


英文 高中


Language in Focus ☆ V-ing/p.p...., S + V... 分詞構句(前半句) 本句型是由兩個主詞相同的句子合併而來的分詞構句用法,要點 在於將連接詞帶領的句子化,避免主詞重複敘述。以下以本課 第 8-9 行最完整寫法為例,解釋合併的寫步驟: Ster 先判斷連接網所引導的子每當中將與主要子句主詞是否 相同。若相同,則刪去連養為子句的主詞,避免重複敘述。 連接詞子句 主要子句 But Arraeus thinks quickly, Maynard lays a trap and Step 3 des har crew balow the deck of his remaining ship. 將領高子句中的動詞改為分詞。主動改為現在分詞 V-ing; 「若改過去分詞 p p.p. ,若其動詞為 beV,可直接將 beV 省略。此時表示時態助動詞也一併省略。 But Maynard thinks thinking quickly, Maynard lays a trap and hides his crew below the deck of his remaining ship. 連接詞可斟酌省略, ,若省略後會影響句意,則得保留。 • But Maynard Thinking quickly, Maynard lays a trap and hides his crew below the deck of his remaining ship. Feeling excited, the children opened... on Christmas morning Give It a Shot 綜合練習 ● 請用本課 Language in Focus 句型改寫以下句子 The children felt excited, the children opened their presents on Christmas morning, The children felt excited, opening their' presents on Christmas morning. X s. ② 請圈出正確的答案 (Shocking Shocked by the loud noise outside, we

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