


英文 高中


HOZZJ that pa change Angela Duckworth, an American scholar, gave a TED Talk in New York entitled "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance." The ideas in her talk were later made into a book with the same title, 3. was published in 2016. 4. years earlier, Duckworth accepted a job as a mathematics teacher at a public school in New York. Her talk details how 5. the years, her students gradually taught her that to be successful, natural intelligence alone is not enough. One must also possess what is 7. by a strong determination to known 6. grit. Grit refers to consistent effort achieve a goal. Through detailed research, Duckworth discovered that people with high levels of grit remain highly motivated to achieve their goals 8. giving up on them. In other words, someone with true grit will see himself or herself getting closer to his or her goal day by day. Therefore, that person will always be able to keep himself or herself 9. to achieving that goal. Duckworth's TED Talk and book have since book have since inspired millions remained on The New York Times' bestseller list for almost half a A 10. Her boo following its t a year publication./leave/find +0+ (1. (A) what 學士廟讀 高檢眼 (B) which (C) how CDB (B 2. (A) So (B) (A) 3.(A) which (B) it (C) that (D) 4.(A) Few (00 (B) Little) (C) A little (D) 5.(A) with (B) around (C) until 6.(A) by (B) 7.(A) drives (B) for (C) as tedi. (B) driven (C) driving (A) 8. (A) instead of 9. (A) dedicate (B) dedicating (B) regardless of (C) except for such 這樣的: (C) very (D) same (D) 9gbird) and insinu (D) A fewsl (D) over (D) to be (D) to drive (D) in addition to (D) why HTA. 197 OT (C) dedicated (D) to dedicate 10.(A) in turn (B) around the world 新人会画画 香取湖小匙 (H (C) on their way (D) around the corner 六、文意選填:10% WN (A) worthy (B) discuss (C) technological (D) with (E) increase (F) audience (G) speaks of (H) as well as (I) celebrity (J) by From the beginning, before a word is spoken, it's clear that Molly Wright's TED T mits in a high chair. A little girl walks out, smilin 2 weak pho ask chi

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英文 高中

請問17題為什麼不選原形呢 而是選ing?

(A) A recent study has found that Facebook is the social media platform responsible for spreading the most fake news. Facebook users must therefore be careful lest they "Ishould be . swayed by false information. Many think that the spread of fake news is key to 17. _ people's political views. However, the researchers revealed that it's quite difficult to make a voter change their mind 18. who they plan to vote for just through fake news. According to the report 19, after the study, in the build-up to the 2016 US presidential election, almost half of all US voters visited fake news sites. Thankfully, this high volume did not seem to decrease people's desire to also seek buat pas les from more Pua 20. sources. However the report contained one alarming finding about the period 21. the election. On average, people tended to spend more time reading 22. is from untrustworthy websites, compared with articles from reliable sources. The researchers also reminded people to 23. that further studies are required. Only by conducting more research 24. this subject can we determine how much fake news influences public opinion. Nevertheless, 25. is clear is that during that period, numerous fake news articles were spread through Facebook and thus were available to millions. It seems the platform has a lot to answer for. ) 16. (4) were (B) will be (Q) are (D) be (A.) 17. (A) influencing (B) influence @ influences (R) influenced (D) 16

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英文 高中

請問73為什麼不能選A 謝謝!

Violate 11:31 * J 86% 47 MM 19H01 anowcu moons, svom goes out to SMOKO :) in order to (B) in order to not(C) for fear that (D) so as no to 48 - The Pildren found a fun thing to play in the park. (A) this (B) that (C) it (D) X 49 · We ought to avoid littering. pollute the environment. (A) so that we might (B) for fear of (C) lest we should (D) only to 50 · As the saying goes, “Money can make the devil the millstone." (A) push (B) to pushed (C) pushing (D) to pushing 51 I intended a trip to Hawaii last month but a typhoon spoiled my pla (A) to go on (B) going on (C) to going on (D) to have gone on 52 Driving cars full of excitement but driving lessons rather bo (A) is; is (B) is; are (C) are; is (D) are; are 53 The milk tea is very cold. Do you mind for me? (A) Man to set (B) Man setting (C) Man's setting (D) Man set 72 · Many people prefer living in the country in a city. (A) to live (B) to living (C) than to living (D) than living 73 · Take this medicine. It can a cold. (A) make you not catch (B) avoid you to catch (C) keep you from being caught (D) prevent you from catching 74 · After writing for two hours, he the picture book. (A) stopped reading (B) stopped and read (C) went on reading (D) went on to read 75 There is that hard work leads to achievement. (A) no denying (B) not denied (C) no deny (D) not deniable 76、 confident is the first step toward successful. (A) To be; to become (B) To be; becoming (C) Being; becoming (D) Being; being become 77. Which statement is correct? (A) But for your help, I would have drowned in the dangerous river. (B) I wish I can fly like a bird. (C) Would that I had stopped time and preserved that day forever. (D) The machine can pull up trees as if they are weeds. 78 · Which statement is correct? (A) To collect stamps are May's hobby. (B) Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coins. (C) I'm starved. Please give me something to eat it. (D) I find it time-wasting to chatting on the Internet. 79 · Which statement is correct? (A) It is no use to cry over spilt milk. (B) There is no knowing what he will do next, for he’s such a strange perso (C) On arriving at Taipei, I found my friend to wait for me at the station. (D) He couldn't help but being late. There was heavy fog on the highway. 80 · Which statement is correct? (A) It is very nice of you to help the old lady cross the street. (B) It was wise for her not to cheat on the test. (C) Here are some pens for you to write. (D) The house is large enough for the Wangs to live. 81 - Which statement is correct? (A) Mother Teresa is devoted to helping the poor and the needy all her life. (DITI... jotell... -11-...-11....

