


英文 高中

請問12題為什麼不能選D? 謝謝

Ors, ation” to. 16 the passage? (A) Spider-man is the pioneer of the superhero category. (B) A superhero is a fictional character dedicated to individual interests. (C) A super hero or heroine Palways adored and viewed as a civic leader, (D) People love superheroes, for they see part of themselves in the characters. a FEBI 1 ays have common ss, there man and ay even 閱讀測驗2 to call art. eflect conic can the We want to see the newest things. That is because we want to see the future, even if only momentarily. It is the moment in which , even if we don't completely understand what we have glimpsed, we are nonetheless touched by it. This is what we have come -Takashi Murakami It has been said that great artists break the mold, but unique artists shatter it. Japanese artist Takashi Murakami is truly a unique artist. His works of art may not be as revered as Da Vinci's or as valued as Picasso's, but he has started a fire in the modern art world that will be hard to extinguish. TXARX . Many artists pride themselves on resisting popular culture. Murakami, however, has celebrated it. His work, in a variety of media, ranges from larger-than-life statues of nude manga figures to watches, mouse pads, and even pricey Louis Vuitton handbags. The finished products seem to be intended to make a statement about LATIN contemporary society. Produced in a factory-like setting similar to the studio of 當代百 主題5 藝文世界 49

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