

This eyenzng pout 6:30 p.m,, You stood by the window saw Gail goi the hospital from i y id you saw Gail going into pi the window ofyour office, an About 6:30 pm, t rm Parking Joe She Jooked a little bir stange, but you didnt mind-because you were woried about te sealing plan tonight You had an appointment with Dr. Drake at 7 p.m., so you went down to the emergency bearly (it was only 6:45 pm), you went for some fresh air outside the 全員 Afterfakins afive-minute walk you deeided to go back to the hospital fom he Parking ot Then you noficed fat 台ere was something shiny next to the garbage can. When you got closer, you realized that it Wasagun! Youpicked it up and saw 和hat it wasnt Joaded. Then( at about 7 P.m.) you ran into the cafeteria m IMdomiithithe gun 兩 yourpoeket You wanted to askod everyabout about the gun.。 But Head Arse Costa an im and shouted 和hat Dr Hans was dead ie 品: everything happened so suddenly that you 人人obanee oo el about the gun You even stared to wonder 論 the gun im your pocket was ie INEEAIreyoderanintothe lap and fund Dr corpse, suddenl ly, Gail shouted, <Someone is over fhere! Who are you? Show yourselfn” AA man came out from the dark comer ofthe ]ab with a gun im his wasnt me. Tdidnyt Kill him2 shockeq, “js he PINK STRAWBERRY?> you fajked fto yoursejf and. The man said, then he threw his gun on the floor. You are seriously you wondered. “Tfhe is, Tcan't Jet anyone find out why he was herey 2 Whatmay you talk to Dr. Drake af 7 P.m? 10. Why qoes Gai Jook shran ge at 6:30 p.m.? What may happened? 五. Wnaf diqg you find nexf to 和he frash can?


