


英文 高中


BALO C 共7頁 Two professors at the University of California at Berkeley hoped to find out the answer. They investigated a pool of 12,000 Japanese men equally divided into three groups: One group had lived in Japan for all their lives, and the other two groups had emigrated to Hawaii or Northern California. It was found that the rate of heart disease among Japanese men increased five times in California and about half of that for those in Hawaii. The study shows that the need to bond with a social group is so fundamental to humans that it remains the key determinant of whether we stay healthy or get ill, even whether we live or die. We need to feel part of something bigger to thrive. We need to belong, not online, but in the real world of nugs, hangsmants, and pats un the back. What is the best title of this passage? (A) Heart Diseases and Their Causes (C) Differences in Japanese Americans Which of the following is a finding of the two American professors' study? (A) Many Japanese men that lived up to 100 years were smokers. (B) Those who often ate hamburgers and fries were more likely to fall sick. (C) Japanese immigrants to America usually formed a tight-knit community. (D) Westernized social life was related to the heart-attack rate of Japanese Americans. Which of the following is an example of "something bigger" in the last paragraph? (A) A family t (B) A stadium. (C) The universe. ACK! 103 年指考 英文考科 The differences could not be explained by any of the usual risk factors for heart disease, such as smoking, high blood pressure, or cholesterol counts. The change in diet, from sushi to hamburgers and fries, was also not related to the rise in heart disease. However, the kind of society they had created for themselves in their new home country was. The most traditional group of Japanese Americans, who maintained/tight-knit and mutually supportive social groups, had a heart-attack rate as low as their fellow Japanese back home. But those who had adopted the more isolated Western lifestyle increased their heart-attack incidence by three to five times. (B) The Power of Social Connection (D) The Sense of Belonging vs. Isolation The digital world.

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英文 高中


上午、下午及晚上。 隔天早晨。 更為強烈。當 ever用 —甜相机 (B) a great class leader being a great class leader (D) as a great class leader 三、綜合測驗 1. In 1843, Henry Cole was a popular man. However, this popularity was causing him some trouble. Specifically, he received a lot of mail, sometimes so much that he didn't know (1)__ to reply to all of it in his free time. To solve this problem, he hired an artist named J. C. Horsley to draw a family_(2) was celebrating Christmas and then had this image printed one thousand times on postcards. On each card, there was also space to write a person's name and a short message. This is how the first commercial Christmas card was born. Did Cole know that Christmas cards would (3) sit over the fireplaces* in so many houses? Probably not, but his friends quickly_(4)___ Christmas cards an annual tradition. Fast forward to 1873, and a man named Louis Prang had succeeded in making Christmas cards popular throughout the US. The front side of each of Prang's cards read "Merry Christmas," accompanied by an image of beautiful flowers or animals. In the late 1880s, many card companies were competing (5)__ one another. However, Christmas cards went through their biggest change in 1915, when the Hall brothers made cards larger so that people could write longer messages. The Hall cards featured images of Santa Claus and had cheerful messages__(6)____ inside them. These cards were folded once and ____(7)_ (9) inside envelopes. Since then, people ____(8)____ the tradition of giving Christmas cards alive. Cards these are a big part of today's shopping and gift-giving practices. Many people around the world can't (10) to give and receive them when Christmas is coming. What started as a convenient way to send letters has become not only a big business but also a wonderful tradition. 註:fireplace 壁爐 (B) (1) what (B) how who (D) which (D) (2) where (B) what (C) how (D) that (two days (B) that day (C) one day (D) those days ( ) (4)(A) made (B) had (C) caused (D) allowed (D) for (C) under (C) printed B) (5)(A) between (B) against C) (6)(A) printing (B) to print (7)(A) placed (B) grabbed D) (8) (A) kept (B) would keep (C) coached (C) was keeping (D) have kept (9)(A) with (B) as (C) like (D) besides (10) (A) come (B) wait (C) bear (D) bring 1 (D) print (D) delivered

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