


英文 高中

想請問一下11題!這種題型已經錯很多次了,請問強調句It is that和Such be的用法的核心差異應該怎麼分辨?搞不太懂🥲謝謝

1 B 13 D 綜合測驗 (10%) C www mee 說明:第 11 至 20 題,每題一個空格。請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,並劃記在答案卡 之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者得1分;答錯、未作答或劃記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算。 第11至15題為題組 (台古) 琴:合培壹索 If you've seen the movie The Lion King, then you may have heard the phrase “Ix-nay on the upid-stay." What obscure language was being spoken? It's Pig Latin! on words. Pig Latin isn't actually a language, and it has nothing to do with real Latin. It's more of a play 11 is the popularity of Pig Latin that it has even made its way into TV shows and movies. It's a way to say something in code, and only people who know the rules will be able to it. So, what are those rules? First, take the first sound of the word, move it to the end, and add "-ay." The word "toy" would be "oy-tay." When a word begins with consonant clusters, move 13 them to the end, and add "-ay." "String” would be “ing-stray." If the word starts with a don't move any sounds; just add “-ay.” So “apple" becomes “apple-ay." 12 DEVIVIUZ TOLOMBLIU elsboss2 (A) 14 the word rather than look at This doesn't happen every time, though. You just have to its spelling. For instance, "one" starts with the letter "o," but has a "w" sound. It would be "un-way" in Pig Latin. Let's go back to that phrase we are familiar: "Ix-nay on the upid-stay." Now 29m21 (8) 250sluotis (A) we can read it as, "Nix on the stupid."dainev () 15 Ow-nay, you can ave-hay un-fay with ig-pay atin-lay! 21. godinwohn 0286990 1919 SAU 11. (A) Such 12. (A) recitensbi (C) 13. (A) symbol sinitab 14. (A) call for 15. (A) in that Songs (A) bus anob anor indi 第16至20題為題組 ( vusio adot asw ji 19diw sa 'WE omils zagolz (A) (B) It (B) crack (B) version (B) listen to (B) which oibot (0) sqft (0) su u (C) What eziovib (8) (C) flip (C) signature moitawei 8 turn down (C) with which jedmi (3) (D) That (D) scoop andet (8) TI (D) vowel zul ad (D) cater to (D) how (8) to sqyi Isiosqe iw borsvoo ei loow taal tdguod sw sloz wen aT.2 Ji gnidotatoe mort atas auce nisgs Wenigemi (A) 1899niv (A) lagiclation makes 16

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歷史 高中


HE |語教學 地位低落 內各種組 的說明 Q南島語族的遷徙稱為「大航海時代」 民國(夏威夷、紐西蘭、復活節島三地族群的體質同質性高 (30 AC 混合題型 ◎請閱讀以下資料後回答問題 資料一:2018 年時,一位在紐西蘭的白人女性在下巴刺上毛利人的莫克文面(moko kauae) 引起毛利人社會的爭議。為她刺青的毛利藝術家因尼亞‧泰勒曾 表示,他曾經對這件事「有所保留,但多次電話討論之後,我發現拒絕她 的唯一理由就是種族」然而毛利學者佩內希拉認為:「這是不能接受的 有毛利人族系身分才能有這樣的文面 J C的唯一理 資料二:在電影「鯨騎士」中,有段劇情如下:祖父柯洛小心地走進派凱亞的病房, 以謙卑的態度說 :「睿智的領袖, 求你原諒我, 我只是剛學習飛行的小 鳥。」電影即將結束的時候,派凱亞最終不僅打破長子繼承的傳統,更獲 VALOA 得祖父的認同,成為一位女性酋長。 綜合以上資料和你的歷史知識,下列敘述何者正確?(多選題) ( 資料一、二皆可用來討論毛利文化與現代社會的衝突 B 資料一的反對者重視文面對毛利人的特殊意義賣木林 (資料一的贊成者認為文化可以跨越種族來展現 (D) 資料二中祖父的話表達他對毛利傳統的無知 ( 可見文面比酋長的繼承更有爭議性 ITL 明信,廣 勢力較小 這對招股 平權的教 謙虛敬畏. :多國外人 方支持? 武的風氣 出版 其搬 按人 相 313 A )2.毛利的文身除了有特殊意義之外,還有不同性別的區分,下列關於文身 跑

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