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英文 高中

2、3、6、7、9、10 第六題我理解錯了嗎 被懲罰不是嗎😂 第九題我需要翻譯🙏

有呈 ] the Mrs- etip ping ne 10 生 4 4語 14 1 16 4表 18 19 20 精選考題 The term 捉 3 1 uman 上lesh Search Engine was originally coined in 2001 to deseribe “a seareh that waSs human i 菇 n-powered rather than Computer-driven.”Because of the convenient and 和 蘭CO nature of information sharing in cyberspace, the Human Flesh Search is often used to 1 information usually difficult or impossibl to find by other 生 Over the years, the Human Flesh Search was repeatedly ded, sometimes 2 才 同 人 against Socially unacceptable behaviors, Such as political corruption,。 extramarital affairs Or animal cruelties。 Individuals on the receiving end often have their real-life identities or private informafion 3 public, and can be subjected to harassment. One ofthe first notorious cases ofhuman flesh research involved the search for a taxi driver who allegedly __4 his car Window to spit on an elderly homeless person lying on the street. Witnesses recor jed the first feW digits of the spitter”S number plate and publicized the incident. Thousands 0f net光then banded together online to : Wo si 了0 the 5人5 Or. Hours later, they Zeroed in on a young man Whose number 交e was a partial match, and vowed to see him 6 - Ever since then, the young man was bombarded With 發 hraS ing calls from perfect strangersS, Some OfE22島三 r attentilon on a single person, some me “flesh- Ps施 >” cyberbullying Qn 蟬 jmaSeSG1@ 全全全3全US 生8 ing tareets Drivacy and f internet unfairly_ 號 由 和 person's INu 以 Last_ month a Chinese offieial im charge 0 su和人 state the government would go to ahy 一 9 __tostopb this kind ofcyberviolence- even 同 點謂 kill him. When so many strangers focus thel 入 too far and make 7 議 1和 10 (twice before embarkin r To avoid legal 阱全放 1s 說 every Web user 一 呈 jine moral crusade。 生 on the so 只戰 on Ine Go4cYo) , ? 了Yee (D) construct 章 同 必

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英文 高中


《/ SO aUHO OHC _ WILL UG See 7 (A) exXhibit (B) fortune (C) poverty 二、說人沿除 (15分 PO 說明:第16題至第30 題,每是一個空格, 請依文意選出最適當的一個居項。 擇題答案區 ,、各題答對者,得 1 分)答錯、 未作答或畫記多於二個本項 16 至 20 題為題組 The Taipei Bike Sharing System Service Plan, also known as 1 opularity since its lalnph ,訕 2012. Taipei City S YouBike service, exceeding 7 3 pop 更和店 P 層 ffet _16_notonly for it ability (6,406 bikes across 196 rental stations) and a small chargce 了 CC, (NTS$10 every half hour for fhe first 4 hours), but a訊 由 other neat features- For Instan 人 bikeis 17 with lights that are powered by pedali具1 li 1 1 1ast another 60 to 90 seconds, which enhances Safety for riders ) under the front basket 計one wants to park the bike elsewhere than at the Stations- 1 bd who worry about not being able to remt bikes at the stations they want, there 1s an official app for them to check the number of bikes remaining at 人he 說 ions. 20 all these merltS and ao billion budget to spend on this project by 2019, the tr 品 ts ofTaipei”s YouBike are bright indeed. “YouBike,”has enjoyed 所 ion 1ps t hight. “TS el 6. (A) praised 撫 (B) to praise (C) is pralsing (D) has been praised 4 (A) egquipped (B) managed (C) repaired (D) appointed'd 沒 C星 (A) Meanwhile折 果 (B) Similarly (C) Furthermore (D) 全了 此 ~ (A) anyone + 者秩y. (B) those (C) them (D) neither : 0. (A) Along (B) As (0 By 說入 /洶養0) With 為題組 光鮑 Holi, one of the major fstivals of India, is the most Vibrant of all. lls Pi 一一一一,, The India, Nepal, and other regions ofthe World with people 0f Indian orgm br ica, This ancient Fn , _ ,, Pure計 站廬人計計

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