


英文 高中

想請問一下11題!這種題型已經錯很多次了,請問強調句It is that和Such be的用法的核心差異應該怎麼分辨?搞不太懂🥲謝謝

1 B 13 D 綜合測驗 (10%) C www mee 說明:第 11 至 20 題,每題一個空格。請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,並劃記在答案卡 之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者得1分;答錯、未作答或劃記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算。 第11至15題為題組 (台古) 琴:合培壹索 If you've seen the movie The Lion King, then you may have heard the phrase “Ix-nay on the upid-stay." What obscure language was being spoken? It's Pig Latin! on words. Pig Latin isn't actually a language, and it has nothing to do with real Latin. It's more of a play 11 is the popularity of Pig Latin that it has even made its way into TV shows and movies. It's a way to say something in code, and only people who know the rules will be able to it. So, what are those rules? First, take the first sound of the word, move it to the end, and add "-ay." The word "toy" would be "oy-tay." When a word begins with consonant clusters, move 13 them to the end, and add "-ay." "String” would be “ing-stray." If the word starts with a don't move any sounds; just add “-ay.” So “apple" becomes “apple-ay." 12 DEVIVIUZ TOLOMBLIU elsboss2 (A) 14 the word rather than look at This doesn't happen every time, though. You just have to its spelling. For instance, "one" starts with the letter "o," but has a "w" sound. It would be "un-way" in Pig Latin. Let's go back to that phrase we are familiar: "Ix-nay on the upid-stay." Now 29m21 (8) 250sluotis (A) we can read it as, "Nix on the stupid."dainev () 15 Ow-nay, you can ave-hay un-fay with ig-pay atin-lay! 21. godinwohn 0286990 1919 SAU 11. (A) Such 12. (A) recitensbi (C) 13. (A) symbol sinitab 14. (A) call for 15. (A) in that Songs (A) bus anob anor indi 第16至20題為題組 ( vusio adot asw ji 19diw sa 'WE omils zagolz (A) (B) It (B) crack (B) version (B) listen to (B) which oibot (0) sqft (0) su u (C) What eziovib (8) (C) flip (C) signature moitawei 8 turn down (C) with which jedmi (3) (D) That (D) scoop andet (8) TI (D) vowel zul ad (D) cater to (D) how (8) to sqyi Isiosqe iw borsvoo ei loow taal tdguod sw sloz wen aT.2 Ji gnidotatoe mort atas auce nisgs Wenigemi (A) 1899niv (A) lagiclation makes 16

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英文 高中

請問whereas if這個用法常用嗎?不太明白這個用法,謝謝!🙏🏼

二、綜合測驗 (10%) SENDET LIT-OLL SRETAN da mot/t C 說明:第 11 至 20 題,每題一個空格。請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,並劃記在答案卡 之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者得1分;答錯、 未作答或劃記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算。 1 (古)頭髮:台暗壹金 第11至15題為題組 and disas Many people rely on home insurance to protect themselves from accidents and disasters. Sometimes, the worst misfortunes come from inside the home! 11, pet dogs can cause some very 12 it receives each year. some of the worst expensive damage to homes and possessions. One home insurance company located in the UK listed e worst examples out of the roughly 800 dog-related insurance It's common to see excited pooches knocking over things. Some insurance cases were related to dogs knocking over paint cans, bleach bottles, or buckets of water. Dogs have knocked over and broken costly pieces of technology like televisions and laptops. One dog even managed to accidentally turn on the tap in the kitchen sink while the owner was away, 13 the house and causing thousands of pounds' worth of damage. While some damage involving canine antics isn't covered by home insurance policies, ies, other examples can still fall under the terms of the policy. A home insurance policy 14 if the dog soils a covered, which is a good reminder mince ngister of 1152 of include the fasbouds (A) rug, it wouldn't h Placement of a TV destroyed in a dog-redent, . 15 buy a homeowner a new one. Yedi for people to read the insurance policy thoroughly when they're buying coverage. Vb991g (4) 11. In the meantime Dim 19 Dell funds got od to (A) exploiting (B) flooding qui (a) (B) so as on 12sob or (B) consists of 13. (A) 14. (A) since 15. (A) depends qila (0) of os dood ng (9) (C) To sum (C) pleas (C) conveying (8) (C) whereas (C) occurs to listab vas .noitamolni muptidin (D) For example Isolum (8) (D) fees no od vd (D) discarding 12 (A) (D) unless (D) sets aside sets asidebnA P air of 820pon grivait neitor (A) 第16至20題為題組 (1) From April 2022, big changes began coming to Japanese schools. For many years, Japan's students had lived with some of the world's strictest dress codes. The rules for public school pupils

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英文 高中


五、閱讀測驗(24%) 說明:第 35 至 46 題,每題請分別根據各篇文章之文意選出最適當的一個選項,請 劃記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」 。各題答對者,得2分;答錯、未作答或 劃記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。 第35至38題為題組 The way a food product is marketed and packaged to us as a healthier choice might just be a big lie. The "health halo effect" happens when food products appear much healthier than they really are because of how they're marketed. Some examples of health halo marketing terms are high protein, low fat, low calories, and fruit sugar. If customers see these words on a bag of chips, it would be reasonable to think that these chips must be healthier than those in other bags. However, when we dig deeper and look at the back label, there is no proof to support this. It's just a technique that tricks people into buying higher-priced items while thinking they are making the healthiest choice available. Another way the health halo effect works is at fast-food restaurants. Most people think Subway is healthier than McDonald's because of its label "Eat Fresh." The sad fact is that it really isn't. People who go to Subway will order more side dishes, which increases the total calories. In a recent study carried out by professors Pierre Chandon and Brian Wansink, they gave 23 students tickets for a 12-inch Subway Italian BMT sandwich, which contains 900 calories, and another 23 students tickets for a McDonald's Big Mac, which has 600 calories. It turned out that the students who ate at Subway were more likely to order extra sides such as soda and cookies, which added another 111 calories to the meal. They were fooled by the health halo effect, thinking that they had a wholesome meal. Before we buy our next "healthy" meal, make sure to read the back label, and be careful not to be tricked by those healthy slogans. Eat healthily and choose smartly!

