

第 43 至 46 題為題組 20 Istroshod as to orius orbini.com When comparing different regional versions of Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism strikes many bas particularly unique. This is in part due to the fact that Buddhists in Tibet practice a form be of Buddhism called Vajrayana, or "the way of the diamond," which differs significantly from Theravada (the form practiced primarily in Southeast Asia) and Mahayana (the form practiced primarily in China and East Asia). Another reason is that the Tibetan form has been heavily influenced by Bon, the indigenous folk religion of Tibet. Een twis John et 誰有物無論有無 Studie Originally, Bon was an animistic religion, meaning that adherents, called Bonpo, believed all things, living or not, possessed a soul. At the time, they didn't consider Bon a religion but a set of traditions. The priest himself was called a Bon, and his role was to conduct rituals, such bantas sacrificing animals, to assist humans to make their journey to the afterlife upon dying. He for also guided the people in keeping the many spirits of the world happy and avoiding places with dangerous forces-keep in mind that the Tibetans inhabit a hostile, high altitude environment.
When Buddhism first entered Tibet in the 8th century AD, it was seen as a foreign religion. Popular legend has it that Padmasambhava, the Indian master credited with introducing the religion, defeated the Bon demons and made them protectors of Buddhism. In reality, what happened is that many elements of Bon were incorporated into what over the centuries came to be 榮 BETA Tibetan Buddhism. These included traits like deep-throat chanting, placing colorful prayer flags in 2 Que sacred locations, and an emphasis on rituals related to the phase between death and the afterlife. loding bar i antisd (ogs Isarpointureoto -1 from around the 10th century. Moreover, just as Tibetan Buddhism borrowed practices and ideas ogorii A To make things more complex, Bonpo actually did begin to see Bon as a religion, starting vo bateisque 315 and to abor CITRA S RO L insoninge & SVRLO Reged OVAN BNGRIDR 2011102112113 TOURITY from earlier Bon, the "New Bon" absorbed much from Buddhism. Bon still exists today but has ONTO changed much over the centuries to the point that it becomes difficult to identify which aspects of Bon came from Buddhism, and vice versa. 10000 of alused) briqpost yllnarovinu TOME
45. What can be inferred about Padmasambhava? brox (A) He was an expert at throat chanting. loug sibh ai sidiary od 05 61 21854 15 anoth boubouni guided bove sinonites tossib u (C) He is highly regarded by Tibetan Buddhists. t bhow AUDR ognsdo stemilo baeush : (D) He converted to the Bon religion later in his life. Xiage to abuso tre Jon InSYS CB He conquered Tibet on behalf of India. WOR


