


英文 高中


52.~54. 題為題組 [無合成分裂〕 自從 1835 年德國植物學家馮莫爾(Hugo von Mohl)在綠藻的研究中發現細胞分裂以來, 細胞的分裂已被廣泛研究。目前已知的生物細胞分裂包含有絲分裂、減數分裂與無絲分裂,在 進入分裂期之前都須經過遺傳物質(DNA)的複製,確保新生成的子細胞具備母細胞的遺傳訊 息。 翔於天際 2 然而在 2022 年 4 月,國際期刊《自然〉刊登了一篇由臺灣中研院研究團隊發表的論文, 提到脊椎動物斑馬魚的表皮細胞,可在未經 DNA 複製的狀態下進行細胞分裂產生新細胞。由 於沒有經過 DNA複製階段,新生成的子細胞皆不具備完整的母細胞 DNA。此一特殊的細胞分 裂被研究團隊稱為「無合成分裂」,其產生的子細胞型態較小、較扁,且僅發生在斑馬魚體表 最表面一層的表皮細胞;再往內一層的表皮細胞可以進行正常的有絲分裂。這個現象讓研究人 員十分納悶。 ( 經過對斑馬魚生活史的了解,研究人員認為在斑馬魚幼魚早期生長階段,體長變化十分快 速,需要更多的表皮細胞覆蓋身體表面以提供保護,進行無合成分裂可快速增加表皮細胞數 量。目前已知,連續進行兩次無合成分裂,可提升表皮細胞數量達6成的體表覆蓋率。相較 於一般有絲分裂,可以在身體資源有限的早期發育階段,更快速、更有效率地增加表皮細胞數 量。請根據本文回答下列問題。 52. 有關本文的敘述,下列哪些正確?(應選2項) 斑馬魚可利用無合成分裂完成無性生殖 \(B)表皮細胞的覆蓋速度提升,有助於體型的增長 (1) 無合成分裂是斑馬魚增加表皮細胞的唯一方法 (D)斑馬魚的表皮細胞也會進行有絲分裂 (每個染色體完整的細胞僅能進行一次無合成分裂

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英文 高中

請問whereas if這個用法常用嗎?不太明白這個用法,謝謝!🙏🏼

二、綜合測驗 (10%) SENDET LIT-OLL SRETAN da mot/t C 說明:第 11 至 20 題,每題一個空格。請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,並劃記在答案卡 之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者得1分;答錯、 未作答或劃記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算。 1 (古)頭髮:台暗壹金 第11至15題為題組 and disas Many people rely on home insurance to protect themselves from accidents and disasters. Sometimes, the worst misfortunes come from inside the home! 11, pet dogs can cause some very 12 it receives each year. some of the worst expensive damage to homes and possessions. One home insurance company located in the UK listed e worst examples out of the roughly 800 dog-related insurance It's common to see excited pooches knocking over things. Some insurance cases were related to dogs knocking over paint cans, bleach bottles, or buckets of water. Dogs have knocked over and broken costly pieces of technology like televisions and laptops. One dog even managed to accidentally turn on the tap in the kitchen sink while the owner was away, 13 the house and causing thousands of pounds' worth of damage. While some damage involving canine antics isn't covered by home insurance policies, ies, other examples can still fall under the terms of the policy. A home insurance policy 14 if the dog soils a covered, which is a good reminder mince ngister of 1152 of include the fasbouds (A) rug, it wouldn't h Placement of a TV destroyed in a dog-redent, . 15 buy a homeowner a new one. Yedi for people to read the insurance policy thoroughly when they're buying coverage. Vb991g (4) 11. In the meantime Dim 19 Dell funds got od to (A) exploiting (B) flooding qui (a) (B) so as on 12sob or (B) consists of 13. (A) 14. (A) since 15. (A) depends qila (0) of os dood ng (9) (C) To sum (C) pleas (C) conveying (8) (C) whereas (C) occurs to listab vas .noitamolni muptidin (D) For example Isolum (8) (D) fees no od vd (D) discarding 12 (A) (D) unless (D) sets aside sets asidebnA P air of 820pon grivait neitor (A) 第16至20題為題組 (1) From April 2022, big changes began coming to Japanese schools. For many years, Japan's students had lived with some of the world's strictest dress codes. The rules for public school pupils

