


英文 高中


Coined in 2020, the term "revenge travel" stems from a feeling of wanting to break free from the monotonous life of lockdowns. After being confined in their homes for months due to the fear of the highly contagious disease and subsequent worldwide lockdowns, many people are more before the pandemic, It appears that now, rather than feeling afraid and worried, people are just 11. to travel even 12. lockdowns. With this mindset, the tourism ready to get back at something; the year 2020 industry has greatly bounced back right after the COVID wave starts declining. Many people want to go somewhere so eagerly as they have felt imprisoned for so long. Take India for example. Many people still go traveling out of sheer frustration and the feeling of annoyance from August to October, generally considered the off-season for travel because of unfavorable weather conditions. 13. the freedom of traveling is being celebrated, everything comes at a price. That is, revenge 14. months of lockdown, which breaks the chain of COVID-19 spread., travel has the potential to As tens of thousands of people flock to popular scenic sites, it is crucial for everyone to observe social 15. the chance to be infected will be the last thing people expect. distancing and mask wearing. Although these new norms can be quite disturbing, in the post pandemic era, people have to be prepared to change their behaviors. 11. (A) compelled A 12. (A) lost to $₁5 2 (B) ambitious (C) reluctant (D) desperate (B) occupied with (C) intended for (D) engaged in

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