


英文 高中

請問28 29 怎麼判斷

he pír Ps A) in fF) represent Mount 21. (G) from or DAT III. 文意選填:20%(忽略選項大小寫) -- qooq icon dgodila usica I 291iqeni 1.9qon bos gailsad (C) attraction (D) monument (B) presented (E) tourister (H) at first (1) celebration un symbolizes Rushmore National Memorial is a well-known landmark in the United States. It is located the Black Hills of South Dakota. Looking down ing lo the top of the mountain are the faces of 22. the to four US presidents carved into the rock. The four presidents carved are George Washington, Thomas SUIVISI Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln, who are thought to 23. the most important presidents in US history. The giant sculpture Dom on 102 24. the history of the United States, from its birth to its DITO DIGO growth into a prosperous* nation. Olo 1981 odu no riotaid It was Doane Robinson, a historian, that 25. the idea of displaying the faces of respected 00 TOM MOT DIN V10091 mountainside. He wanted to create a popular 26. for his home state of South Dakota. 1961 OJODO 27., there was some disagreement over which historical figures should be featured. The idea of making the mountain a(n) 28.. of presidents came from Gutzon Borglum. Borglum was the sculptor 010 OTO VIBO VOUS WOOZ OO who would be in charge of the construction of the 29. *MS 001 Best DESS 0 qons MoU OMOS SUVODOM Borglum then managed the carving of the mountain from 1927 until 1941. 10 MOTO ONT btc odi to motiod od is noitqoo tortons bobbs bad aqoodT Today, Mount Rushmore is one of the United States' most popular 100 TOTA quorum PCT 30. spots. It hosts several million visitors each year. Vod go ODA year.bas "borba vlossimi meqal.chello jaguA di sengen bris 註: prosperous 繁榮的 on solo We od 21. anibros 22. 23. Juol znoge 25 Beao . Googt 27. Horn 28. 20 26. 工 ID 30. olt bo y no 2019 202 voltemod Togo Tong) @ Beildina obedimo smo moitqoo Energie TV 篇章結構:8% figures on s on the mountainsia On OCH is 24. Boy $ D 129.00

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英文 高中

想問第三題,我知道(A)(D)是錯的。那為什麼不能選(B)呢? 謝謝🙏

2. 第1回 詳解 PI~P2 (2 1625 sorte og av ym ror, sa besim or brons leven vor der 綜合測驗 Discobar People like Jimmy for the dreamlike fantasy world he creates, a land of joy and sorrow. ale nigged brilliw sayod to aborto O camminatamas Jimmy, a fine art major, had already become a successful artist by the early 1990s. However, in the spring of 1991) Jimmy Panther with leukemia He wondered what messages Heaven Cogues Ordonare was trying to convey to him. He cried often. His heart CORO OO 000130021310 Om with each passing heart grew mor day. (Even the sight of pigeons resting outside his sickroom could make him start to weep A 10 nous on 0902 uncontrollably.) Because of this severe blow, Jimmy began to view the world in a completely amesema anca par drawing we can different light. He suddenly realized that drawing was not only a means of making a living, but also a channel @ ) CV Jimmy's picture books seem to more for adult readers than for children. They vividly sad and joyful feelings triggered by trivial matters. [ 2019 才反 ren. They express 5. the crisis he experienced 1500 hoy porn in his early thirties, Jimmy might not have had new insight into life and art and enjoyed such a USOM great deal of success. nit tiwa Witboog bed B 1. (A) is diagnosed znosed (B) was a (B) was diagnosed on C) has diagnosed (D) had diagnosed V 2. (A) aggressive thL;E 64B) positive (C) effective 1761 (D) sensitive any no C to 3. (A) which (©) through which channel to which anco 3 x @(A) intend (B) be intended (C) intending (D) be intending be intendo (B) Were it not for U C (C) But that (D) Had it not been forzej 3. he could express Hario Omo Summer 4. (B) that boroup al vision 980 D 5. (A) Withmos We like to read short stories because we like to know people. We like to watch them

