


英文 高中

想問一下這幾題是甚麼概念謝謝😇😇 第23題答案是B 第19題答案是D

The Internet has replaced books as a major source of information for Taiwanese primary school students, according to a recent survey. The survey was conducted last December, and it that 77 percent of the students considered the Internet to be the most convenient source of information. 14 percent of the respondents said they often 7 books for information instead of going online. Of all the students surveyed, 27 percent said they had never used the 18 The survey randomly selected 4,200 students in 26 primary schools in investigate their reading habits. A total of 4,017 questionnaires were properly 20 parts of Taiwan to by the respondents. According to the survey, five percent of the school children indicated that they did not read any reading materials. Of those who read such materials, 25 percent liked to read comics, 20 percent fables and stories, 15 percent books on natural sciences, and 12.3 percent books on technology. The survey indicated that 45 percent of the school children read at least five books every month; 45 percent of them read less than three per month. (A)took (B)put (C)knew (D)found (A)used up (B)went off (C)turned to (D)made into (A)Net (B)survey (C)books (D)respondents (A)various (B)convenient (C)youthful (D)routine 20((A)taken in (B)given off (C)filled out (D)picked on (D)(A)story (B)comic (C)technology (D)extracurricular 2( )(A)thus (B)further (C)otherwise (D)for instance (A)other (B)another (C)others' (D)the other's 課堂筆記:

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英文 高中

第16題為什麼不能選cd 第19題為什麼是d,逗號後面不是通常都會加ing

(B) based upon 15. (A) associated with 第16至20題為題組 Living in Taiwan, most people enjoy a stable life without having to worry about their next meal. According to statistics 16. by Taiwan People's Food Bank, 3,000 tons of perfectly good food go to waste every day. However, quite a lot of poor people in the world are starving simply because they couldn't afford groceries. Imagine food to better use and even use it to feed those in need. 17. good it would be if we could put leftover 18. York City, 19. there are people doing just that. Transfernation, an app that is mostly used in New with local businesses and transports their excess food to those people and places that need it. To do so, simply use the app to request a pickup for your extra food. The app will send people to take the food and deliver it to those in need. According to the official website of the app, its program helps 20. food waste, which is the third largest contributor to climate change. It also allows you to make contributions to your local community by donating food and helping local delivery people get paid. of robo al 16. (A) publishing v 17. (A) how 18. (A) Undoubtedly 19. (A) which works (B) published (B) what tedua (0) (B) Apparently (B) was working 9 (C) are published (C) where (C) Thankfully (C) worked (D) which published (D) whyviensqxos (A) (D) Surprisingly в 01 (D) works redwon

尚未解決 回答數: 2
英文 高中

想問這幾題 想問為什麼錯的不能用+對的為什麼能這樣用?🙏

英文考科 二、綜合測驗(占10分) +3 on 說明:第11.題至第20.題,每題1分。 bodzowbred no 第11.至15.題為題組 In 1956, African honeybees were introduced into Brazil to improve honey production in the tropical climate of South America. However, they started to mix with European honeybees already living there and produced a new kind of "Africanized" honeybees that are better at setting up hiyes and at reproducing than European bees. Keeping Africanized bees poses a challenge to beekeepers. Generally, beekeepers keep their bees in 11. wooden boxes, or hives. s. Afte After the worker bees fill a hive with honey, the beekeepers open the lid of the hive and blow a few puffs of thick, cool smoke into the hive to help calm 12. easier to collect the honey. the bees, 第 2 頁 共 10 頁 The problem with keeping Africanized bees is that they are more defensive than European bees. Even the slightest bump against the hive may 13. an alarm. A large quantity of smoke is needed to calm the bees. Two or three beekeepers may need to work together to safely harvest the honey. And they may need to wear heavier beekeeping suits even in hot, 14. weather. Beekeepers may also collect less honey from Africanized bee hives. European bees form search parties and work together to collect flower nectar from which honey is made, while Africanized bees usually work alone in search of flowers. Therefore, less nectar is brought back to Africanized bee hives. Africanized bees also spend less time storing honey but more time caring for young bees. That may be because they 15. in a tropical climate where not much honey is needed for food during the winter. (C) starved AB 11. (A) stacked door Lyc (B) stuffed obl (A) which make them (B) so that they are (C) thus it would be D (B) go off (C) call off (A) get off (D) staffed (D) making it DLL CC

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英文 高中

想問 第16題答案為a但為何選a?我原本寫得是c 第20題答案為c我選的則是a,請問a是句義怪的關係嗎

Many people at some point in life have white spots on their fingernails. One of the most common causes for these little white spots is a condition called leukonychia. Although the name sounds pretty serious, the condition typically 16 And while many people think the white spots are caused by a calcium or zinc deficiency, that's generally not the case. In reality, these spots most often develop 17 mild to moderate trauma to your nail. If you can't think of anything that would have injured your nail, consider the fact that nails grow very slowly, so the injury 18 weeks before the spots ever appeared. The spots could also be a sign of a mild infection or allergy, or a side effect of certain medications. 19 the source of the injury, these spots typically do not require any treatment and should go away as your nail grows out. And they should not return unless you suffer another injury to a nail. However, this generally 20 when only a single or a few nails are affected. If all of your nails are showing white spots, the leukonychia could be related to another more serious condition such as anemia, cardiac disease, diabetes, or kidney disease. 16. (A) isn't 17. (A) in spite of 18. (A) might occur 19. (A) Supposing 20. (A) indicates (B) doesn't (B) as a result of (B) would occur (B) Including (B) defines (C) couldn't (C) to the best of (C) will have occurred (C) Whatever (C) applies (D) wouldn't (D) for the sake of (D) may have occurred (D) Whether (D) confirms

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