


英文 高中


HOZZJ that pa change Angela Duckworth, an American scholar, gave a TED Talk in New York entitled "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance." The ideas in her talk were later made into a book with the same title, 3. was published in 2016. 4. years earlier, Duckworth accepted a job as a mathematics teacher at a public school in New York. Her talk details how 5. the years, her students gradually taught her that to be successful, natural intelligence alone is not enough. One must also possess what is 7. by a strong determination to known 6. grit. Grit refers to consistent effort achieve a goal. Through detailed research, Duckworth discovered that people with high levels of grit remain highly motivated to achieve their goals 8. giving up on them. In other words, someone with true grit will see himself or herself getting closer to his or her goal day by day. Therefore, that person will always be able to keep himself or herself 9. to achieving that goal. Duckworth's TED Talk and book have since book have since inspired millions remained on The New York Times' bestseller list for almost half a A 10. Her boo following its t a year publication./leave/find +0+ (1. (A) what 學士廟讀 高檢眼 (B) which (C) how CDB (B 2. (A) So (B) (A) 3.(A) which (B) it (C) that (D) 4.(A) Few (00 (B) Little) (C) A little (D) 5.(A) with (B) around (C) until 6.(A) by (B) 7.(A) drives (B) for (C) as tedi. (B) driven (C) driving (A) 8. (A) instead of 9. (A) dedicate (B) dedicating (B) regardless of (C) except for such 這樣的: (C) very (D) same (D) 9gbird) and insinu (D) A fewsl (D) over (D) to be (D) to drive (D) in addition to (D) why HTA. 197 OT (C) dedicated (D) to dedicate 10.(A) in turn (B) around the world 新人会画画 香取湖小匙 (H (C) on their way (D) around the corner 六、文意選填:10% WN (A) worthy (B) discuss (C) technological (D) with (E) increase (F) audience (G) speaks of (H) as well as (I) celebrity (J) by From the beginning, before a word is spoken, it's clear that Molly Wright's TED T mits in a high chair. A little girl walks out, smilin 2 weak pho ask chi

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地球科學 高中

請問23題為甚麼不是花剛岩 不是陸跟陸聚合嗎 要怎麼區分ㄚ

-do 三、混合題(每題4分,共12分) ◎火山和斷層活動都會引發地震,而臺北附近兩者兼具。臺灣北部最大的火山就是大屯火山和七星 山,科學家在此處設立小型地震觀測網進行微震觀測。由觀測資料分析,火山地震的基本特徵是 震源淺、規模不大且常為群震發生,震央會集中於火山及其附近。在大屯火山觀測到的地震可分 成四種: (1)一般構造地震:與斷層地震同,有P波、S波,震源深度不到5公里,是密集的微震 (2) 單頻率的「水滴型震波」:無法辨別P波和S波,這些地震訊號的產生原因,最可能是由岩層 裂縫中液態或氣態物質共振所引起 (3)多頻率的「螺絲釘型震波」:時間長達數十秒,可能代表該火山活躍性很強 (4) 高頻火山地震訊號:持續十多分鐘且有強烈和連續性的爆發,通常出現在岩漿庫的附近 一般地震波 水滴狀地震波 螺絲釘狀地震波 ith huk IN (a) 50510 振幅 一般地震波 2 4 6 時間(秒) 一般 地震波頻譜 (b) 2 振 0 水滴狀 幅 地震波 -28 螺絲釘狀地震波 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 10 20 30 40 時間(秒) 時間(秒) 10F 158 8. 螺絲釘狀 水滴狀 108 地震波頻譜 地震波頻譜 幅 5 2 3 4 頻率(Hz) 2 468 振幅 振幅 10 20 30 頻率(Hz) 頻率(Hz) 10 12 資料參考:「大屯火山觀測站」網頁: http://tec.earth.sinica.edu.tw/TVO/free.php?link=obrwork/microseismic 2 √ (2) 由上文所述可知,在火山活動區域,也會有斷層活動,請問火山造成的地震與一般斷層的地震有 何差異? (A)一般地震波搖晃時間比較長 (C)火山只有在噴發前才會有地震 (B)火山地震可能會有無法辨別P波和S波的地震 (D)火山地震通常規模大且震源深 (E)一般地震比火山地震更常會有群震 智口 -4. 振幅 22. 除了看震波,地震也能「聽聲音」,關鍵在於地震發出的頻率,在大屯火山觀測到的地震,發出 的頻率各有不同,請問下列敘述何者錯誤? (A)一般地震有多種頻率,每種強弱不一 (C)螺絲釘狀的地震波頻率有多種 (B)水滴型地震波的頻率是單頻特別強 (D)持續時間最長的是高頻地震訊號 (E)這些地震頻率人類耳朵(20~2萬Hz)都能聽到 智 〔 臺灣北部會有火山活動的主要原因,是此區的板塊運動屬於何種類型的邊界?若大屯火山噴發, 岩漿冷卻後主要形成何種岩石? 图 聚合型,花安山岩

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