


英文 高中

請問D選項的being是哪裡來的 還有為什麼詳解說A選項沒有動詞 be不就是動詞嗎

第 11 至 15 題為題組 The term special education is used to refer to a number of services designed to help students with disabilities learn. These services include an Individualized Education Program (IEP). An IEP _11___ their learning goals. Every provides a plan for how the school will help an individual student IEP is different because every student has different learning needs. 01 Students who receive special education may stay in the same classroom 12 other students disabilities taught in a who do not have special needs. But this is not always the case. Sometimes, students with learning a_13__ classroom. Pthey will spend most of their time in a regular classroom and meet with a special education teacher for two or three hours each day. nasob 1313 1 be Special education teachers receive training to help students with learning disabilities. They are 14 designing each student's IEP. They also meet wit with other teachers, school staff, and parents to ensure that the students' educational needs)_15_. These teachers must be patient and understanding to help students reach their full potential. They must also be dedicated because it can be a difficult and tiring job.oos of vlevounitnos lliw TAM od ova 2'189YwaM nO.E (B) achieve slqeib ax10(C) stretch logisT gaid (D) calculate sq (B) of 16x9 (O) 311. (A) observe A. (A) as usq (1) (C) that (8) (D) where (A) (B) realistic () m (D) moderate DIS 13. (A) domestic slqooq C) separate CD ( B 14. (A) on behalf of (B) in charge of 2 (C) b(A) be met nogged, (B) have met enon of of obosit. (C) are meeting Woonun adT A orties of gibi 與意見不合 vonebiel (A) (D) are being met

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英文 高中

想請問13題 為什麼選C

se it is 【左營】 neans (n.) REE down to earth (油方法) fal (adj) 69 on earth 究竟 less (adj) 32164 earth: I They came to Earth, t 事!他們來到了地球, school! I felt so 我覺得 一天! 告> =ent from. bol, but my mom 我媽媽 生命 o "know me as the 「高一時尚妹」, = *so depressing! 很令人沮喪! A 多段考即時通加 ( 10. Cigarette prices are getting higher and higher. You should really try (A) (B) to quit on quitting to quitting 11. My mother does not let me out at night. She says it is dangerous for a gid so walk outside at night. (B) to go (L) 12. Emma is just going to have her hair (A) cuts (B) cut ) 13. Sam is still unable to make himself (A) understand 14. Why don't you get your boyfriend. (A) come (B) to come I want to have a dog, but my mom will not care of it. (A) have ) 15. Cis. (B) get 16. Maria worked part-time through college. [**] (A) as (B) for 17, Mother Teresa was known (A) as (B) for 1756 22 12 fortune misfortune (n.) in., AC¹. (B) to understand (C) going (C) cutting ★ go well = run smoothly ★ for + 一段時間 → 持續一段時間 around (Adv.) Mi (B) watered 【竹女】 in English. F (C) coming (C) understood to the party tonight? (D) gone (C) on (D) to a very kind woman. (C) to (D) to be cut (D) by porform a miracle (D) into coming me. She says I will be too busy to take (C) let (D) want a babysitter in the neighborhood to help pay her way fortuneate (adjis+ly Fortunately, the day *went well, and miraculouslyno one said anything about my pimple! 很幸運地,這天很順利,而且奇蹟般地,沒有人提到任何有關我痘痘的事! make sure ensure But for the rest of the year, I was sure that everyone was talking about my funny zit every day BETTER THAN BEFORE (D) to be understood (**) 但接下來的一整年我確信每個人每天都趁我不在的時候,談論著我那可笑的痘痘。 38 35 when I was not around. 在背後 Y private around the word behind my back. in •段考即時通知 18. Peter thinks if he sells the house, he will have enough money (A) about (B) in (C) for 19. When you called me, I the flowers in the backyard. (A) water (C) was watering 鄭成英文~5~英文真悍 the rest of his life. (D) within (D) was watered SYONSTRO 5202 鄭域英文·龍騰版 1 L1

