


物理 高中


質質 R 号到月球的平均距離 R 1.50×10" m (戊地球到月球的平均距離 2 3.84×10° m 若太陽與月球間的重力為F、地球與月球間的重力為 F,則 F/F 的數值應 ZiM 為下列何者? J V (A) MR₂ M₂R₁ M₂R2 M₂R² = = M₁R₁ M₂R₂ M₁R² M₂R²2 GM MS (B) (C) 10. 如何在固定的空間中儲存更多的資訊,一直是科學家與工程師研究的重要課 題。IBM 公司將磁儲存技術成功應用於原子內:將鈦原子附著在氧化鎂表層 上,再利用掃描穿隧顯微鏡(STM)量測鈦原子的磁場,並以磁極的方向代 表二進位制中的0與1。寫入資料時,顯微鏡提供的電流可以改變鈦原子的 磁場方向;讀取資料時,再利用顯微鏡測量鈥原子的磁場方向。研究發現, 一顆原子可以儲存一位元(bit)資料,為了避免互相干擾,兩顆原子的距離 至少需要一奈米,此舉可以大幅提高儲存單位與儲存密度。但是這項技術離 商業化仍有一段距離,此項技術要能順利運作,必須在超高真空與液態氮的 低溫工作環境。判斷下列敘述何者正確? 原子的大小約為16m (A)此項技術的儲存密度約為10' bit/cm² 為了避免互相干擾 /Am=lou 為了避免互相干擾 Ober ar (B)此項技術的儲存密度約為106 bit/cm² (104) ²= 1014 ( bie /ch²) (C)此項技術的儲存密度約為10° bit/cm² (D)目前市面上已經可以購得利用此項技術製作的記憶裝置 (E) Fg g-m M₂R² M₂R² (E)此項技術建議在高溫高壓的環境下使用 SIPAS #ar at 很大的利鼠已知質子與中子並非最小的粒子,兩者均由夸克所構成。夸克共

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英文 高中


在此 #521 此 什 The military career of John Kipling and his tragic death. de la cheie asunungen von bing (D) The relationship between Rudyard Kipling and his son. 312 3201 ob 120 000 1 () 30. What does the phrase "do so" refer to in the second paragraph? #zeer raus. (A (A) Join the British Navy. (3) (B) Be old enough to be recruited. (C) Use his influence to help his son. (A31. What can be inferred from the passage? (D) Suffer from severe nearsightedness. (8) (A) John Kipling was nearsighted since birth. (B) Rudyard Kipling never found his son's body. (C) John Kipling went missing on his 18th birthday. (D) Rudyard Kipling searched for his son for six weeks. VI. 翻譯:20%(32 至 33 每格 2 分,34 至 35 題每題 5 分,為一題組) 32. 每年,各行各業的人們都來參與中臺灣最大的宗教活動 the all Every year, people from largest religious event in central Taiwan. Jadi eson Jamero 33. 我哥哥的財務支持幫助我度過了一次失業的困難時期。 works of walks Grieste att mind that whoever might life me My brother's financial support helped to was unemployed. that it may be difficult to delect whatever we post on the school we shou media 34.我們應該記住無論我們張貼什麼在社群媒體上都可能難消除。 1201 We should keep keep in mind 35. 因此,當我們做評論時,我們要避免使用粗魯的語言並保持謙虛。 come to participate in the Hdquart a difficult time when I Biftiscono Therefore, we avoided using rude laughage and kept the runish when we Thus, when we make comments, we should avoid using VII. reported : 17% rude language and remain Thumble 20 Iain Yi o high school student in Taiwan had been curious about the secret to having a good life, so

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英文 高中

請各位大大幫我看看有什麼可以改的 謝謝🙏

soon 16 years old. The teacher asked me front of every students and teachers legs started to tremble and my but what I said "It's the teacher smiled at life-changing speech, I practiced me as nervous not sound in The most embarrassing moment in to The most embarassing my On to calm down the was Stage speech, I heard my in to make a life happened mind is screaming anxiously. 2 my big day the day of me that I couldn't stand still moment. speech the basketball court my school. The moment I recieved this news, heart started to beat as fast as my honor, teacher. I'll do my me and walked be afraid, I tried to look well and tough away. every night in front of on as on the floor my To to my low as I an best." me prepare a mirror when I was making the speech, I was I had to sit and turn J can. . for the My dad told on my appearance, but the I nearly crawled my fast-beating heart. Finally, it's tried to keep my eyesight When I started my samile of my friend laughing quietly in their seat. I forget what I should What's worse, say. with in front of the I've only finished the line "Ladies and Gentleman' my trembling voice! My teacher noticed that I couldn't finish my speech, so she brought me down the stage. Nevertheless, I tripped and fell over principal. I blushed like I could keep the doctors away. Running to the classroom, I cried like a little baby my seat. This couldn't be more suitable to be the most embarrassing momene be the most embarrassing moment in my life. Tave as fast I regretted în it can, as SO as lay down "" on I could

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