


英文 高中

想問第四題為什麼不能選C 謝謝🙏

111. 綜合測驗:15% • pose drult qi avil or salil olgooq vasi 26 have fascinated 1. of a e part lunches daily to The dabbawalas of Mumbai, i, India, have ated many people. They are boxed-lunch delivery organization that brings around 200,000 office and factory workers. Dabbawalas provide a very useful service. Since most Mumbai residents live in areas far from their jobs, it's inconvenient for them to bring their lunches on cramped public transportation. Dabbawalas always deliver the lunches the right location. They're able to do this because of their nearly-3./ operating system. collects around Each geographical area* employs around twenty-five dabbawalas, 4. 8, and details. outer delivery of 2. and to thirty lunch boxes boxes. Dabbawalas write special numbers and characters on each container's 5., they rarely lid to indicate the neighborhood, building, deliver a lunch box to the wrong place. Without a doubt, the service performed by these dabbawalas is a true model of success. el of successivo a god m' .01 (A) It wasn't mentioned in the passage. 90.87 Ji a geographical area 註: home-making (C) home-made BID 2251 (C) 1. (A) home-make eded (B) home-maki (D) making-home SD) 2. (A) at risk (C) by chance (bai (D) on time (B) & (A) classic list! (B) all the time (solo (C)(A) each of whom A (B) flawless (B) one of which (C) each of them JESSIES anoia ( handled 101 airli(D) swift (D) they all

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公民與社會 高中


據外媒報導,馬來西亞於2022年11月19日舉行國會大選,國內主要政黨聯盟中, 在野聯盟領袖安華(Anwar Ibrahim)為首的「希望聯盟」(Hope Pact)拿下82席,前線 慕尤丁(Muhyiddin Yassin)所帶領的「國民聯盟」(Perikatan Nasional)則緊追在後, 73席;而執政的「國民陣線」(Barisan Nasional)只拿下30席,雖然僅有30席,但預計 能透過選擇支持哪一個陣營來扮演重要角色。 案 W 馬來西亞下議院有222個席次,媒體報導指出,這是馬國首次出現「懸峙國會」(hun parliament)局面。獲得多數席次的希望聯盟、國民聯盟勢必得和其他政黨或聯盟合作, 能取得籌組政府所需的席次。儘管「希望聯盟」奪下最多的國會席次,但有新加坡媒體認為 「希望聯盟」與其他政黨聯盟之間存有意識形態差異,很難找到潛在的執政聯盟夥伴,因此 較難取得足夠的國會議員支持籌組政府,其他政黨團體比較可能願意與「國民聯盟」攜手合 “联合內閣之成員是由來自不同政黨的黨員所組成,因此閣員背belong的party可能 作。 有不同的政見,利益考量,易使政策制定和施政方針变Complex,故(5) 苦思刻开 平鎮高中 ) 41.目前馬來西亞國會未有政黨聯盟獲得足以組成政府的議員席次,因此需要與其他 政黨聯盟合作,共同組閣,但是共同組閣的情形下,較容易出現下列何種狀況? (B) (A)元首權力過度擴張 味麵 (C) 國會易濫用否決權 (B)施政責任不易釐清 (D)內閣任期不固定

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