


英文 高中

想問第2和第5題 謝謝!!

「綜合測驗 The Ins and Outs of Organ Donation You won't need your organs after you die, so why take them with you? Instead, you can donate your organs after death to 1 people in regaining their health and even saving their lives. Surveys show that 67% 2 of people in Taiwan agree with the above statement. Unfortunately, belief does not always translate into action, because only one to two percent of the population has actually registered for organ donation. Lower than one percent out of 3 are waiting for an organ receives one. Over the years, the Taiwanese government has tried to solve this problem. The Human Organ Transplantation Act was passed in 1987, and in 2004, an online database was created to encourage donation and help doctors match patients to available organs. Then in 2011, an amendment was added to the transplantation act stating that organ donors will have their wishes automatically added to their NHI cards. However, 4 that doctors must also get permission from family members before donation, many people decided to leave their donation plan undone. badhecunoad Gunna2 batin Organ donation is not an obligation, 5 a way to help people in need. If you accept it, discuss your decision with your family and take action.oliosqe jom 1. (A) aid iba (B) reward (C) blur (D) erase 2. (A) roughly (B) about (C) up to (D) or so D 3. (A) a person who (B) anyone who I (C) someone who (D) those who but c. 4. (A) to realize (B) realize (C) realizing (D) realized -5. (A) as b(B) but rather .ni (C) instead ayna (D) rather than a si REDMI NOTE 8T OL Vocabulary ALOILADA MACDA

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