


公民與社會 高中


30. 31題為題組 設備,中央疫情指揮中心提出「社交 @ 非洲豬瘟是由病毒引起的一種高度傳染性之惡性豬隻疫病,最早於 1921 年在肯亞被發現, 肯亞位在東非高原,首都奈洛比位在(1°16'26S,36°48′37″E),海拔高度約 1,660 公 9 尺。病毒經過傳播,目前已遍及全世界各洲。2018 年 8 月在中國出現病例,隨後快速擴 散,到 11 月擴散到 14 個省區的 33 個市。我國政府因此於機場公告:「為因應非洲豬瘟疫 情持續擴散,維護我國農畜產業之安全,請來臺及回國旅客切勿網購或攜帶非洲猪瘟疫區 之家畜肉品或走私動物及其產品入境我國,違者最高可處新臺幣 100 萬元罰鍰。」宣導廣 告如圖五。請問: 好 博听,我知大綱,兼數據 保時頭咖啡容、寄達帶 親愛的旅客 旅遊回國千萬別帶 肉類製品入境 肉類製品如肉乾、肉鬆、 香腸、火腿臘肉、生鮮 加購木黃曾爭當 、罐頭肉品等 第一如黃臺北關賽中《日。 1556- Taiwan 違者處新臺幣20 ~100萬罰鍰 第3回 EN C 如氣衣谷來 据贵堂啪日産告車 快捷苦鑽 西關言中《東》( 交通部觀光局 提醒您 圖五 1 政府要限制人民權利,必須透過法律來限制;也就是說,若政府在實際運作時沒依照上述 規定,此時違反何種行政法原理原則? 13 味水 ENTENTARA 執行 (A)法律優越原則 行政行为不可違法 (B)法律保留原則>要有法律授权取 (D)信賴保護原則同不然,銀時) (C)誠實信用原則

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英文 高中

這篇看的有點矇 想請問是真的那些單字有一字多義的這些意思 還是這題出題有錯誤

in an ng S ge 1. er DAR 三、文意選填(占10分)(請忽略大小寫) 品牌 019W 第21 至 30 題為題組 The 29. doum Den (A turns out (B) come across (F) accomplishment (G) in addition elod Societies and cultures are continually adapting, and long-practiced customs are disappearing. One 21, that is slowly fading out of practice is the Swedish custom of Fika. 22. the habit of grabbing 年銷 a latte at Starbucks on the way to work, Fika is a true coffee break. On a Fika break, a person spends 1–2 hours forgetting about work and enjoying their companion, whether it be a friend or a novel. Unfortunately, this 23. custom is in danger, and not just in Sweden. The fast-paced, high (n)擁有物 財產 pressure world we live in today has made time a precious possession. Our ambition to be successful 無義急 often makes it seem like there are no worthwhile reasons to spend that time on anything as pointless as a survive ( their success at work 14 cup of coffee. We devote all our energy to our career, and many people 24. with success in life, We 25. spending more time with our clients than we do with our friends. We 26. have time for family. tovi Fika, on the other hand, is about separating our li so. And M what work, we are 21. 26. IC AH » on the other hand, is about separating our lives from our work, even if it's just for an hour or 22. 27. HB (C) that 27. Fika, there are no rules. It can be done at home, in a park, or on a train. It can be done 2900F HONE with coffee or tea, with or without a sweet dessert. Its only_28. is that one removes oneself from the HIBE daily grind for a brief escape below average (#4) piqor ST (C) disgusting A. (D) varied (H) amazing A (I) rewarded Hi boug ++# / 847) De moments. We can connect with people we care for and who care for us in return. And when we return to 30. be more productive and focused. Perhaps it's time for you to schedule a Fika break. CI BE 25. JA GE 23. R 30. E.G. into varied (47 (n) Huomib of a Fika break are numerous. We can step away from job pressure for a few brief con 28. brush to 73 mish gri (D) take part in (D) where V. (1) below average FJ T 78 A(E) survive 24. 29. SON itsn seitseng ait ol tosido vlamorta enorgiler

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