


國文 高中

想問23的c 雖然題目有購物中心,但我看不出來抽象價值要怎麼被交易

閱讀下文,回答22-23題。 RATA 正如莎士比亞《皆大歡喜》一劇開場白所云:「世界一大舞臺,男女不過演員。」 如今,這世界不但是一個大舞臺,而且還應該是一個充斥著「遊樂場」、「歡樂園」 「狂歡節」、「屠宰場」、「選舉季」、「集中營」、「瘋人院」的人間購物中心, 25 切皆可扮演買賣,道德、正義、自由、民主、真理、權力、慈悲,全都急凍上市待價而沽 隨意解凍相互串演登臺。 d 至於舞臺上演出的內容,從樂觀享樂主義者的觀點看來,多半是喜劇,或看起來像悲 劇的喜劇。從悲觀苦修主義者的觀點看,世界舞臺上,永遠遭悲劇霸占,或由看起來像黑 色喜劇的悲劇來主導。 喜劇論者,弄到最後,容易玩世不恭(cynicism);悲劇論者,到頭來常陷入遁世嫉俗 (misanthropist) 實際上,所有人間購物舞臺上演出的戲劇,只有一種,那就是悲喜劇加一. 喜悲劇,像古老又新潮的貓熊,黑眼圈永遠是憂愁的八字眉,胖身體又老是充滿了歡樂感。 。 舞臺上常見哈哈鏡(distorting mirror),藉凸凹不平的鏡面,導致不規則光線反射與聚 焦,扭曲反映人形物象,突梯滑稽,恐怖變形,令人在驚奇之餘,或皺眉大怒,或失聲狂 笑。放置在遊樂場、歡樂園、狂歡節中的哈哈鏡,多半顯而易見;安裝於屠宰場、集中營 瘋人院、選舉季中的哈哈鏡,總是隱藏難察。 不過一般人對哈哈鏡的反應,常是一笑置之,喜多於悲,因此又稱做 funhouse mirror( 樂園鏡)或 carnival mirror(狂歡鏡) 個性不同的男男女女,自己就是包含各種瑕疵的哈 哈鏡,各自以獨特的「個性鏡面」,反映或悲或喜的命運與愛情。 。 存在主義小說家卡繆說過一句耐人尋味的話:「不依靠希望與未來,意味著人更能隨 心所欲。」(羅青〈個性是一面哈哈鏡〉) 13 FIBA 22文末「不依靠希望與未來,意味著人更能隨心所欲」一句,給人的啟示是: (A)有所依戀,但能夠量力而為 (B)活在當下,憑個人心意活動 (C)帶著信念,便可能解決問題 (D)放棄羈絆,成就獨立的人格 SENG(EL);}) 「你 15 Tool the Di A 2 75p+ ( (A)若以舞臺比喻世界,作者認為最終我們看到的會是像喜劇的悲劇 (B)哈哈鏡所映照的自我形貌,只出現在遊樂園等地,不會在瘋人院 (C)購物中心的比喻,意指世界上所有抽象價值都能透過交易而取得 (D)作者認為每個人都是哈哈鏡,從中能化解悲傷,映照出喜悅形貌 脂肪 23.有關作者在文中所使用的各種比喻,詮釋適當的是︰ Fis

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英文 高中

英文問題 may not be什麼意思 感覺題目詳解給錯了

第 48 至 51 題為題組 Many of us have probably experienced déjà vu at least a few times in our life. Its meaning comes from the phrase "already seen" in French, and occurs when we feel that a person, place, or thing is familiar to us without actually having experienced them before. This strange phenomenon happens to as much as 70 percent of the population, but a higher number of 15 to 25 year olds experience it than any other age group. Maybe you just travelled to a new foreign country, and it just felt very familiar to you. Yes, you are feeling déjà vu; however, you know you haven't been there before. While different people experience déjà vu in different ways, it is still a pretty mysterious phenomenon, and researchers are putting the pieces together. Based on some studies, déjà vu is just a part of having a healthy memory checking system, and people who experience déjà vu more often are less likely to forget the details of important events. In fact, the results of the study don't look too promising in terms of mental health for people who never experience déjà vu. Scientists believe déjà vu is created by a neurological anomaly related to an improper electrical discharge in the brain. In short, it's not a mystical prophecy or out-of-body experience, but just your brain playing a trick on you; that is, these scientists dismiss it as just a glitch in the matrix. A few people are just terrified when it happens, but others feel euphoric about it. On average, most people just find it to be a perplexing sensation, neither pleasant nor threatening. Since déjà vu occurs in individuals with and without a medical condition, there is much speculation as to how and why it happens. Several psychoanalysts attribute deja vu to simple fantasy or wish fulfillment, while some psychiatrists ascribe it to a mismatching in the brain that causes it to mistake the present for the past. Many parapsychologists believe it is related to a past-life experience. Obviously, there is more investigation and researches to be done. So, does this article seem very familiar to you? 48. Which of the following CAN'T be described as a déjà vu experience based on this passage? (A) You keep buying similar style of clothing and you don't know why. (B) You feel you've been to a place when actually it's your first time there. (C) Someone looks familiar to you though you have never seen him before. (D) You just met a new friend whom you think you must have met somewhere. 49. Based on the article, which description about déjà vu is WRONG? (A) It actually is not as harmful to our mental health as we think. (B) Some people who have experienced it may feel a sense of happiness. (C) The word"déjà vu" originates from France, meaning"already seen." (D) Those who never experience it may not be mentally healthier than those who do.

