

The Internet has replaced books as a major source of information for Taiwanese primary school students, according to a recent survey. The survey was conducted last December, and it that 77 percent of the students considered the Internet to be the most convenient source of information. 14 percent of the respondents said they often 7 books for information instead of going online. Of all the students surveyed, 27 percent said they had never used the 18 The survey randomly selected 4,200 students in 26 primary schools in investigate their reading habits. A total of 4,017 questionnaires were properly 20 parts of Taiwan to by the respondents. According to the survey, five percent of the school children indicated that they did not read any reading materials. Of those who read such materials, 25 percent liked to read comics, 20 percent fables and stories, 15 percent books on natural sciences, and 12.3 percent books on technology. The survey indicated that 45 percent of the school children read at least five books every month; 45 percent of them read less than three per month. (A)took (B)put (C)knew (D)found (A)used up (B)went off (C)turned to (D)made into (A)Net (B)survey (C)books (D)respondents (A)various (B)convenient (C)youthful (D)routine 20((A)taken in (B)given off (C)filled out (D)picked on (D)(A)story (B)comic (C)technology (D)extracurricular 2( )(A)thus (B)further (C)otherwise (D)for instance (A)other (B)another (C)others' (D)the other's 課堂筆記:
16~20 題為題組 More than 2.7 billion people will face severe shortages of fresh water by 2025. There is, limited amount of water on the planet. Less than 3 percent of the world's water is fresh, and most of trapped in polar ice or buried underground in springs too deep to reach. Freshwater lakes, rivers and reservoirs may seem (18) but provide just a drop in the bucket. Even supplies are sufficient or plentiful, water they are increasingly at risk due to various forms of pollution. Fierce national competition 20 resources has prompted fears that water issues contain the seeds of violent conflict. International cooperation is therefore by all means urgent. ()(A)meanwhile (B)besides (C)in fact (D)for example DB)(A)which (B)it (C)what (D)them 18)(A)scarce (B)empty (C)numerous (D)polluted QAD)(A)how (B)why (C)what (D)where 20(A)(A)for (B)with (C)to (D)at 課堂筆記: only a is


23題 他前面說了45%...後面又出現另一次,所以可以知道是另外又有45%...,選another,而other的話會變成前面45%剩下的“55%”。
