


英文 高中

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0 22 plants or people. Trained dogs can find almost quicker 了han we can. They can even detect diseases just our best friends. They often are our lifesaverst anything we need them to. This makes them _玉 26. 2 一 26 全218293 Y. 篇章結構 : 9% (A) But the value of service dogs goes beyond just safety. (B) But imstead of barking, hearing dogs get their owners' attention by gently touching them- (C) Guide dogs help 也em walk upstairs, cross busy roads, and avoid bumping into things, Dogs are often called “man?”s best friend,”but did you know that a gowing number ofpeople rely on dogs to help fhem through teir everyday life? Known as service dogs, these dogs have been specially frained to help people with disabilities.- For people who are blind, a guide dog is akind of service dog that is trained to lead them so they can The human?s role is to give orders, while the dog's role is to keep their move around safely. _了7 owner Safe, even 註仙is means not following dangerous orders. Another type of service dog is a hearing dog. These dogs help deaf people know when there are 2 GOnGe specific sounds, such as a ringing phone, aknock at the door, or even the crying ofababy. fieir owners notice 所em, 也ey will lead them to 也e source ofthe sound- y taking notice of the environmemt for Both of 了ese types of service dogs keep their owners safe b 33. Since living With disabilities can be a lonety s the independence to live 包em, The two of them act as 也eir eyes and ears. can serve as loving assistants, While glving their oOWner experience, Service dogs aflland meaningful life at 了he same time. 8 人 39 和 33. YIL 混合題 : 1% How Do Seents Trigger~* Emotion and Memory? fafamous quote from /qn7ef by William Indeed, the power %@f 加上 When it comes to scents 9 herbs*, you may think o s for remermbrance; pIay, love, remember. osermgarv. 也at 全1

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英文 高中

請問cursory 在第一段的意思是「粗略的、隨性的」嗎? 要怎麼判斷ㅠㅠ

崗1 ns ' Cityscape Painting Evena 本Msory Survey of modern or contemporary art wi lnds0ape makes up a substantial part of the artistie 語 S 計 讓 關 importance may be obvious, its origins are much less so 了 consensus about the exact date of birth of the first city 1 全 說 才 agreememt as to aprecise date for the start of Gi開 painting 全約 FFresco, anaerjal view of a coastal city that'datesifrom Trojan Rome in (8 first 品生 gf the frst millenniumuis the earliest known cityscape painting. Of course, that is no reason to assume thatitis the first of its genmre- During the Middle Ages, representatioris Of clties can be found as backgrounds inmanyilluminated manuscripts, but 個ey were never aoeerded more than secondary roles in those compositions. The late thirteenth and early fourteenth century brought a revival offreedom of expression in Westerm art as 站began throwing off the Wi constralints of the Byzantine tradition. ltwas during this period that Ambrogio Lorenzetti painted the fresco known as “City by牛e Sea , often cited fs as the first true cityscape inthe history of Westerm art. arked by Lorenzetti did not'eome intofull The interest in cityscape painting sp However, small cityscapes doappear as flowerin ltaly until the late 15th century. - backgrounds in some works by the most famous painters 0f the intel ng MG centuries. At that time, some Venetian painters, most notably Vittore arpaccio and 3 Gentile Bellini, created what can be considered the first “golden age”of cityscape painting in Western Art, a short but remarkable tothe scenic ita painting that was soon to come- : curred in ltaly, many ofthe most importamt In northern Eurobpe, much as OC ) : cities only ina supporting capacity for their 4 epictin painters of that era began depicttng 同 二 信實 語人sa stunning resentation, primary subject. In one 6 representation ofariver city. Despite the city is not accorded “leading role” status in 全 閃 讀 測 驗

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高職專業科目 高中

#餐旅服務 請問西餐的主菜是甚麼時候上呢? 一定在沙碧之後嗎? 像課本這2頁沒有特別註明主菜 不知道哪一道哪時候才上主菜呢?

@@ 辣aioto。 ) 建立餐廳形象。 了 2 下 西式菜單結構 : 太兩餐蘑加結構是歷戰 ee ai F 是常考試題, ' 對了全 還 生對名| 法六莫名 |英文菜名 | 1.英文原意 和 rOutside of Master Piece」,傑作之外。, State / | 是冷開胃菜,被列為第道菜。 說前菜 HorsdOeuvre 人9 2如法國三 人 味 7/肪 肝醬 (Foie Gras) 、 魚子站 了9j (Caviar) ~從圳(Truffle) ;義大利的密瓜帕瑪火腿 / First Course (Prosciutto di Parma) ; 英國的煙燻鮭魚 (Srmoked Salmon) 。 深鍋 (Pot) 烹煮出的液體食物。 度分為清湯和濃湯 ; 依溫度分為熱湯和冷湯 肥 | | 對 中 ?oup ” |;與湯隨陰的是個脆餅乾 (cracker) 油煙麵歸還 | | (crutons) 。 虹os40e0m | ios | ] 以蛋、義大利麵 (Pasta) 、米類為主所烹調的菜餾9 繼 jaud。 | | ? 如主田昌。 「 海鮮魚貝類等水產品因肉質柔嫩味清淡,都本被中和 玫理 Pois5of Fish Course 魚類料理。 ? 魚類料理味道較清淡, 多被安排在肉類之前。 和二」 gouou ac | Meat Course |大塊菜多以整塊的家音肉類說調化在此衝面前苞貞仿全 熱 | | Midde 「]法文Emtree 為中前莫; 英文Entee 是主茶 (MEU 中章菜 ˊCourse 人 和 Course) 冷 1 入斌| peepo2 course 7 中間菜的食材多切割成小塊後,再烹調供說 7和

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英文 高中


tt 2n the nightofthe Inte rmational Cello上 to play a famous musicai piece entitled “The te 誠 Ni 人 aevo, which had been_1t 0U avid Wilde in honor of the Bosnian musician Vedran Smailovic 殖民 光 Watked onto Mhe Stage, bowed to the audience 人 1 Ni 1 hall anq creating a shadowy and empty universe. Slowiyit_4_a 同 audience before subsiding into a hollow death rattle and back tb silence 和 Na performance, Ma remajned 5_overhis cello, and his bow rested onthe strings. ltwas not 同 made a gesture to invite somebody important up onto the stage _6__the audience began to make any Sound_ An indescribabie_electric Shock _7__the audience as they realized that this important somebody was Vedran Smailovic, ihe cetllist of Sarajevo! As ihe two cellists held each other_8_ everyone in the haill was fiied With excitement The audience had been stripped down to their deepest humanity _9 seeing Vedran Smailovic in personm Who had courageously played his cello in abattle to the terrifted peopile hiding in the cellars, despite the fiying bullets and the deadliy bombs. Atthat moment, the audience came to realize ihat music, 一10 created or fistened to, is a gift that can soothe, inspire, and unite peopl人 (1) ( ) (A) composed by put on (C) risen from (D) consisted 9 (2) (YU(A)achar stood solitary ~、~(B)did achair stand soltary (C) solitary a chair did stand “” (D) stood a solitary chair (3) ())(A) and Stole (B) which stole (C) stealing (D) stole (4) (丘) (A) faded into (B) grew into (Gerupted into ~OD) fellinto ce5) (S (A) thatbend (8) bend (C) bemt (D) tobend (6)(只) (A) where (B) that (C) which (D) since 和 7 (A) stretched into (B) smashed into (CC) stole into (D) swept over (8) (~7Ainthe face (8B)inthe midst (C) inan embrace 過 im 3 (9)(P7) Anear (B) at 生 同 (10 0 ) (A no matter(B) neither US

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