (3) The LOMO photography ("lomography") craze began in 1991, when two Viennese students bought an old LOMO film camera and began experimenting. The pictures were different from any they had seen before. Some colors were too bright, some objects were blurry, and the pictures looked strange. But their oddness inspired a style of photography that would become popular worldwide 10 王於吾乎 成為熱門景點 一定又會遲至 童,向他人求 美」理論, ,必須經拍 其對應的 rigenpotoriq i exst (8) With modern cameras, every aspect of a picture is controllable. However, this isn't the case with LOMO cameras. These fun and simple machines have special features like colored flashy and fish-eye lenses. They produce pictures with an element of unpredictability which makes using them a novel experience. To get even more out of your one-of-a-kind tool, ignore the basic rules of photography 15 39 and follow lomography.com's "ten golden rules 3-A.C -以詩的 条水草 LOMO cameras provide a change of pace from modern digital ones. In our high-tech world, LOMO cameras let us appreciate the low-tech side of film photography. As the old saying goes, "stop and smell the roses." And while you're at it, take a picture of them, too. With a LOMO camera, you'll get a new and 20 peculiar perspective of the world every time. 虹似 2.85

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32.ran coverage 是跑新聞嗎?是算慣用語嗎?

31-40 題為題組 ovog (8) holiday family, either. Broadcasting and 31 33 35 36 Oslo (O) osla April 1 is more than just the first day of the month. It's also April Fools' Day, a when people can make others look like fools! The tricks aren't just played between friends and the fun, too. magazines , and big companies One of the most shocking PÅpril Fools' Day jokes was played by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). The television station ran couggage on April 1, 1957 about spaghetti trees in Switzerland. The program even showed people picking spaghett; from trees. Phone calls flooded the BBC from people asking how they too could grow spaghetti. You might wonder what the BBC's was. It told people to put a piece of spaghetti “in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best.” 至塔芬 The BBC wasn't the only company to play an April Fools' prank. Taco Bell, an American fast-food chain, advertised in 1996 that it had bought the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia to 34 it the “Liberty Taco Bell.” Many people, hearing this, thought it was true and were Coutraged. Burger King, another fast-food chain, tricked advertising a burger for left-handed people. Thousands of people tried to order anded burgers, while many others ordered right-handed burgers. Regular people have 37 some of the most unbelievable tricks in history. Smoke rising from a volcano in Alaska turned out to be a prank by a man who hundreds of tires in During World War I, a(n) 39 French pilot flew over a German military camp and dropped a “bomb." The soldiers ran, but when it didn't 40 they went back and found a football with a note that read “April Fools!" (A) rename (B) burned (C) reckless at 3 brato stand for the RATE) upon mod (F) pulled #1360) (G) response (H) grateful (1) get in op basis fot) by 2001 (K) explodeon (L) coverage INallel Totiusad S STB 5190 101 or gabim 31. 32. 3B. G 34. A 35. e naisels store bolismi lege ato ng by 37. F 38. 39. 40. . 38 the cratert For 36. Part 4 篇章結構 bibi (H) u 說明:第41題至第45題,每題有一個空格,請依文意從文章後所提供的(A)至(日)選項中 分別選出最適當者,使篇章結構清晰有條理。 41-45 題為題組 Fiction is full of great detectives such as Sherlock Holmes, Nancy Drew, and Philip 418 However, he was a real-life detective and spy, whose m Marlowe. became

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9 009 31. (A)becomes (of ot 三、綜合; (D)m case Wi下兮 Te seventeenth Gf March, 志e fime he retired ji County D guess his early ori y honors St. Patrick, the Irish patron saint who preacheq CrstGtansey- Sy own, JreJand, St. Patrick 3 T_known as amodest and religious man. 32 ,ftew wouuw became a slave 和m Treland gins. Born Maewyn im 385 A:D. 崗 Wales, he was kidnapped by Irish marauders at the age of 16. Hie to Britain. Where he began to have religious dreams. Then he managed to escape and boarded aship going Once free, he moved to France ad calling-一 . Joined a monastery. Studying for 了e priesthood,。 he realized his holy 33 peopie to Christianity. He also chaii ed his 品四 af (meaning co Y % fHnme. Around 432 A.D., he returned to Jreland 3 rd 婚 2 his true putpGsehe8 一二一 and to saving the salvation ofsouls. He used a and fhe Spirit together “father of his people?) during this d himself to sharing the Word of God stem of shamrock _35 the trinity一the concept of the Father the Son, Nowadays St. Pafrickss Day is asecular holiday. People can still rermember St. Patrick green clothes as fhey sip green beer and wear (B)became (gfhas become (9yhad beceome 9@% -悶 32. (A)Moreover (B)However (C)Instead 人9yThus 2 33. (A)converfing (B)adopting (Craiding (D)pinching 34. (A)Discovered (B)Discovering (C)To discover (D)Havimng diseovered 急 人@: (aught (B)teaching, (Cto teach (D)to teaching ofhow we can help ourselves and others to become happier. 有 光和4 Taught by Ben-Shahar befween 2004 and 2008, the primary focus ofthis unique and innovativi 9 和和 ecourse is fhe question 店 仙人人 人 :螞條臣斑 才 詞查閃:明和 尖 牙 多此加 細擴信和 才3! 者紅 導 品品,、 個瘋

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