


數學 高中

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Your report should follow these guidelines, although you may choose how you present it: How to Write a Mathematics Report In writing your report, remember that you are writing up a mathematical story and so, like all good stories, it will need a beginning, a middle and an end. More formally, the main components of this writing style are: Introduction, Formulating the Problem, Solving the problem, Discussion of Results, and Conclusion. We will now consider some of the detail in each of these aspects. Introduction This is the beginning of the story. Give a brief explanation of what the problem is about what the goals of the report are and what will be presented. Assume that your reader does not know what the problem is about or how to solve it. Formulating the problem Translate the situation into a maths problem. Explain how you will begin to solve the problem and break it into simpler stages. Discuss any assumptions made. What quantities are variables and which values are fixed? You may use sub-headings if they assist you. Solving the Problem Show any calculations and mathematical reasoning that you use. (Assume that your reader does not know much maths). Do not show the same types of calculations repetitively. Just give one or two examples of a calculation and then put the rest of the results in a table. Use diagrams or graphs if they assist you. Make general remarks about what you observe in your calculation results and, possibly, why. You may want to criticise your work and go on to improve it in the next section. Explain what you will do next and why. Discussion of Results - Evaluate and Verify Summarise your results if necessary and refer to your mathematical reasoning. Justify procedures used. Interpret your results. First, are they reasonable or does something not look right and need further investigation or checking? Is there a decision to be made? Here is where you should present the decision-making process. Evaluate the strengths and limitations of your solutions. Conclusion Summarise your findings. Refer to the problem outlined in the introduction. Make sure that you answer the question that was asked. Make recommendations. No new material should be presented here.

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