


英文 高中

混合題第31題,它的題目什麼意思? 求解🙇🙇,萬分感謝☺🙂

EL 35. 這位老師很生氣,Hugo 沒勞化 36. 雖然這塊牛排看起來像塊岩石 Dear Ms. Louise, Today was my precious little girl's first day in high school. She was thrilled that she would finally meet her new classmates. But when she woke up, she found that she had a big red pimple on her nose! She worried about it so much that she told me she didn't want to go to school. I knew that she felt embarrassed about having a big red zit on her face, especially when she was about to meet new friends and wanted to leave a good impression on them. However, as a mother, I just couldn't let her skip the first day of school. So, I made her go to school this morning. Did I do the right thing? Worried Mother Dear Worried Mother, I think you made the correct decision. Though her concern of making a bad impression on her new friends is understandable, she needs to learn that most people focus only on their own problems and don't even notice others'. Her friends would probably not notice her pimple at all. I think she will gradually figure this out. Don't worry. Talk to her as usual. She must have plenty of exciting stories about her new friends to share with you tonight. Ms. Louise ) 29. What does Ms. Louise do? (3%) A (A) She is a column writer who gives advice and suggestions. (B) She is a school nurse who helps keep children healthy. (C) She is a company manager who is in charge of a large group of workers, (D) She is a family doctor who takes care of people and treats their diseases. (B) 30. How would you describe Worried Mother and Ms. Louise? (4%) (A) Angry; calm (B) Guilty; comforting. (C) Embarrassed; proud. (D) Understanding; confused. 31. In Ms. Louise's reply, the word others' refer to others' (4%)

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