


英文 高中


Language in Focus ☆ V-ing/p.p...., S + V... 分詞構句(前半句) 本句型是由兩個主詞相同的句子合併而來的分詞構句用法,要點 在於將連接詞帶領的句子化,避免主詞重複敘述。以下以本課 第 8-9 行最完整寫法為例,解釋合併的寫步驟: Ster 先判斷連接網所引導的子每當中將與主要子句主詞是否 相同。若相同,則刪去連養為子句的主詞,避免重複敘述。 連接詞子句 主要子句 But Arraeus thinks quickly, Maynard lays a trap and Step 3 des har crew balow the deck of his remaining ship. 將領高子句中的動詞改為分詞。主動改為現在分詞 V-ing; 「若改過去分詞 p p.p. ,若其動詞為 beV,可直接將 beV 省略。此時表示時態助動詞也一併省略。 But Maynard thinks thinking quickly, Maynard lays a trap and hides his crew below the deck of his remaining ship. 連接詞可斟酌省略, ,若省略後會影響句意,則得保留。 • But Maynard Thinking quickly, Maynard lays a trap and hides his crew below the deck of his remaining ship. Feeling excited, the children opened... on Christmas morning Give It a Shot 綜合練習 ● 請用本課 Language in Focus 句型改寫以下句子 The children felt excited, the children opened their presents on Christmas morning, The children felt excited, opening their' presents on Christmas morning. X s. ② 請圈出正確的答案 (Shocking Shocked by the loud noise outside, we

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英文 高中

請問whereas if這個用法常用嗎?不太明白這個用法,謝謝!🙏🏼

二、綜合測驗 (10%) SENDET LIT-OLL SRETAN da mot/t C 說明:第 11 至 20 題,每題一個空格。請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,並劃記在答案卡 之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者得1分;答錯、 未作答或劃記多於一個選項者, 該題以零分計算。 1 (古)頭髮:台暗壹金 第11至15題為題組 and disas Many people rely on home insurance to protect themselves from accidents and disasters. Sometimes, the worst misfortunes come from inside the home! 11, pet dogs can cause some very 12 it receives each year. some of the worst expensive damage to homes and possessions. One home insurance company located in the UK listed e worst examples out of the roughly 800 dog-related insurance It's common to see excited pooches knocking over things. Some insurance cases were related to dogs knocking over paint cans, bleach bottles, or buckets of water. Dogs have knocked over and broken costly pieces of technology like televisions and laptops. One dog even managed to accidentally turn on the tap in the kitchen sink while the owner was away, 13 the house and causing thousands of pounds' worth of damage. While some damage involving canine antics isn't covered by home insurance policies, ies, other examples can still fall under the terms of the policy. A home insurance policy 14 if the dog soils a covered, which is a good reminder mince ngister of 1152 of include the fasbouds (A) rug, it wouldn't h Placement of a TV destroyed in a dog-redent, . 15 buy a homeowner a new one. Yedi for people to read the insurance policy thoroughly when they're buying coverage. Vb991g (4) 11. In the meantime Dim 19 Dell funds got od to (A) exploiting (B) flooding qui (a) (B) so as on 12sob or (B) consists of 13. (A) 14. (A) since 15. (A) depends qila (0) of os dood ng (9) (C) To sum (C) pleas (C) conveying (8) (C) whereas (C) occurs to listab vas .noitamolni muptidin (D) For example Isolum (8) (D) fees no od vd (D) discarding 12 (A) (D) unless (D) sets aside sets asidebnA P air of 820pon grivait neitor (A) 第16至20題為題組 (1) From April 2022, big changes began coming to Japanese schools. For many years, Japan's students had lived with some of the world's strictest dress codes. The rules for public school pupils

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英文 高中

想請問一下第1.2.4.5題怎麼寫 (高中英文文法)

(C) with which (C) resulted vluga (C) gọn srik noswisd qid (D) to go iT 1 ( Ditoldis (8) Jantigito A C) 1. The restaurant sends out questionnaires on a monthly basis with a view their guests' opinions on their service. BISYRAIRT DOA (C) to collecting Trone world a (Don collecting (A) to collect (B) that collects ) 2. The professor if gap it an honor to be invited to give a speech in such an important international conference. Jay gnols 153 or sidsau (D) considers (A) views (B) regards (h) 3. So far we haven't decided our next step. It all depends on ''B' tonight's meeting. (A) how 3. (A) that A) 4.(A) resulting ) 5. (A) going p III. Grammar 25% DB ) 4. Sam is said to be a made the decision. bat (A) strong-willed AD' (B) where (B) result (B) went CA (C) sees ib (a) (B) what q 2209 (D) III It (D) which result 30V J the mayor will say in dan me (C) which (a) (D) when (A) young man who won't change his mind easily once he has assiq edi mont selon suit yd (C) will-strong (B) strength-willing 5. Mrs. Cage really worries about her son. He never pays any attention to the teacher in the ried class, Mo have any desire to learn. at agsdaq bas asignyl0 boob jom aff (A) he doesn't (B) and so he (C) nor does heilid (D) he neithered of loi s vtched stor hoq IV. Translation 25% 1. Tim 非但沒有放棄,他成功抵達受戰亂摧殘的村落並幫助原住民登上救援船。(Instead...) 1003 village War-Torn (D) willing-strongly

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