


英文 高中

我想請問3. 每次都搞不太清楚(ಥ_ಥ) 謝謝

霉運裡放火/ to chew 0164 66 Sinc and ever often Co 12. + wl (v) 打 grow u T om to det are e male B! ( aw with their mouths open. Food is devoured with mouths closed, talk while chewing or 1. 2. it may seem, must be eaten very quietly. Slurping as silently as possible. Even soup, no matter is never in good form, 3. one may be eating. Also, the after-dinner belch so popular in many countries, where it is considered a compliment to the cook is not done in America. If a burp should escape, it is proper to 4. immediately. If you are offered food or drinks that you don't want or that are too strange to you even to try, don't feel that you have to take them. No explanation is required, 5. you want to say something. If an overzealous person o tries to make you eat or drink something you don't want, remember that you have to suffer the consequences and that they are not being polite in persisting. 1. (A) chew (B) to chew (C) chewing D chewed C2. (A) difficult although though difficultly C) difficult as (D) as difficult B & 3. (A) what (B) whatever (C) whichever (D) however D {(a) devote oneself 1.4 (B) occupy oneself Nữ C) please oneself (A) unless (B) until A (C) lest (D) unlike 佳作 二 Did you know your surroundings may be influencing your emotions and state of mind? Do you ever notice that certain places especially irritate you? Or that certain places are especially 6. relaxing and calming? Well, there's a good chance that the colors in those spaces are that is, color psychology is working on you. What in color neychology? According to scientists, it is based on the mental and emotional fin he: (D) excuse oneself ar y 15. (A) unless love shown that some

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