


國文 高中

這是112年的國文學測考題! 1. 想請問第24題的C為何沒有述及醫療知識呢?能解瘴癘之氣不算嗎? 2. 請問第28題的C從何判斷訴說他人秘密能「滿足好奇心窺探」呢?

23~25為題組。閱讀下文,回答23~25題。 甲 嶺南人認為檳榔可以解瘴癘之氣,蘇東坡入境隨俗,大嚼大噉,至汗出且面紅如醉,還 特地寫詩歌詠檳榔:「能消瘴癘暖如薰」。南宋羅大經《鶴林玉露》中說自己初至嶺南,對 檳榔敬謝不敏,過了一段時間,才敢稍微嘗試;住了一年多後,卻「不可一日無此君矣」。 南宋周去非《嶺外代答》則寫道:「有嘲廣人曰:『路上行人口似羊。』言以蔞葉雜咀,終 日噍飼也,曲盡噉檳榔之狀矣。每逢人,則黑齒朱唇;數人聚會,則朱殷遍地,實可厭 惡。」言詞中極盡輕蔑。 (改寫自黃楷元〈陪蘇東坡一起吃檳榔〉) 檳榔原產於馬來西亞,名稱源自馬來語 pinang。臺灣的檳榔品質佳,從前除了日常嚼 食,也用來待客。 李時珍《本草綱目》說:「嶺南人以檳榔代茶禦瘴,其功有四:一曰醒能使之醉,蓋食 之久,則醺然頰赤,若飲酒然,蘇東坡所謂『經潮登頰醉檳榔』也/二曰醉能使之醒,蓋酒 後嚼之,則寬氣下痰,餘醒頓解,朱晦庵所謂『檳榔收得為祛痰』也,三曰飢能使之飽。四 曰飽能使之飢。蓋空腹食之,則充然氣盛如飽;飽後食之,則飲食快然易消。又且賦性疏通 而不泄氣,稟味嚴正而更有餘甘。5(C) 檳榔果實含多酚類化合物、檳榔素、檳榔鹼,會影響大腦、交感神經及副交感神經作 用,提高警覺度,刺激腎上腺素分泌。世界衛生組織證實:檳榔素、檳榔鹼具潛在致癌性, 檳榔所添加的石灰則會破壞口腔黏膜的表皮細胞,導致細胞增生變異。 嚼食經驗令我覺得檳榔很容易成癮,戒除甚難,但不知它的成癮機轉。它迷惑人,卻極 具危險,像不正常的親密關係,像禁忌的遊戲,嚼多了會有墮落感、罪惡感。可它又那麼清 CC) 香,那麼容易上癮。 (改寫自焦桐〈禁忌的親密關係〉) B ) 23 綜合甲、乙二文,關於檳榔的功效或危害,說明最適當的是: :(A)賦性疏通而不泄氣,有益調節呼吸系統,嶺南用以對抗瘴氣 (B)李時珍認同朱晦庵檳榔可祛痰的看法,咀嚼檳榔有助於醒酒 V (C)所含多酚類化合物具雙向調節的作用,既可充飢又可助消化 (傳 (D)世界衛生組織證實檳榔鹼會刺激腎上腺素分泌,致食用成癮 (24) 關於甲、乙二文的寫作方式,說明最適當的是: 未表達自己的看法 (A)甲文就歷史發展評論,認為嚼檳榔有礙觀瞻而不鼓勵食用 (B)乙文兼論檳榔功效與危害,呼籲人們抗拒檳榔的危險誘惑 (C)二文皆引述相關的文學創作與醫療知識,呈現檳榔多面性 甲乙甲文未及醫療知識 (D)二文皆提及食用者親身經驗,點出嚼食檳榔後的成癮現象 蘇軾 有經驗 -

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英文 高中


anes and PB16. B 17 (18) with 二、綜合測驗(30%) People are often curious about how different animals sleep. How can birds like Alpine swifts, for instance, keep _(16)____ while they're asleep? How can some underwater creatures such as goldfish sleep without ever _(17)__ their eyes? Why don't cute sea otters float away when they sleep on their backs in the water? How do dolphins manage to keep at least ____(18)____ their brain awake at all times? How can large bears hibernate for months on end ____(19)___the wild? And how can giraffes sleep only _(20)___? All these different ways (21)____ sleeping seem incredible to humans. That's why many people enjoy studying the (22)___ habits of certain animal sleepers. They watch closely to see how these animals behave ____(23)____ their sleep. They like to compare their sleeping positions with their own. Such observations help scientists ___(24)__animal sleeping behavior better and find out which creatures sleep more or less than we humans do. Lastly, observing animal sleep also reveals other secrets. Some humans, _(25)___, might wonder how animals manage to stay safe while sleeping. After all, in the animal world, there's always the danger of taking a nap and being eaten! (A) to fly (B) fly (A) close (B) closing (A) halves (B) halves of (A) in (B) on 20. (A) a day thirty minutes C(C) thirty minutes a day ich is C C 19. B en hè 21. (A) to 22. (A) amazed D 23. (A) until ate 24. (A) understood A D 25. (A) for example (B) on (B) amazing (B) for (B) understanding (B) on the contrary (D) flying (D) closed (D) one half (C) flies (C) closes (C) one half of (C) at (D) to (B) a minute thirty days (D) thirty days a minute (C) for (C) amazingly (C) when (C) understand (C) as a result (D) of (D) amaze (D) during (D) to understanding (D) for a start

已解決 回答數: 1