


英文 高中


It's widely known that bees are important for our ecosystem and that they are facing increasing threats from modern agricultural practices involving pesticides. What many of us don't know, 16. (is that some industries should shoulder a bigger share of blame than they're given.) The almond industry, for instance, has quite an adverse impact on bee colonies. One potential harm to bee colonies is the stress caused by transporting them over long distances to almond orchards for the task of pollination. This transportation can be stressful for the bees, hence 17. them more vulnerable to diseases and pests. Moreover, since they're 18. having limited food sources aside from almond flowers further weakens bee colonies. Still another problem is the of honeybees to pesticides and other chemicals used in almond production. 19. 20. and One sustainable solution is to make habitats and species within almond orchards more stable. By creating various ecosystems and introducing other insects among almond trees, at least we can ensure enough food supply for bees and even lower the use of pesticides for almond trees in the long run. A 16. (A) therefore (B) however C17. (A) make A (B) made 18. (A) faced with a great increase in demand (C) looked after by beekeepers carefully (B) delivery 19. (A) cultivation 2 (C) in addition (D) for a start (C) making (D) to make (B) raised in their natural environment (D) physically removed from their habitat (C) exposure (D) restriction asant (D) particular

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英文 高中

請問為什麼第一題是practicable 而不是capable><

are one billion nanometers in one meter, you can get an idea of how impressive this technology really is! Even though this fabulous technology has been around for almost 100 years, we have only recently been able to experience both its benefits and i cogmignal ovil Asqa niso I e maoney but also area Stopesugar have characteristics These days, nanotechnology is used primarily to make things stronger, stiffer, and smoother. Due to their tiny size, nanoparticles increase the overall surface a of an object, and that acts to give the object special properties However, nanotechnology is also used in the field of biochemistry. One possible of nanotechnology in the future is in the field of robotics. It might be feasible for tiny nano-robots, or "nanobots," to be produced that could easily perform tasks in a very small scale. Each of these nanobots would be so small that you would need a special microscope to see them. Because of their small size, however, a great deal of them DEST OF 90 MOBST U simple math, inc ped programa Cindy a button nose Qué oyes, would be needed to perform a task. furod One drawback to nanotechnology is that the structures are so small that they pose some health and environmental risks. Because of their size, they can float around in the air and enter our lungs without our knowing about it. The effects of this are not yet known, but in the future, if the use of this sort of technology becomes more common, some specialists believe that we may suffer from various illnesses. Regardless of the risks, however, it seems that nanotechnology is something that will be with us for a long time. davol odi ni "11" nuomong ot D Tolo hazards. or (A) affordable (B) practicable (C) visible 14 What does the passage mainly discuss? (A) A new technol use 13 The boldfaced word "feasible" in paragraph two is closest in meaning to ghib10:56 Ap (D) capable

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英文 高中


6. into Because so many people drink chai, people making it are in high demand. Therefore, chaiwallahs can be found everywhere. Some sit on street corners, where they boil milk Wis``tea leaves, sugar, and various spices. Not until the tea tastes perfect small glasses to be sold to passersby for ten rupees (NT$4). Some chaiwallahs use a 7.: one person prepares large amounts of chai, while another carries metal jugs of it onto trains. The latter person walks fast down the aisles to sell it. The chai served in plastic cups or clay ones that can be thrown away after, so the chaiwallahs don't have to 8. the cups. different ai is If + S + Ved /were L Chaiwallahs are 9. some of the cleverest tea sellers in the world. If VR at would / could I might they millions of people wouldn't have their daily tea. For Indíans, it is difficult to imagine life without this delicious drink! (B) 1. (A) For (B) 2. (A) trace ( 3. (A) known 4. (A) whom ( ) ) 5. (A) in ((A) is it poured () . (A) tribe 8. (A) bring back (B) 9. (A) by no means 在心中 (B) At (C) of = among (D) By (B) commute (C) scheme (B) know (C) to know (B) whose (C) which (B) on (C) under (B) it is poured (C) does it pour (B) sack (C) tactic (B) come with (C) drown out (B) without a doubt(C) at a time (D) transaction (D) knowing (D) who S (D) with (D) it pours (D) flaw (D) take in (D) in the end plates while others dishwashing area, system is flawless. T success is due togetherness. 註:Sikh 錫克教的 1. 6. 2. 7 B 七、篇章結構 (A) Once on the (B) This process (C) For exampl (D) Obviously airplane. Did you only around of them has meal from th as you'll se

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英文 高中


三填(10題,每題2 分,共 20 分,答錯無倒扣) 21 for these, though. Why are we so different? Some people hate the feeling of being afraid and avoid situations like visiting ghost houses, watching scary movies, and telling ghost stories around the campfire. Others have a Researchers have found the answer lies in how the chemicals in our brain work. When we are afraid, our bodies can make fight-or-flight response, a reaction that helps us to decide whether to fight or escape. In these situations, our brains combination of hormones. Interestingly, the way our bodies respond to these_20determines whether we get to the movie theater to see a horror film or not. 22 a a have Psychologists say that people who 24 themselves in scary situations need to make sure that they are in a safe environment. For example, people who visit ghost houses have the _25 that they are going to be scared. They may 26 fear when Godzilla or Count Dracula starts chasing them. However, they know the _27aren't real, so they can enjoy the high feeling associated with the fight-or-flight response. Some people also feel a sense of confidence after they live through a 28 situation, even if they know it is false. How about you? When a scary 29__ turns up, will you escape or enjoy the fear? No matter which one you choose, there is no doubt that no one wants to face the $30. (A) horrible (C) release in real life. It's natural that everyone will escape from real danger. (D) tragedy (B) place (AC) expectation (AD) monsters (E) passion (BC) creature (AB) sudden (AE) chemicals

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英文 高中

求解2 第三行第一段時間不是說不能確定了嗎🥺

Advanced 10 5 SA ENGLISH TH Having bip oesn't have to With t such as Beetho- All suffered fro treatment, the can't live a n 66 The Ups and Downs of Bipolar Disorder L ife in the modern world can be confusing and fast-paced. Every day, our brains are forced to make sense of an endless stream of information from the Internet, TV, and newspapers. As if that weren't enough, we must balance our social and work schedules while still making time for our families. It's no wonder that many people sometimes feel overwhelmed by the ups and downs of their life. But for people with (bipolar disorder, this roller coaster ride never seems to end. Yet many people suffering from this disease don't even know they have it. Bipolar disorder is a condition in which people have trouble controlling their moods. Instead of having a balanced temperament, patients often move between extreme excitement and depression. In less serious cases, it can cause a person to be overly energetic and talkative throughout the day. It could also make the sufferer become anxious about minor things that wouldn't bother most people. In severe cases, people can become extremely depressed and lose their will to live. sbu Scientists are still unsure why people develop bipolar disorder, but many 15 believe it is caused by a combination of internal and external factors. They believe it comes from a chemical imbalance in the body, which may be genetic. But when this is combined with high levels of pressure, bipolar disorder seems to worsen. Re Since bipolar disorder is complex, it can be difficult to treat. One approach to get it under control is through medication. The drug lithium is often prescribed, 20 since it can control patients' moods in both the manic and depressive stages. Psychotherapy is also used to help people change the negative thoughts that frequently accompany their severe mood swings. 196

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