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英文 高中

我想問一下第11題,為何D選項where不能選,the power of the place,the place ,不是地方嗎,為什麼不能用where代替. 這題答案為A(that),謝謝。

I 892009 二、綜合測驗(10%) 說明:第 11 至 20 題,每題一個空格。請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,並劃記在答案卡 。各題答對者得1分;答錯、未作答或劃記多於一個選項者, 之「選擇題答案區」 該題以零分計算。 第11至15題為題組 11 they're R one particular statue: Government buildings are often decorated with marble statues. These pieces of art give those who visit or work in these official (spaces a feeling of awe at the power of the place entering. At courthouses around the world, you'll have no trouble___ _12 Justice. Also called Lady Justice, she represents the fair justice that courts should deliver. The woman is often blindfolded and almost always carries old-fashioned balance scales. The scales show the fair way the courts will weigh evidence in a trial, and the blindfold shows how the law will is relatively not be influenced by the wealth or status of people brought to trials. However, 13 new. Lady Justice comes from the ancient Roman goddess Justitia. As her name 14, sh represented the concept of justice. Statues of this goddess showed her s a serious young woma simply carrying scales, while she was shown on coins with many different objects in her hand Not until 1543 wearing a blindfold. However, most modern statues now have this featu including the one on the US Supreme Court building. Alim to slitod a bar or vabot jud, tantoond aid diw saltos los 11. (A) that (B) how (C) what 12. (A) to spotomo) (B) spot/lissiqvi (0) (C) being spotted a) (D) where (D) spotting (A

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英文 高中

第14題為什麼不能選D 謝謝🙏

- 小口 四戏 D TUJ 說明:第11題至第20 題,每題一個空格,請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,請畫記在答案 卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得1分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算。 第11至15 題為題組 E o mesa strom High-end fashion can be expensive, but what is the customer actually paying for? Is it the design, materials, quality, brand, or a combination of all of these aspects? One budget shoe company, Payless, wanted to show that with a little rebranding, its affordable shoes could _11_high-end fashion. Payless went all out for their prank. The company rented an expensive retail space in L.A. and 12 their shoes in a gorgeous layout. The price shoes—which were still their basic budget shoes-ranged $200-$1,800 USD. The company also used a fake, Italian-sounding name, Palessi, to give the business the 13 of a designer brand. Do Fashion influencers were invited to attend the opening of this new Italian shoe store and provide feedback. 14 attended praised the quality and design, saying they would pay hundreds of dollars for the footwear. After receiving the feedback, Palessi revealed that it was 15__ a joke. Palessi was not a real company, and the shoes were from Payless. heir experiment goes show the importance of branding comuutos Wool 11. Al cope with (B) build up 15 (D) pass for use the 12. (A) recalled radix (B) counted in (C) d displayed (D) purchased wawilogized orlodet stod gniysizohibeer TOM OS Dedig $13. (A) illusion (B) glimpse (C) enthusiasm (D) foundation VID DW () Yana 14. (A) Whatever (B) Whomever (D) No matter who = who ever veride ed (Those that ne or more 09 WON 15. (A) no longer (B) nothing but B (C) suitable for lo gai (D) related to 2292209 ) 第16至20 題為題組 sbaai (8) soitto t give off his to 被當作 V CD X

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英文 高中

請問第20題為什麼是選C不是選D? a few thing不是值得「被」知道的嗎?為什麼不是選被動用法?

歷區公立高中指考模擬試題解析 teens from their friends. At some level and at some times (and it's the parent's job to spot when), 18. that parents can offer certain kernels of wisdom -- knowledge valued not because it comes from parental authority, but because it comes from parents' own struggles to learn how the world turns. Teens rightly perceive that they must understand not just their parents' world but also 19. they are entering. Yet if allowed to, they can appreciate that their parents once faced the same problems and may remember a few things worth 20. + Ving ( 16. (A) to (B) of (C) on (D) for BI 17. (A) by accident (B) in general (C) with hindsight (D) on cue 18. (A) differentiate (B) advocate (C) puzzle (D) recognize 19. (A) one (B) ones (C) the other (D) the one 20. (A) to know (B) to be known (C) knowing (D) being known 三、文意選填(10分) 說明:第 21. 題至第 30. 題,每題一個空格。請依文意在文章後所提供的(A)到(L)選項中分別 選出最適當者,並將其字母代號劃記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。每題答對得1分, 未作答、答錯、或劃記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。 D D ♡ 20_04) to know For many families, an exotic summer getaway means a trip overseas. For one in particular, it means living on Mars. Martian time, 21.X. Since the landing of NASA's newest Mars rover, NASA flight director David Oh's family has taken the L 22.) step of joining him in syncing their biological clock to Martian time. “We all feel a little sleepy, a little jet-lagged all day long, but everyone is doing great," said Oh's wife. hours which is the

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