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英文 高中


(D) 3. The smell of freshly-baked cookies filled the room. It was hard for the little boy to the desire to reach out for one. (B) resist (D) import (A) 4. If you get lost in the woods, follow the (A) offer (C) deliver that runs along the river, and you will quickly find your way back to the town. (A) trail (B) flavor (C) seal (D) reserve (D) 5. Although it is often classified as a vegetable, the tomato is a fruit because it develops from a flower. (A) widely (C) mistakenly (B) necessarily (D) technically ''A'' fries go perfectly with a juicy burger. They are hard ) 6. Golden and delicious, these on the outside but very soft on the inside. (A) rocky (C) crispy 二、文意選填(25%) Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? It's a ___(7)___ that carries on. However, there's no question about its ability to (8)_ the flavor of foods it's added to. It makes sauces and salads better, and is also a healthy snack. When ripe, a tomato is super juicy. Historical studies (9) that tomatoes weren't always as well loved as they are these days. Tomatoes are(10)__ to South America, and they started being shipped to Europe in the 16th century. There, it was thought that tomatoes had been the (11) of several aristocrats' deaths. The acid in the tomatoes drew the lead in the plates out, which killed those eating from them. (B) lively (D) negative (A) reveal (B) debate (C) deepen (D) cause (E) native Answers: 7. (A)8. (C) 9. (B) 10. (E) 11. D) 三、閱讀測驗(21%) San Diego is a beautiful city. Located on the west coast of the United States, it has over 1.3 million people living in it. It's the second largest city in California. Known to many as "America's Finest City," it offers nice weather and a relaxed way of life. There are many places to visit in San Diego, but few are better for getting a feel for the city's culture than Balboa Park. It's a big 1,200-acre park designed like a Spanish village. It has museums, exhibition spaces, and gardens. The San Diego Zoo is found within the park. It features more than 14,000 animals from around the world. If you are a history lover, go to Old Town. It has old buildings from the 1800s and lots of shops and restaurants. Old Town was the first European settlement in the state of California and is considered the birthplace of the state. (C) 12. What is the purpose of this passage? (5%) (A) To introduce a travel spot. (A) 13. (B) To explain the history of a city. (C) To suggest a full-day tour in a park. (D) To change people's opinions about San Diego. 13. According to the passage, which of the following is true? (6%) 1 2 14. Write T (True) or F (False) next to each statement based on the passage above. (10%) Live B2-2 (A) Balboa Park was established in the 1800s. (B) Balboa Park is like a town within a city. (C) The San Diego Zoo is right next to Balboa Park. (D) Old Town is why San Diego got its name as "America's Finest City." There are many people living in San Diego. The city's population is listed as being over 1.3 million. San Diego is the largest city in California and the second largest on the west coast of the United States. Balboa Park is a 1,200-acre park designed like an American village. It's where people can get to know San Diego's culture. The San Diego Zoo is located inside Balboa Park. It houses over 14,000 animals from different parts of the world. Old Town is where people can expect to see buildings that are over 200 years old. 5 四、中譯英 (24%) 15.患有憂鬱症的人可能會每天無緣無故地感 到悲傷,容易獨自哭泣。 Those who s with depression may feel sad for no reason and tend to cry alone on a daily basis. 16. 隊員們把表現不佳怪罪於雨天,卻忽視了 自己練習不夠的事實。 The team members b blame the rainy weather for their poor performance while overlooking the fact that they didn't practice enough. 17. 這家商店的經理注意到上個月的銷售額有 所下降,這表示許多顧客可能已轉向網路 O The store manager noticed a decrease in sales last month, which suggests that a n customers may have switched to online shopping.

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