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英文 高中


43 46ool vislil teom indixon 21 brodwogezang out of quibroso A M Situated off the coast of Tanzania and washed by the warm, clean waters of the Indian Ocean Zanzibar is a tropical archipelago comprised of several scattered islands. This popular beach people know that in the past, control of Zanzibar meant access to unimaginable wealth destination is now famous for its white sand beaches, slender palms, and turquoise seas. But few From ancient times, Zanzibar has been a trading hotspot, thanks to its location on the trade route between Arabia and Africa. Traders from Asia had already visited the islands 900 years before the arrival of its first permanent settlers from the African mainland (around 1000 AD). In the 8 century, Persian merchants built settlements here, which grew over the next four centuries into their trading posts. Between the 12th and 15th centuries, trade increased between Arabia, Persia, and Zanzibar, bringing the archipelago both wealth and power. During the Age of Exploration, commerce in Zanzibar quickly boomed, largely due to the rise of the spice trade. At the close of the 15th century, Europeans' craze for spices gave rise to the Spice Route, a network of sea lanes joining Europe with the Far East, where most spices came from. In 1498, Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama made the first sea voyage to India, via the southernmost tip of Africa. In 1499, he arrived at Zanzibar, an archipelago sitting at the crossroads of the Spice Route The islands soon attracted traders from different lands. Hundreds of ships sailing the Spice Route docked here, bringing spices and goods for transaction, and Zanzibar became one of the biggest trading centers in the world. im wolldr MoldW 24 Since the 16th century, Zanzibar has come under the rule of the Portuguese, the Arabians, and then the British, each leaving a mark on the place. The paths of various religions also crossed here: Muslims have lived peacefully with Christians and Buddhists on the islands for centuries. The unique cultural intersections, scented with the aroma of cloves, vanilla, and cinnamon floating in the air, give these jewels on the li Indian Ocean an amazing charm that goes far beyond tropical beach fun. 2b60122019 alaog anomalie abnolaî (A) Mineiton bu 43. Which of the following is true about the earliest traders in Zanzibar?bsler (8) Lembiar ogslegirlons (0) (A) The earliest traders arrived around 900 AD. (B) Most of the earliest merchants came from Africa. emise ogulsquitone (CI) (C) Asian merchants arrived centuries before the African settlers. (D) Traders from Persia settled down permanently around 1000 AD. 12 年 學測

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英文 高中

想請問第❻題 我理解的是 以「我們現在的角度」覺得「當時他吃的蘋果」,用現在式 是不是我對這個文法的用法觀念錯誤或題意該怎麼理解?非常感謝!!🙏🏼

si Apples have been grown by man since the dawn of history. They are often mentioned in early legends, poems, and religious books. The fruit that the Bible says 6 an apple. The ancient among 45, Adam and Eve ate in the Garden of Eden is believed to Greeks had a legend that a golden apple caused fighting among the gods and 7 Bous the ruin of Troy.odt nodw sinigriv medno ot asilqque niort driw von Apple trees were grown and prized for their fruit by the people of ancient Rome, in 801 armies carried apples across Europe, planting seeds wherever they settled. As apples spread around the world, different varieties emerged to cope with their new B es fresh and again, having to l found in the place where they lived show that they stored apples fresh and also The crossing of t sw prodmon nishiso of botis & To so valouls esti todien nodions jofts nous them by cutting and drying them in the sun. The apple was introduced to America molliteroque srl to ono trods algst garestsin omge brit tol wor early European settlers. Soon, America has become one of the top countries for an 19bbel golsw production. 6 (A) have to be 180 forsitario y 7 (A) accounted for jeton 8 (A) which goo stradiv lavorar v [6132 10 (A) preserved strilio moto ni enotnesque uslugoq ings of historical characters and stories Tobbs, 8.1 nu allow ody, nosies of guiou be (B) being (C) be (D) have been sveiled ama2, 290TUoIdiazpato alwa 18 (B) stormed out inti (C) checked up mm (D) exploded into b) whose law off (C) where ng had (D) ansit s bombbal gains a 28-1908 way, (B) ty that establish was driven off co in November 162 During that influenza type o and wit (D) Instead of 1621. With th STACIO DO (B) Due tod(C) As for anllaw (D) blue-a Wei Da conserved a herals (D deserved 500 has beg Although 280 ali on vw to trigit of arobbal edi qu qoon base bas allow ad no 219 hey eventuall and wash landscape relied on vivid brushwork, and yang 二、文意選填 sit evallom 9 (A) But for A destination (F) expected ba 主題 4 歷史文明 099 (B) reserved Sto od) Isclob of lio galiod woq oj zew notaevni 101 292noigh orli to on t's com store as well as his own amour supplies o individuals sustainable (J) corrupting R permit to weakened for (D) suppli rewarded 49 (G) leaking (G) leaking good 三、篇章結棒 Life be otac th

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