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英文 高中

拜託🙏幫幫我翻譯 剛剛的續集

This eyenzng pout 6:30 p.m,, You stood by the window saw Gail goi the hospital from i y id you saw Gail going into pi the window ofyour office, an About 6:30 pm, t rm Parking Joe She Jooked a little bir stange, but you didnt mind-because you were woried about te sealing plan tonight You had an appointment with Dr. Drake at 7 p.m., so you went down to the emergency bearly (it was only 6:45 pm), you went for some fresh air outside the 全員 Afterfakins afive-minute walk you deeided to go back to the hospital fom he Parking ot Then you noficed fat 台ere was something shiny next to the garbage can. When you got closer, you realized that it Wasagun! Youpicked it up and saw 和hat it wasnt Joaded. Then( at about 7 P.m.) you ran into the cafeteria m IMdomiithithe gun 兩 yourpoeket You wanted to askod everyabout about the gun.。 But Head Arse Costa an im and shouted 和hat Dr Hans was dead ie 品: everything happened so suddenly that you 人人obanee oo el about the gun You even stared to wonder 論 the gun im your pocket was ie INEEAIreyoderanintothe lap and fund Dr corpse, suddenl ly, Gail shouted, <Someone is over fhere! Who are you? Show yourselfn” AA man came out from the dark comer ofthe ]ab with a gun im his wasnt me. Tdidnyt Kill him2 shockeq, “js he PINK STRAWBERRY?> you fajked fto yoursejf and. The man said, then he threw his gun on the floor. You are seriously you wondered. “Tfhe is, Tcan't Jet anyone find out why he was herey 2 Whatmay you talk to Dr. Drake af 7 P.m? 10. Why qoes Gai Jook shran ge at 6:30 p.m.? What may happened? 五. Wnaf diqg you find nexf to 和he frash can?

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英文 高中

第10題 順便幫我看一下有沒有寫錯的 感謝

99uamUuICO) uonnlos(9) 9UmIOJ(d) UonUuaJJECV) “ooJaJuO9 qq 99uetpno 9 to可 189098 嘻了 由 Alous wou at uo dos9ds s.ndQ ML (AV ) 0 uaoises(q) 9 JOIU3s(d) Aidtuo() 'blo saA 0/. 1oAo la otlw suoznIo Ig 同Nip Tai99ds soprAold aiHE sqL(/I) 6I 也 人(CCU Aidtuo(9) 了onmen(g) uuolses(Y) e8A iojel9Wigor th 9sngooq ouurp JoJ ano o8 03nq ooIorfo ou padaW( 人 YI bobansISd(CD bauod)sod(?) ppusl9I(d) PotuoJrsd(y) ui 'osIeId Jo J89p J83J9 ba 0A AN兩49iuso ulooulI1e Amuso9r oouop 9ssuuwIaL SunoAe'rA-Sue nosH( 生 )/7 9 ulsulaoj(d) Pbus 9m ui(GO) suun srm 16(d) IRJaa(y) 'das JO了 boo bu Aseo St Ge 7 【 人 GIIGAw AolS "lsuq_ Aligp Wuo osIoI9X9 suuos SuIop)T9)8 noA, 元攔 TCN/) 9 uuuiojied(GD) luouuoouldo1() uloouoo(gd) uorffpgn(y) uuod(二六)sen 下說 5 In8 am 章注) 如 jspunorAuuupuo1oodsorumluow Aods sm本19sJod ssAoq sdLC(A)'<51 bouojsuen(d) boouldoI(O) Psioanqns(g) panqrnsIp(CV) '&wou Jo 99Inos1uejuodu 38our 一一 當 9 miodudswou fdqf'uopwuuoJutdoJaouiolul ot uo Auoldosd so 2 'I 上 Aumo8(9) Aiduis(q) 聞悶uuaisus(v) 人wa99loAslqaou ou elqaotlouanq 'puolU Al plo sueur sdL( 為 se 99umtuuojied(cD) ouu(2) yy) Mhinoljlp uluruol tw auopms dlod 0 一 SuUo8s1 Au (2 z 3hdmuaiultc WuTulAo8(2) Surauuuoxs(g) Jnoul olouAw uluods 3 su Ni poSuuuoX和 Si 全 uuouunxau 55M 0ua(CD Su wu sft ouratanelou pue howotuod ssourdo sld Wo(CD uonuiooss@(2) 1uauuaAouu(g) 哆蟬 gu @puuu gu Do ol ouufr" Wt 選夠 uiolses(2) Amos(CD

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