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英文 高中

想要請問第19題!我的理解是SBS造成這些病症…繼而有多少多少比例的人死掉或永久性傷害。為什麼選in fact 比較適當呢?謝謝!🙏🏼

第16至20題為題組) 2qizzog (0) 2191291 (8) 16. When frustrated parents lose control, they sometimes make the mistake JUIC Dievas fo Being the parent of a young baby is hard. You often need to deal with the stressful job of making your baby of shaking their babies. NEVER shake a baby! This can lead to Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). A baby's head and neck are 17 and shaking can easily tear blood vessels that go to the brain. While the baby may have no obvious signs of injury after being shaken, they could have 18 damage. Babies under one year old are at the greatest risk of injury from shaking. SBS can cause brain injury, blindness, hearing loss, learning and behavior problems, and death. 19 quarter of SBS victims die, and 80% of survivors have p THETISH DEED-MISTO Soin usinsigenti (19 -) one- Sargeral 201 shibe dig menol If your baby is crying and you're getting upset, put the baby in a safe place like a crib. Walk away for a while you can relax and have some time alone. You can also ask a family member or trusted friend for help. SBS can be completely avoided with patience and support from 20 others. Shifto villsup b siuloads (0) 16. (A) to stop crying 17. (A) mature 18. (A) internal ST (1) 19. (A) At once 20. (A) so thatool ora as A snutnovba (C) insillind (O) (B) to stop to (B) delicate permanent damage. lastendo (8) cry (C) stop to cry Taid oeusd. (C) magical (C) plentiful matism (8) (C) At times (B) digital dos (3) (B) In turn (B) whenever 200 bed 2 (C) as though sle(D) unless 12 Tognuoy Tad at theroftib SM.QL sonsbivs (8) Vegra (A) sonbizixe (3) 2022 妙妙 第4回-2 daug is of 29200 un ej200 (20 slimog (A) (D) stop crying (D) humble (D) worthy (D) In fact IAC (A)

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英文 高中


some countries have changed their laws de related to women's rights. Although Abortion* has long been a controversial and loosened restrictions on abortion in recent decades +年来. FREET decades, many places still set strict limits on abortion, including the supposed land of the free: the United States. 严格限制 所谓的由之地, Originally, in Roe v. Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), these two legal cases decided by the U.S. Supreme Court* both restated women's right to 法律案件 abortion. However, at the same time, they also permitted regulations on abortion related to women's health. Since states have increasingly introduced laws to restrict, abortion fights. Texas, for instance, 越来越多地走 FR$ 1691946) passed laws that strictly regulate abortion providers. This measure eventually caused many of the state's abortion clinics to close down. In addition, Alabama put a near-total ban on abortion, with the exceptions, even in rape* cases. In June 2022, much to many people's shock, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed* both Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, undoing decades-old precedents that protected abortion rights. 註:abortion 墮胎 Supreme Court 最高法院 rape 強暴 reverse 撤銷 cyto att det the but outcome of the Casey trial, to adopt their own ATRI comoupratingu daid te P 1. According to this passage, which of the following statements is true? (A) To this day, abortion rights in the United States remain protected by its overf ofhy eco Supreme Court. TOMBOW (B) Some states in the United States are setting stricter regulations with regard to abortion. de ac - 22510x5 0f 5m baimen YM (C) Women in Alabama can have legal abortions if they become pregnant after being raped. GÖZADINEV Turling (D) Many clinics in Texas have shut down because they provided illegal abortion services. VED TO zi ngjora, adt dhundi 2. Why does the author mention Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey in the passage? (A) To describe what most people think about abortion. (B) To express the idea that many places still object to abortion. odzyTo describe a legal case in Texas that ruled against abortion. (D) To prove that women have the right to decide whether to be pregnant. 3. Why have many abortion clinics in Texas closed down? Copy one sentence from the passage to answer this question. Texas, for instance, passed laws that strickly regulate abortion providers, 41

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英文 高中


tion adv. 驚人地 47 From Japan to the World 2022 apan's most famous traditional food, sushi, has satisfied people's appetites around the world. We usually think of sushi as bite sized slices of raw fish laid who eat sushi love it. The sushi we eat today, however, is quite different from that many are unable to accept the thought of eating uncooked pieces of fish. But those on rice. Eaten as a snack or main course, sushi is light and healthy. At first sight, of the past. Long before the invention of refrigerators, in Japan, freshly-caught fish was preserved in salt and put in rice to keep it edible for a longer time. This process gave the fish a strong and sour flavor, and also kept it from rotting. After it was preserved, people ate the fish without the rice.com me novell Later, as methods of maintaining food improved, rice vinegar replaced the preservation process. And instead of throwing away the rice, the Japanese began eating it with the fish. Since the preservation process was no longer needed, sushi became quick and easy to prepare and eat. IW BDE As sushi's popularity exploded in Tokys across Japan, and around the globe, 15 a Japanese man named Yoshiaki Shiraishi who had problems running a small sushi shop by himself, invented kaiten sushi, or conveyor belt sushi. His first kaiten sushi restaurant opened in 1958 in Osaka, Japan, and quickly caught on. 5 10 In kaiten sushi restaurants, plates of sushi move around on a conveyor belt, and customers take whatever 20 catches their eye. This type of restaurant also makes it easier for those who don't speak Japanese to fully enjoy sushi. Through constant improvement, Japan has spread sushi, its gift to the world, all over the place. 139. 25

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英文 高中


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