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London Bridge Is Down Queen Elizabeth II is much loved by people in the UK and around the world. In February 2017, she became the first British ruler to be in power for 65 years. Later that year, she celebrated her 91st birthday. The Queen is still going strong, but she might not be for long. That's why there's a plan for when she leaves the world for good. avks Operation London Bridge was first created in the 1960s. Itflays out all the things that will happen in the 列出 days after the Qucen's passing. Ways of sharing the news of her death with other governments, the media, 14 and the public are also included in the planning. It also deals with how the Queen's coffin will be handled if she dies at any of her homes, such as Windsor and Balmoral Castles, or abroad. In all cases, it will end up in | the throne room at Buckingham Palace for four days before being moved to Westminster Hall to lie in state for another four days. Then on the ninth day after her death, it will be moved to Westminster Abbey for the funeral. No Bay one is looking forward to that sad day. Even so, if you hear, "London Bridge is down," you know the plan has been set in motion, * Windsor Castle * Balmoral Castle * Buckingham Palace Westminster Hall the * Westminster Abbey # Vocabulary cofin 棺木 throne 王座lie in state(指遺體)安葬前停放公共地點供瞻仰fumeral 喪禮 look forward to #gt set in motion et de

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