


英文 高中

請問為什麼第一題是practicable 而不是capable><

are one billion nanometers in one meter, you can get an idea of how impressive this technology really is! Even though this fabulous technology has been around for almost 100 years, we have only recently been able to experience both its benefits and i cogmignal ovil Asqa niso I e maoney but also area Stopesugar have characteristics These days, nanotechnology is used primarily to make things stronger, stiffer, and smoother. Due to their tiny size, nanoparticles increase the overall surface a of an object, and that acts to give the object special properties However, nanotechnology is also used in the field of biochemistry. One possible of nanotechnology in the future is in the field of robotics. It might be feasible for tiny nano-robots, or "nanobots," to be produced that could easily perform tasks in a very small scale. Each of these nanobots would be so small that you would need a special microscope to see them. Because of their small size, however, a great deal of them DEST OF 90 MOBST U simple math, inc ped programa Cindy a button nose Qué oyes, would be needed to perform a task. furod One drawback to nanotechnology is that the structures are so small that they pose some health and environmental risks. Because of their size, they can float around in the air and enter our lungs without our knowing about it. The effects of this are not yet known, but in the future, if the use of this sort of technology becomes more common, some specialists believe that we may suffer from various illnesses. Regardless of the risks, however, it seems that nanotechnology is something that will be with us for a long time. davol odi ni "11" nuomong ot D Tolo hazards. or (A) affordable (B) practicable (C) visible 14 What does the passage mainly discuss? (A) A new technol use 13 The boldfaced word "feasible" in paragraph two is closest in meaning to ghib10:56 Ap (D) capable

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化學 高中

108指考第六題 請問D選項,為什麼解答說不反應?H2O2不是常見的氧化劑和還原劑嗎?

pur min.com.tw 步驟中,加入的試劑X是什麼? (B) HSO3 (C) NaOH (D) H₂O₂ (E) (B) ・選修化學(上) 第5章 氧化還原反應 選修化學(下) 第6章 無機化合物 ·測驗考生是否具備氧化劑與還原劑的觀念,以及碘的性質 中 鹵素元素在氧化還原反應中多扮演氧化劑的角色,在酸 定,在鹼性條件中則易發生自身氧化還原反應 (A) ①:I+HCl→ 不反應 (B)H.SO, 可作為還原劑與I反應Ⓤ:I+HSO3+HO→2 HO,可作為氧化劑與HI 反應:2HI+HO: →I+2H (C):31 +6OH →SI +IO +3HO 在鹼性條件中②:I+HO: → 不反應 (D) : +HO: → 不反應 (E): I+ I → 不反應 故試劑 X 為 H.SO。 B 草稿 -De D Q x Lo mattth 09-108指考化學試卷定稿 physical 1₂ 黃褐色 6. 在①的步驟中,加入的試劑 X 是什麼? (A)HCl (B)H,SO3 (C)NaOH 7. 在③的步驟中,加入的試劑 Y 是什麼? (A)HCl (B)H,SO3 V x chemistry 無色 (C) NaOH T 化學考科 6-7為題組 做完秒錶反應後,為了要同學探究實驗過程中的試劑與其化學反應,張老師又 用一個燒杯,演示了一組實驗。簡要過程如下:取一個盛有去離子水 100 毫升 的大燒杯,放置於攪拌器上,使燒杯內的水穩定攪拌,然後滴入碘酒,使溶液 呈現黃褐色。 ④加入鹽酸溶液,黃褐色復現 fe ①加入X試劑,黃褐色褪去,溶液呈現無色。 ②加入雙氧水,黃褐色復現。 ③加入Y試劑,黃褐色褪去,溶液呈現無色。 其流程如右圖,①②3④為 反應過程序號,依據實驗回 答6-7題: Red +X +HzOz + Y +HCl 1 4 Fő 黃褐色 (D) H,O, 3 無色 1₂ → 1- x (E) 1₂ 09-108指... PE 共7頁 Da 黃褐色 (D) H,O, (E) I, 8. 林同學以儀器量測某穩定元素,其組成為雙原子分子,測得其分子量僅有 158、160 及 ✓ 162 三個數值,且對應的分子含量比約為1:2:1。下列敘述,哪一項正確 (A)此元素有三種同位素,其對應原子量為79、80和81 x2 (B)三個分子中,對應分子量為162的分子所含質子數最多 103 81+79.

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